4chan is officially dead.

1  2018-11-17 by sevp


The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


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reaction thread on super secret board: https://boards.4chan.org/qa/thread/2425416


You can tell all these people are newfags and never used old 4chan, imageboards were never meant to be fast thats why futaba/2ch split up into so many boards


off hand moderation 4chan

I mean, there's a difference between 'not being fast' and only having 8 posts in 20 threads in a single day, most of those being shitty booru images. That was what most chans on Overchan (I guess its Allchan now?) was.

8chan is faster than 2007 4chan was but its apparently dead to those retards

im not talking about those actually dead imageboards like endchan

The website is too pol gone to have any worth now. So be it

The angrier /pol/ gets the better the decision it seems. Let 4chan burn to the ground. You all will bring this on yourselves.

This but unironically

Over the ages, our weapons have grown more sophisticated. With 4chan, we tried a new one: autism. But we underestimated certain of 4chan's citizens... such as /pol/. Gunned down by one of the very people they were trying to purge. Create enough boards and everyone becomes a racist. Their shitposts galvanized the website into saving itself... and 4chan has limped on ever since. We are back to finish the job. And this time no misguided idealists will get in the way. Like moot, you lack the courage to do all that is necessary. If someone stands in the way of true justice... you simply walk up behind them and say "le 56% face".

Where's this from?

From the horse's mouth.

I jumped ship long before /pol/ was ever a thing. The site turned to ass when it's entire population were the same crying manchildren that have taken over reddit and think video games should be a nationally-protected pasttime.

These are the same autists who didn't understand why they had to take away celeb nudes when moot was getting assrammed by Hollywood lawyers, only to make a even shittier 8chan that was pedo/KiA HQ.

My last moments were trolling idiots into raiding scientology - there wasn't anything worth saving anyways so we burnt it to the ground and left

Should've salted the earth

that thing where they were protesting at Scientology locations is some of the gayest shit I've ever seen. If I was driving by I'd be tempted to swerve onto the sidewalk a little bit

I'm no expert but weren't they pretty much always autists?

Oh, absolutely.

But classic 4chan was marginally self aware of how pathetic it was so nobody pushed things seriously on a cartoon porn forum. This whole culture of 4chan having any relevance to real life or being a significant part of people's identity is some terminal cancer brought on by waves of extra strength retards thinking 4chan actually was some secret cool clubhouse for hackers and social revolutionaries.

Arguably, the rise of /r9k/ was probably the first real big tumor, as the board was best described as a proto-incel hangout where kissless virgins whined about the friendzone and how they were going to kill themselves because no qt gf.

What separates it from the tumblr tumor or the twitter tumor or the reddit tumor or the facebook tumor?

kissless virgins

On the other sites, that can be in doubt.

waves of extra strength retards thinking 4chan actually was some secret cool clubhouse for hackers and social revolutionaries

lol so true.

So it's just a domain change?

Yes and no. Gookmoot said that the purpose of this is to make the blue boards more advertiser friendly. The first part of it is the domain change but it's obviously not going to end with that. They're going to redditify 4chan(nel) and destroy what made it worthwhile.

The entire reason 4chan ever got popular is because it was assumed to be the kool hacker kidz hangout where you could say NIGGER and not get in trouble with the cybercops.

Trying to make 4chan ad-friendly is like trying to to use piss to take out the California wildfires.

Oh man, the 2channel guys were not exaggerating when they warned 4chan he was going to try to destroy their site. That japanese idiot is idiot beyond comprehension.

Based gookmoot of the Rising Sun Empire sending the Western Mayo Pigs to serve Allah through jihad

h8chan > 4chan


Mootcels on suicide watch