This entire website is a national embarrassment.

1  2018-11-17 by DianaKurlan55


You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


  1. This Post -,,,

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This, but unironically.

Literally didn't care had sex

So........I did the only thing that I can think of to piss her completely off. I flew to Japan and went to one of those sex hotels where they have a catalog of girls available. Sure, it might have cost me 2k for the next hour. But her reaction when I sent a picture of me, naked with 10 girls (also naked) flew her off the handle completely!

Same for this guy, plus he owned his ex pretty good.

Of all things that have happened, none have definitely happened more than that.

Yeah, well I once slept with fifty japansese sex prostitutes who cost a million dollars! They were double naked, and I took a photo of me sexing in their butts. Afterwards, they all applauded and gave the money back.

Okay, this is epic.

Chad af, /r/hapas on suicide watch.

It's not really the website itself that is the problem, but yet its reflection on society.

Far too many children now, and recently children (young "adults") who have been growing up with parents who don't properly limit, monitor and administer their internet access.

This phenomenon has created a massive clusterfuck in the grander scheme of evolution and human progress.

who don't properly limit, monitor and administer their internet access.

Pretty much bullshit. I grew up in a "town" with a population of 600. The only stable Internet connection 20 years ago you could get was in the school. Even nowadays the fastest line is 10 up and 1 down. Half the kids I went to school with were Mennonites from farm communities around the town and they didn't have Internet at all. Half of these stories you read in this thread could be from them.

You’re missing the point completely.

I can't miss the point if there isn't a point.

I understand the point that you think you are making, but unfortunately, it's not that simple.

Things are different now, due to massively changing societal demographics, parenting habits, and chemical infiltration into peoples life.

And it's not as simple as "reeeee the Internet is bad" argument you're making. Before the Internet it was TV, before that it was music, before that literature and before that some dong graffiti on Roman walls. Societal demographics always changed, parenting habits always changed, chemical "infiltration" always changed. Hell, 100 years ago you had people taking lead as medicine and building houses out of asbestos. Nothing about the current state is somehow special.

The internet in and of itself is a tool just like any other tool. Can be used for good or for ill. That only qualified adults should have full access to, just like driving a car, guns, or any other thing that society deems only appropriate for adults.

Can be used for good or ill, building or destroying, but only allowed to be used by those who are qualified to do so.

Children should only have access to encyclopedic content, schoolwork, scholastic stuff. Parents allowing/feeding/turning on devices all willy-nilly is a horrible thing, and should be considered child abuse.

Children should only have access to encyclopedic content, schoolwork, scholastic stuff. Parents allowing/feeding/turning on devices all willy-nilly is a horrible thing, and should be considered child abuse.

This argument is as old as humanity. 40 years ago it was "child abuse" to let your kid watch too much TV. 70 years ago it was "child abuse" to let your kid listen to the wrong music. 150 years ago it was "child abuse" to let your kid read the wrong books. And somehow all this "child abuse" propelled us further and further.

That only qualified adults should have full access to, just like driving a car, guns, or any other thing that society deems only appropriate for adults.

A car and a gun are physical things. The Internet isn't.

As to your first point, I understand that argument, but today is different. The global, anonymous reach into little children's minds while they are laying in their bed/in their bedrooms alone at night where their parents are just using the internet to be a substitute babysitter and no proper adults are monitoring their internet access, and the little ones don't have proper critical thinking skills due to lack of proper education systems that are so prevalent today, is a major problem and what makes today different from the examples you site.

As to your second point, I know many people (adults) who are mature, respectable and responsible enough to carry guns. IRL, actual people who have control over their emotions, actions and thoughts. Proved over many years of life. I trust many adults with guns over children on the internet.

As to your first point, I understand that argument, but today is different.

It's fucking not different. You're just reiterating the same points people made for example about Marilyn Manson and his music. How children don't have the necessary thinking skills and that his music reached into the little minds of children and two of them shot up Columbine HS. All because of his music. It's the same bullshit argument.

You're free to join me here in Saskatchewan and take a look at our Mennonite communities, where kids are sheltered. They don't have Internet at home, use it only at school for school activities, pray three times a day and learn German. They are not prepared for life. Half of them end up as fentanyl corpse begging in downtown Saskatoon for money, because with 18 school is out and they have to look for a job and thus make contact with the real world.

Proved over many years of life. I trust many adults with guns over children on the internet.

I don't see kids killing each other because of the Internet. But somehow we think that people with PTSD are "qualified" to have a gun and then they shoot up bar near Los Angeles. Or that people are "qualified" enough to bun dozens of assault rifles in a few days, just to shoot up a country music festival. Or "qualified" enough to buy an AR-15 just because the person is 18 and then to shoot up a school in Florida. What wonderful "qualified" people.

Have you owned the libs yet?

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You're free to join me here in Saskatchewan and take a look at our Mennonite communities, where kids are sheltered. They don't have Internet at home, use it only at school for school activities, pray three times a day and learn German. They are not prepared for life. Half of them end up as fentanyl corpse begging in downtown Saskatoon for money, because with 18 school is out and they have to look for a job and thus make contact with the real world. Look, seriously, this isn't a black and white issue. TOO MUCH or not enough technology is an issue. Yes, your mennonite people have problems for lack of it, and SO DO PEOPLE WHO ARE GROWING UP OVEREXPOSED to it, also. This is scientific fact at this point.

I don't see kids killing each other because of the Internet

Do some research, it is and has been happening.

It isn't a black and white issue, but your solution of "children should only have access to encyclopedic content, schoolwork, scholastic stuff" for the Internet is a solution for a black and white problem.

Kids can learn, kids can think critically, kids can make decisions. Sheltering them from evil stuff never worked. You have much less control about the life of your kid and what your kid sees or hears than you think. You teach your kids to handle that stuff. You teach them that there is bad and good stuff on the Internet, like there is good and bad stuff on the TV, in music or in books. You teach them how to react to such stuff. But limiting their access works only when you follow the ways of the Mennonites. When I was little and my mother didn't want that I watched certain TV shows, but I watched them at my best friends house instead. Every kid does that.

Do some research, it is and has been happening.

And do some research on how "qualified" people are to handle guns.

Sheltering them from evil stuff never worked.

Ok, go drop your kids off in E. St. Louis, or drop them off in the middle of the woods and tell them to fend for themselves.

I bet they would rather survive in E. St. Louis, because the chance that an adult would help 4 year old and two one year olds is higher than the chance that they would survive in the little forest next to my town, where they would freeze to death in 30 minutes.

censorship doesn't work mate. Not in a free country, atleast.

"parental controls" is another politically correct way of saying censorship.

Your best hope is to, you know, ACTUALLY teach your kids well enough that they end up becoming sensible citizens as they reach adulthood. You can't expect the society to bend to your whims.

This attitude of yours is typical conservative mindset and that is exactly why you are struggling to deal with changes in society.

Coming from a Gallowboob alt, this is rich.

Don't talk about me like that, I'll get you banned!

This, but unironically

It is, but not for this.

I once sexed the sexyest sex i ever have sexed. Tits and my Vagina.

Fuck dude, why’d you have to go and ruin my NNN streak like that?

This post made HAVE SEX

most of those are just boring shit that happens in college to almost everyone.

Remember where you are

Women only do shit like that with chads.

Found the non-chad.

We are all non Chad's

Those audio clips at the end of all posts though..

Why we need Islam.