Boomers of r/unitedkingdom lash out after 'Gammon' is added to Collins Dictionary as world of the year. Basically it's when old white guys get pink in the face after getting upset.

1  2018-11-18 by DeityOf_Death


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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The fuck is this shit.

SA-5 Gammon) is the NATO codename for the Russian S-200 surface-to-air missile. While it may be obsolescent due to its lack of mobility, it still has some use. The Syrians shot down an Israeli F-16 with one recently.

Very brave choosing a racist insult as eorkdof the year

I mean if it's used in the UK and it's a word doesn't it belong in a dictionary? Just looked at a modern dictionary in swamp German and it has the equivalent of "negro" and "nigress" in it. Then I looked at a French-Dutch dictionary that first was printed in 1907 and got it's 14th print in 1970. It too has negro, nigress, little nigger boy and nigger dealer in it.

Sorry for the seriouspost, I just wanted to know so I might as well type this shit out.

Printing slang is a waste of time and resources and belongs relegated to urban dictionary since it will be out of style in 6 months.

will be out of style in 6 months.

Boomers reading "historical" texts and not understanding what "gammon" is? Also, don't they refresh dictionaries every few years?

Brits eat spotted dick

We also eat faggots.

Pink and white fragility.