They just can't help themselves: Gamers RRREEEEEE when Steam bans loli hentai.

1  2018-11-16 by IAmAN00bie


I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


  1. This Post -,,,

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Not under my watch

Curse you ping ban! CURSE YOUUU!!

It's not a hitpiece if you're actually a pedo haven

What kind of a fucking sped do you have to be to pay for anime tits?

Is there anything more pathetic than paying porn stars/cam girls?

Paying for imaginary girls?

I think that's a step above because it's like your paying for a porn tape, it's still pathetic but it's a step above

What if you comission an artist to design a waifu for you then pay to have that waifu printed on a body pillow?

Should use that pillow and die by waifu snu snu

several people on /r/waifuism actually have commissioned their own daki designs from artists. I'm quite jealous tbh.

Or lack thereof. Were talking about CHILDREN after all.

This is an attack on lolicons like myself

Good. Wish I could ping.

Sorry, your anti lolicon rhetoric does not work here.

Please direct all anti lolicon rhetoric to our resident creepy van owner Mr. Yameteonigirisashmi

Obligatory it's over for pingcels

I thought that degenerate shot their account in the head?

he's back again with a different alt. username bigtiddyanimewaifu

I should'a known. I knew I'd tasted this flavour of autism before...

Yes, and? People don’t go around taking away BDSM porn cause it it weird. Yet some people freak out over drawn pictures. As I have said before loli porn/ any hentai is much more safe and healthy for the community, as it does not support the dangerous social economy of the porn industry. Instead, people get paid to do art. It’s rather fantastic and I’m glad to be a part of the lolicon community. Now, why was it you wanted to ping me?

I’m glad to be a part of the child rape cartoon community.


I tried to link him to your comment and their bot deleted it REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

PMs bro

ive already used up my effort points for the day

just dm him. who the fuck is going to know? dipshit mods wont. do it

pedophiles of peace

Holy shit, these dudes are arguing over the definition of "hardcore" loli porn.


Imagine animated child porn law taking up space in your memory.


Can you at least post webms of anime children? This quality and framerate is shit.

Its over for pedocels

Active in these communities








This is the real confusing part

And? We don’t go around taking down your sub for offending people. Same should go to us.

Taking down? We’re just laughing/marveling at you. Feel free to do the same

You seem to be laughing at the idea of our art and ideas of freedom being censored. That’s like laughing at a rape victim, it enables the perpetrators behavior.


If your not going to communicate like an adult don’t communicate with me.


Man I'm not saying that place was ever good but they've really gone down a cliff over the past couple years.

Free speech=not hindering my ability to watch CP

loli =/= c0



Not being able to ping these pedos is a tragedy on par with human trafficking

This is a violation of my frozen peaches.

Hmm why wouldn't multi billion dollar company want to host and profit from animated child porn. It truly is a mystery. Any idea gamers?


B-but Valve said they wouldn't censor anything on Steam REEEEEE!!!

Censorship is bad though. If Valve says they won't censor, they shouldn't censor.

It's a shame they meant "We won't censor sometimes"

Censorship is bad though

Prove it.

Every time I see this dipshit argument, it's by people who don't think too far ahead. Lolicon may not directly inspire people into fucking actual children, but it does normalize the condition of pedophilia rather than the healthier and safer route of encouraging pedos to get help.

I'm surprised KiA isn't defending those Zoosadist creeps since it's the same shitty argument.

I'm thinking farther ahead than you. Nothing should be illegal, as long as it doesn't directly harm anyone, or their property.

Banning loli stuff would literally be punishing people for thinking the wrong way. Once the government starts doing that, they will punish people for other opinions or thoughts.

Zoosadism hurts animals, so it is bad. Pedophilia harms children, it is bad. Who does loli hentai, or any type of hentai, hurt? Nobody.

I don't even like loli hentai, I just don't want it to be illegal to think the wrong way.

hot centrist take

being into loli makes you a freak

but freaking out over it and calling it the same as actual, real-life CP makes you a fucking retard

hot take in KIA: jerking of to loli makes you a pedophile.

lolicon monopoly: every space is “go to jail”

Exactly. You can not like it all you want but if there is no victim why should anyone give a shit?

Having such a viewpoint however I guess makes you a pedo now.


What happened to the phrase:

I disapprove of you jerking it to young cute, nubile cartoon teenage girls, but I will defend to the death your right to do so. ?

Chemically castrate yourself please


no. I want to live and I want to love, I want to catch something that I might be ashamed of.

if they ever adapt this format here they'd have to age down the decoys a bit, 14 wouldn't even be illegal

Society and the Human species are the victims.

Cry me a river.

Just because you have the mental acuity of a child, that doesn't make loli any less degenerate.

Oh my god someone’s looking at drawings on the internet, how will society cope with this? And even worse some of them are committing wanton acts of violence and sin on virtual playgrounds of decadence and bloodshed, no doubt causing immense unspecific harm to society. It must be banned.

I'm sure goatse games are also missing from steam, and goatse enthusiasts are choir boys compared to degenerate lolicons

Found the pedo.

Won’t someone please think of the drawings!

Honestly loli should be used as a honeypot to detect and flag people like you as potential offenders. Fucking freak.

Is it really that hard to grasp that some people don’t want to ban everything they don’t like?

Why are you so invested in this? Why do you care so much about pedophiles having access to animated child porn?

Reality check: You creeps have no allies. Nobody stands with you. Society hates pedophiles, and it hates you. This is what it feels like to be part of a marginalized, reviled, and universally rejected group of people.

Why are you so invested in this? Why do you care so much about pedophiles having access to animated child porn?

Basically every argument for why we should ban drawn porn has a mirror argument for why we should ban violent media. It’s all based off either knee jerk disgust or a hunch that it’ll cause real crime.

you dont understand centrism do you

Hot Centrist Take: Lolicons are freaks, but you're a lolcow.

I wouldn’t call Valve banning it from Steam freaking out over it but yeah. Loli is disgusting but thinking it should be a crime is fucking stupid.

there's a lot of people in r/drama who REEEEE about loli garbage, it's kind of funny

There's a lot of normal humans who find pedophilia wrong and disgusting

lol nuerotypicals, amirite?

giving this much of a shit about cartoons

nothing typical about that friendo

Nobody watches porn featuring cartoon children unless they're a pedophile. Pedophiles should be purged wherever they're found. You're sick, dude.

lol calling other people sick because they don't want to literally kill people for jerking off to fictional cartoon characters, calm down buddy.

Haha yeah what kind of retarded faggots would find jerking it to children objectionable? 😂😂😂

yeah what kind of retard would think cartoons of fictional characters are the same as jerking it to actual children

Hot Centrist Takes are a founding part of r/drama

Everyone'a freak, noones really normal

Most of loli is related to various paraphillias amd exclusively 2D fantasies rather than pedophilia per se

loliphobes will be beheaded

Taking the side of child rape cartoons is the biggest act of self-own any group has made since the DNC made Hilldawg the Dem candidate in 2016.

In the choice between fucking a child and fucking Hillary Clinton, I choose death

Black daddy looking fabulous for the satanic child sacrifice/ office potluck

Bohemian Grove was lit af last year

Pedocel when will they learn

Why is the right so chocked-full of pedophiles and pedo-defenders?

They targeted lolicons


if steam wants to ban it they can do so but it isnt illegal under US law

loli is a basic human right

(even if you don't like it, as a majoroty of them don't)