πŸ€¬πŸ€¬πŸ€¬πŸ–•πŸ»πŸ–•πŸ»πŸ–•πŸ» Bill Maher πŸ–•πŸ»πŸ–•πŸ»πŸ–•πŸ»πŸ€¬πŸ€¬πŸ€¬

1  2018-11-18 by Starship_Litterbox_C

I'm pretty damn liberal, and so from a very liberal point of view, I say this:

Fuck you, Bill Maher.

Fuck you for shitting on something people love just so you can condescend to them to make yourself seem superior.

Fuck you for making a medium you don't understand the scapegoat for society's ills, much as people have done with videogames, rap, rock and roll, and yes, even stand-up comedy.

Fuck you for using the death of an admired and beloved figure as a sleazy excuse for you to grandstand.

Fuck you for acting like any art medium should be considered a lesser medium, something for idiots and children.

Fuck you for trying to politicize something that was largely politically benign.

Fuck you for your unnecessary insult to people who are hurting, the rhetorical equivalent of kicking someone while they're down.

Fuck you, Bill Maher. As a liberal who likely agrees with you on a lot of stuff, fuck you, you piece of shit hack.


Would you like to borrow my fake cape?

Ugh, it's got capeshit on it.

You might be taken more seriously if you used less emojisl

"fewer" emojis, dumbfuck


For example, you can have fewer ingredients, dollars, people, or puppies, but less salt, money, honesty, or love. If you can count it, go for fewer. If you can’t, opt for less.

However, it’s not that simple. Since the reign of Alfred the Great, a time when Old English was spoken, less has been used in the same way that fewer is currently used. This long history of usage accounts for supermarkets posting the words β€œ10 Items or Less” over the express lanes, when β€œ10 Items or Fewer” is the grammatically correct option.

I can't count all the retarded emojis, I don't have that much extra time on my hands. There's too many for me to count, so the proper grammatical term for me is less.

The question is if you can count it, not if you will. Again, you are retarded

I can't count it! Because I'm not a retard and waste my time on frivolous things.

Don't go getting your spiderman undies in a bunch.

capeshit fan mad

This is gr8 pasta

I like this video of this supposed anti war athiest. https://youtu.be/ZUMl0bDrlX4

Lol capeshitter

Capeshitters and furries should be gassed.



notices ur gas chamber

Wtf I love furries now


ed with the very rare based comment

shit on the streets, not on capes.

pooperpower by 2420

Let me explain to all the men why YOU should care, perhaps even MORE than the women, right now. And I have no political correctness to pad this with.

I believe all men know that it's true there is some violence and perversion in all of us, in some of us moreso. And yet MOST of us aren't out there raping and perjuring. We're putting heart and soul into overcoming our genetic or cultural disposition into being hardworking, moral, even heroic people.

And then comes these fucks who waltz in and rape our women and children before us. As a man, every moment of your life you're pressured to be the protector and provider for your family. If we get even a slight pass for our darker nature, it's because we also fight the wars, do the dangerous jobs, and sacrifice our average lifespans.

So for that sacrifice, if you let these fucks in to rape your wards, and take your money, and yoke your freedoms, then you have failed your duty. They're taking what they want. YOU are being RAPED.

Even then, most rapists aren't brazenly bragging about their conquests in broad daylight. But these elite fucks are. Not only are they RAPING you, they are LAUGHING at you. This is why Dr. Ford said it isn't the sexual assault or the violence she remembers most traumatically, but the 'uproarious laughter'.

It's that laughter that tells you that you're not even human enough to be considered in their sins. They are laughing at YOU, your RAPED family, your RAPED livelihood, your RAPED duty, and ultimately the rule-of-law itself, wherein lies the identity of this nation, and its ability to protect and provide for YOU. You're a confused beast gunned down in a game you didn't know you were losing, like Laquan MacDonald, shot while dying with evidence rewritten.

So every man who has put any work into not being a degenerate rapist, who has had any conviction and responsibility for anyone around them, should be taking this assault as a literal and metaphysical RAPE. Roofied on fake news and existentially RAPED, are YOU going to stay silent for 32 years about it?

Wow, you must be a JP fan

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Get a load of all the smooth brains in this thread that can't even recognize that fresh pasta smell.


What did he do now?

Shit on comic books and superhero movies but also Trump again.

Piss off his fan's favorite pasttime.

I agree. Women are 3DPD and we should have no need of them.


the rhetorical equivalent of kicking someone while they're down.

based af

Daily reminder that manga> comic books.

Weeb uprising now!

Whatever your stand on capeshit is, you have to admit that politicising it won't end well.

I think he was wrong to say what he said, as he should have went much harder on those sad fuck "men" who collect fucking toy action figures of star wars or the joker or whatever. Its fucking pathetic, it gives a real sex offender vibe.

ITT a man is regarded as a hero for making children books.

Fair points. We can all agree that Japanese cartoons are for idiots and children, right?