Members of all houses rally to defend Hufflepuff after insults from a movie theater. Even Slytherins show up, it's truly beautiful 😍

1  2018-11-17 by Snowayne2


Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


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I swear the Harry Potter fanbase is the biggest mayo cult behind Scientology

My sister has memorized them like religious texts, I once asked her how many times she had reread the entire series, and it was like over a hundred times. Like you could've read a thousand different novels but instead you chose to read the same ones over and over again a hundred times. Why?

Looks like autism is a family business then.

Only a member of House Badgercock would say something like this, tbh.

Why are we surprised a lot of these guys live their lives through the lens of Harry potter novels.

It's not a test it's a fucking online poll smh

The tests are so dumb. They’re always just

You find a dead body on the side of the road. What do you do? • Steal their wallet and burn the body • Look for their killer and avenge them • Research what you should do • Panic

Panic, steal their wallet and burn their body, research the guy and who might have killed him, than look for that killer and avenge him.


What about ignore it and leave it to be someone else's problem?

I would like to submit this group of comments...

My son's a Hufflepuff and he was thrilled to discover Newt was too

I’m pretty sure my daughter is as well — she can take the test at 11 and confirm but that’s my suspicion. She’s a brilliant, funny, kind-hearted kid! Hufflepuffs rock.

Can’t take the test at 11? My sister took it when she was 6! She got Slytherin, just like me. Maybe they changed the rules...just lie about her age. 😉

I didn’t know about Newt but I knew Deadpool is a Hufflepuff. Which I love. evidence for the case against democracy.

Are these people acting like Hogwarts is a real place?

No, that would be silly. They're just ostensible adults who are pretending kinda but not really that a magic hat has sorted them into dormitories and that this has significance in their lives.

Magical dormitories full of underage kids of the same gender. Perfectly normal thing to pretend.

Lethally armed young kids. It's like a NRA wet dream

No joke. The common person equates the houses to be smart, brave, evil, and miscellaneous. I am proud to be a Slytherin, but I wish people didn’t think it was synonymous with white supremacy.

Slytherin is clearly libertarian-right. They even share the same symbol.

Motioned carries, let’s burn it all.

Why the fuck is that parent not letting their kid take the retarded quiz until they are 11? It would be best if the kid would never take the test and be introduced to the mayo nonsense that is Harry Potter fandom, but it's pathetic that their parent is retarded enough to hold off on "sorting" the kid until they are the same age as the kids in the HP books.

just lie about her age. 😉

Age is just a construct anyway. Hogwarts sorting though, that's serious. It's not like a 6-year old can just decide to transition to a new house later in life if she's been mis-sorted.

I think it's because the kids take the sorting hat test when they're 11 before starting at Hogwarts. The mental illness is strong in this one.

Ewww harry potter

My son's a Hufflepuff

What the actual fuck? These people should not have kids if they can't understand that this is all make believe.

Sounds like something a Hufflepuff would say.

Imagine calling your son a bitch in public.

That's what this guy just did.

Nothing in fiction should be taken as seriously as mayos do with Harry Potter.

Sometime ago the mayo people used to read the Bible and the Classics to use as shared cultural referents. Now... and fuck, I liked Harry Potter itself well enough, a well-told juvenile adventure, but fuck you can't subsist entirely on that.

Every day we fall further from God's light.

We need Islam more than ever.

My son's a Hufflepuff

Why do we allow these "people" to breed?


“My sons a hufflepuff”


There should a pinging ban exception for when people need to be bullied for their own good

The human race needs to be cancelled