Femcels once again believe """actual""" women don't play with or enjoy their own boobs; blame the idea that they do on porn

1  2018-11-17 by yuyuyuyuu


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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Off by the, um, gender. Nice try though, Snappy.

Meanwhile, real girls hitting puberty are feeling self conscious and uncomfortable around male family and friends...

These retards treat being a woman like a fucking gladiatorial match to death. I wonder how they grew up with that amount of paranoia

I guess thier uncles played a role in that

That's because all /r/drama posters are the creepy older male relatives

are you calling me a boomer?

these are fighting words here

Certain kinds of feminism attract the most anxious and neurotic women and then they all circle jerk about how their lives are constantly full of anxiety and neuroticism and blame it on their gender instead of the fact that they are anxious and neurotic people.

This, probably. I can’t relate to most of the shit these people complain about, and I can’t imagine being that helpless about it.

It’s like “mansplaining” - who the fuck cares? If someone’s being a condescending ass about a topic you’re knowledgeable in, just throw it back in their face. I actually like it when this happens, because it gives you an excuse to be a bitch without feeling bad about it. Very satisfying.

But no, it’s other people’s fault that they have no spine.

I play with my titties.

Shit feels good.

I'm way to flat chested to do so. -_-