Does anyone here unironically like Israel?

1  2018-11-18 by ihopeitsnormal

If so... why? What have they done for you?

Who cares one way or another about the Israel Pakistan dispute



I shill for them

Mostly being a decent place in a sea of third world dumps.

Me! I really like all their native ethnic foods like Israeli shawarma or falafel.

Yes. Because everyone else hates them for the most retarded reasons, especially Muslims.

I hate them because they act as a Jewish Ethnostate.

This is why I like them

They cause drama just by existing. If anyone supports them they are islamaphobic, if they condemn them they are anti-semetic. So if any famous person says anything at all about Israel they are going to get shit on regardless.

Israelis are honorary non-jews:

Yes, but I could do without the religious right.

If so... why? What have they done for you?


Yes. It is a very cool place bro. You will like Tel Aviv and Eilat. It is just like Miami. Beautiful woman, nightlife and everyone dancing. And safe too bro. Did you know you are more likely to get hit by a bus in New York City than be killed in a terrorist attack in Jerusalem? It’s true bro.

Bombed a US warship, continually spy on the US, try to make the US fight their proxy wars...

Yeh what’s not to like?

Oh except some of their women’s are hawt.

Sure, why not? The food's great!

Its a pretty cool place with some nice clubs and fun people.

I wouldn't give them national support though, fuck the middle east, it can deal with is own problems.