Islamic extremists are obsessed with gay porn, says expert

1  2018-11-17 by queerjihad


Since when is promotion of gangbang considered as "sexual threat"?


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leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


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I see this researcher has found /r/drama


Since when is a weirdo geek with a blog considered a researcher?

Hey. Hey. You were the one who posted the article.

next article: does ISIS back taytay or platypuses πŸ€”

Plattay more like

They like platypuses.

Which is why we must destroy them.

Bussy Be Upon Him?

Honestly after reading this I started looking into muslim porn searches to see what it was like and there's some weird shit out there:

Snake Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Malaysia (No. 3) Indonesia (No. 4) Egypt (No. 5)


I'm honestly not surprised. Time and time again Pakistan has shown that it is a disgusting shithole that deserves to be partitioned between Afghanistan and India (heck, turn Southern Pakistan into a Latvian colony for all I care).

this comment was made by the Pashtun nationalist gang

Sexual repression tends to breed some real weird cultural shit.

In Sagan's book "the demon-haunted world" he goes over the Inquisition and how sexual a lot of it was. The "tests" would always involve getting naked and poking tits and shit.

sounds like a good time

Do you think India realizes how good Pakistan makes them look? I bet they do.

I bet they do poo.

Fixed your meme there. No thanks needed, but they are always appreciated.

Lol I thought I was the only one. Pa kher wrora aw Pakistan mordabad.

Pakistan is just a means by which Punjabis rule over the other ethnicities tbh.

this comment was made by the Pashtun nationalist gang.

Pashtun gang pashtun gang pashtun gang pashtun gang pashtun gang pashtun gang

My platty luh doin cocaine (ooh)

cocaine opioids

Afghan are just as bad

They just don’t have internet since they live in the stone age

I have heard the statistics are distorted by the fact that porn is blocked there. People keep googling stuff like that to find something that escapes the filter, while in countries where it's not banned, people just need to search for it once.

nibba just ascend into wizardhood

I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.

Arabs are usually packing heat - if i was a self hating closeted gay ISIS computer hacker, id find a way to get a glimpse at some of that arab meat too. Inshallah πŸ‘³πŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ†πŸ‘³πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

Most Arab porn you see online is actually Brazilians

Of course they are. They keep thinking about gays all the time, after all.


Ayy Pitterpatter, how much gay porn do you watch?

Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.

True. Seems lik Pakistanis are working real hard to break that notion. So progressive.

About 10%, if you consider traps gay.

There are a lot more Indian porn producers than Pakis tbh.

islamic sexual repression makes muslim guys crazy.