One proposal offered for an "incel" flag. The white bar at the center represents functional members of society who are effective at courtship and dating. The various shades of grey denote a spectrum within inceldom with each outward vertical bar representing an escalating degree of the incel status. The darkest shades of grey represent the ultimate incels, truecels; the lightest shades represent the least incel incels, nearcels.
No, we used to be supportive of lolcows and let them open up completely. We used to foster drama, conflict and discourse in general. It was both entertaining and sometimes interesting.
Everyone can shit on something. Now playing the role of liking something you don't, that's a lot harder. I make the same mistake myself.
Is this Saturday's Market in Middletown, PA? I've seen this guy before. He's right next to the python guy. $50 gets you a python from 2 - 8 feet in length and a free storage container for them.
1 miltonberlescock 2018-11-16
I have several questions
1 20171245 2018-11-16
What are you? Some kind of Nazi Jew?
1 OnionBits 2018-11-16
Here's some gold kind stranger π€πππ€π€ π π¦
1 mysticalmisogynistic 2018-11-16
1) Where is the Star-Spangled Banner?
1 youcanteatbullets 2018-11-16
At the very top. Though it looks weirdly colored I assume that's an artifact of the photograph.
1 scroopynoopersdid911 2018-11-16
Why did people downvote you?
1 RealJackAnchor 2018-11-16
Fragile mayo ego? That's the usual answer I see around here anyway.
1 BeastTrinity 2018-11-16
Nah, it's probably black and white to represent something, making it a different flag.
1 RDay 2018-11-16
Flag etiquette states no other flag shall be displayed equal or superior in pole height to the Star Spangled Banner.
1 -Kite-Man- 2018-11-16
Check the decal on his window to have all of them resolved.
1 Littlebigcountry 2018-11-16
Flag Emporium. You can see a sticker on the window.
1 Handsome7InchesTruth 2018-11-16
All that's missing is a communist flag and it'd be complete
1 mysticalmisogynistic 2018-11-16
The three confederate flags and German flag are a perfect balance with the rest though.
1 zergling_Lester 2018-11-16
Do incels have a flag?
1 Handsome7InchesTruth 2018-11-16
1 zergling_Lester 2018-11-16
Also, someone is shilling it on non-English wikis
Great shit, thank you!
1 HumongousGentleman 2018-11-16
It's almost over for nearcels
1 hungarianmeatslammer 2018-11-16
This is one of the funniest things I have read in a long time. This isn't satire?
1 Insanidae 2018-11-16
Incels should demand representation under the LGBTQ banner
1 RDay 2018-11-16
1 mukumukum12 2018-11-16
There's room for them in the LGBTQAIDS
1 fernguts 2018-11-16
Haha! That would be awesome. 4chan gets to get on that.
1 rileykard 2018-11-16
Why is it moving? WHY IS IT MOVING?!
1 Wraith_GraveSpell 2018-11-16
Right here buddy
1 awsompossum 2018-11-16
I also think the kekistan flag fits the bill
1 POST_BUSSY 2018-11-16
It's missing my favourite flag: False flag
1 Iowa_Hawkeye 2018-11-16
Radical centrism at it's finest.
1 kellhusian 2018-11-16
1 questionasky 2018-11-16
Just capitalism: "Confederate Joe's Flag Emporium" lololololol
1 69big69daddy69 2018-11-16
he seems very pro flag, not centrist at all unless he also burns flags of varying ideologies in his spare time
1 1plus1equalsgender 2018-11-16
He sells flags.
1 Women-Warriors 2018-11-16
This is missing the truewomensliberation flag. Which if everyone isn't informed here is a severed phallus.
1 Zian64 2018-11-16
I like flags too
1 MemoirsofCrime 2018-11-16
I wish we were more like this guy instead of shitting on everything we simply upheld everything at once.
1 potatoesarenotcool 2018-11-16
Or shit on everything at once
1 potatoesarenotcool 2018-11-16
Like literally
1 piplechef 2018-11-16
So..... Facebook then?
1 Signedupforthisshit2 2018-11-16
Believe in everything, strive for the nothing!
1 pepperouchau 2018-11-16
Positive vibes only in this sub π€π€π€
1 22333444455555666666 2018-11-16
that would be gay af
1 MemoirsofCrime 2018-11-16
No, we used to be supportive of lolcows and let them open up completely. We used to foster drama, conflict and discourse in general. It was both entertaining and sometimes interesting.
Everyone can shit on something. Now playing the role of liking something you don't, that's a lot harder. I make the same mistake myself.
1 RealJackAnchor 2018-11-16
It's true. I was going to beat up some fags, but they wouldn't let me in, so I had to let them fuck me. But then I kicked their asses.
So who's the real winner?
1 Kellere31 2018-11-16
1 Megazor 2018-11-16
Unironically this
1 aX10mAt1CaL1Y 2018-11-16
He sells them you tards
1 Watermark03 2018-11-16
Still a pretty weird combo of flags to display as a flag salesman.
1 ScoutforHire 2018-11-16
Well, it made you look for a little longer than you otherwise wouldβve, right?
Effective advertising.
1 cruelandusual 2018-11-16
1 RDay 2018-11-16
What the fuck?
All this time I thought that was REM!
God damn what is it with this timeline?
1 RealJackAnchor 2018-11-16
That doesn't sound anything like REM though?
1 AnnoysTheGoys 2018-11-16
They were heavily influenced by REM and that's their most REMmy song
1 RDay 2018-11-16
Its like when I first heard Temple of the Dog and thought it was Pearl Jam. That was an awesome story and a timeless riff.
1 AnnoysTheGoys 2018-11-16
tbf any song with Eddie Vedder singing will sound like Pearl Jam
1 Littlebigcountry 2018-11-16
But his name is Confederate Joe.
1 aX10mAt1CaL1Y 2018-11-16
And this is his Flag Emporium. He's an honest, average Confederate Joe selling these fine, if not a little strange, flags.
1 Mamacrass 2018-11-16
Considerate Joeβs.
1 Sycsa 2018-11-16
1 Momruepari 2018-11-16
it's r/radicalcentrism u fucking mong
1 pisserpatterwater 2018-11-16
A subreddit for liberals to circlejerk over centrist strawmen.
1 Sycsa 2018-11-16
Arenβt all political subreddits like that?
1 error404brain 2018-11-16
Some are for tankies or nazis.
1 3spartan300 2018-11-16
r/enlightendcentrism are tankies though
1 RDay 2018-11-16
I had to google tankie. Is that a right wing slur of the extreme left, or the left in general (left of Nixon)?
1 RyuunDragon 2018-11-16
The left use the term themselves to talk about the insanely rabid left that you could apply horseshoe theory to
1 error404brain 2018-11-16
It's for communist wheraboo equivalent that say stalin was a great guy and mao did nothing wrong.
1 CirqueDuFuder 2018-11-16
A subreddit for
liberalstankies to circlejerk over centrist strawman.1 anonymous93 2018-11-16
A subreddit for
liberalstankiesprogressives to circlejerk over centrist strawman.1 Wraith_GraveSpell 2018-11-16
A subreddit for
liberalstankiesprogressivesjobless retards to circlejerk over centrist strawman.1 CirqueDuFuder 2018-11-16
That sub is fucking atrocious. It is for people in Politics to be even smugger and without moderation.
1 MPHJ-7 2018-11-16
Nah, more like r/dirtbagcenter. That place fits what this is better, r/enlightenedcentrism is just r/ShitLiberalsSay
1 electronicwizard 2018-11-16
I think this guy just found the loophole to successfully flying the Nazi flag without getting called one.
1 Watermark03 2018-11-16
Surround it with the Israeli, Mexican, and pan-african flag - yeah.
1 kier00 2018-11-16
If you are looking for another loophole WWII reenacting is really popular.
1 shanewater 2018-11-16
Military cosplay is pathetic, real (((men))) enlist in the army and get blown up for real!
1 kamehamequads 2018-11-16
God bless
1 Cajoal 2018-11-16
Step 1: Become a semi-famous actor
Step 2: Get cast as a SS officer
Step 3: Get to walk around in sweet-ass SS uniform for a few months
1 RealJackAnchor 2018-11-16
Pewdiepie isn't a famous actor?
1 1plus1equalsgender 2018-11-16
1 multiplesifl 2018-11-16
1 loli_esports 2018-11-16
nah, reddit still calls reenactors racists
1 -Kite-Man- 2018-11-16
Step 1: Buy a flag shop.
1 20171245 2018-11-16
This is the future radical centrist want.
1 themelonking911 2018-11-16
Get your hustle on baby. Dont get mad cause hes making paper off of everybody ππππ
1 wallumbilla_Jamborie 2018-11-16
I've been doxxed
1 Cauchemar89 2018-11-16
Oh hey, it's Shirrako's Van.
1 [deleted] 2018-11-16
1 Rosaarch 2018-11-16
Reddit has crashed.
1 broden 2018-11-16
comedy is just tragedy + power + privilege
1 [deleted] 2018-11-16
1 4ntonvalley 2018-11-16
I'm here because a imbecile of human waste decided this was worth 'trending'. Gah!
1 mysticalmisogynistic 2018-11-16
I'm either misreading or I've been whoooshed.
1 [deleted] 2018-11-16
1 CirqueDuFuder 2018-11-16
Sounds like a ban request. Application accepted. You are welcome.
1 gilmore606 2018-11-16
god's work you're doin
1 wewladin 2018-11-16
Cool story nerd
1 The-Gribbler 2018-11-16
Hi boogie
1 Frptwenty 2018-11-16
<3 :)
1 I-hate-trump 2018-11-16
1 hastur777 2018-11-16
The man is just a flag fan.
1 -Mopsus- 2018-11-16
1 davros_12 2018-11-16
Just needs a hammer and sickle
1 ZMowlcher 2018-11-16
This is beautiful.
1 tksmase 2018-11-16
No hammer n sickle so nah
1 apcreddit 2018-11-16
Confederate Joes flag emporium. Lmao.
1 RDay 2018-11-16
1 Littlebigcountry 2018-11-16
1 Matues49 2018-11-16
Put this on the sidebar
1 SombraWolf 2018-11-16
Some men just want to watch the world burn.
1 Steve_Blackmom 2018-11-16
Confederate Joe contains multitudes
1 SuperBlaar 2018-11-16
Confederate Joe's Flag Emporium! My go-to for all my LGBT and Pan-African flag needs.
1 ApugalypseNow 2018-11-16
Is this Saturday's Market in Middletown, PA? I've seen this guy before. He's right next to the python guy. $50 gets you a python from 2 - 8 feet in length and a free storage container for them.
1 loli_esports 2018-11-16
sounds like hes oversaturated the python market
1 ApugalypseNow 2018-11-16
Yeah, it's weird. He sells little baby pythons up to eight-footers at the same price, so it's definitely not a "by the foot" situation.
1 MPHJ-7 2018-11-16
1 lol_te_gusto 2018-11-16
Radical Capitalism
1 lol_te_gusto 2018-11-16
maybe? RadCap
1 fernguts 2018-11-16
No Canadian flag? Racist.
1 bugeyedredditors 2018-11-16
It's just a humble centrist flag salesman.
1 Spike-Ball 2018-11-16
Gay Nazis really were a thing. Hitler's #2 was a gay Nazi.... Until he was dead.
1 degorius 2018-11-16
1 pedrofresh 2018-11-16
He needs to mash up all these flags with each other's colors and symbols. Just to fuck with the minds of the politically incompetent.
1 BeastRBunny 2018-11-16
Anyone want to have a crack at naming all the flags?
1 typodthetripod 2018-11-16
I got my eyes on that pirate flags o.o
1 18aidanme 2018-11-16
needs the ottoman flag.
1 Imsosorryyourewrong 2018-11-16
I haven't figured out definitively if conservatives are pro Nazi ot pro jew
1 Crusader_1096_2 2018-11-16
Oh, I get it. That guy is a flag salesman.
1 nanonan 2018-11-16
Needs more ISIS.
1 CanadianCartman 2018-11-16
I unironically want the "Come and Take It" flag.
1 92nd 2018-11-16
This isnβt even centrist itβs just what a certain type of idiot believes libertarianism is
1 SevenSix 2018-11-16
So sick of that statist strawman that believing in personal liberty automatically makes you some kind of deranged flag-seller apologist.
1 UmamiTofu 2018-11-16
I want to do this, but with the top all time from /r/vexillologycirclejerk.
1 Rotten_BananaMC 2018-11-16
Centrists in a nutshell
1 mr_norge 2018-11-16
Missing the hammer and sickle and isis
1 Kellere31 2018-11-16
(((It))) is sentient.
1 MPHJ-7 2018-11-16
1 Wraith_GraveSpell 2018-11-16
Holy shit.