1  2018-11-18 by ineedmorealts


I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


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lmao @ waterhead. Never heard that one before.

Probably because people say it about you, not to you

ow my feelings

Mussolini was literally a Socialist.

He was, but then the other socialists bullied him too hard, so he rounded them up in his high school revenge fantasy of a regime.

Mama mia!! Didn't knew Mussolini was a r/braincel poster 🤣

If we called everyone who was a socialist when they were young a socialist forever, there would be a lot of socialists lmao.

Was being the operative word

Neo-conservatism has its roots in the ideas of some disaffected Trotskyists, that doesn't make neo-conservatives Marxists

We all know only u/ed_butteredtoast can make lies true with emojis


These retards don't seem to realize that dictionaries are descriptive, not prescriptive.

Those retards don't know what descriptive and prescriptive mean

The could look in a dictionary.

But those are for libcucks

The only thing both sides agree on is books are evil works of the wrongthinkers.

Unless they agree with you, for example the Little Red Book and Maoist China.

And the "bread book" the anarchists obsess over

They sure do know how to steal their mother's percocet perscriptive

At this point can't tell if that magacel is being unironic or not

On one hand, Fuck T_D

On the other, fuck Oxford Dictionary.

American Heritage or nothing.

American Heritage

Cuckican Heritage more like

A person who is extremely right-wing or authoritarian

TIL daddy Stalin was a fascist.

So was Mao. Hmmm.

Well yeah, the lines are very blurred between fascists and natsocs, natsocs and nazbols, nazbols and tankies.

But that definition is genuinely almost as retarded as your average Trump supporter, for other reasons.

Fascism is a revolutionary ideology in a way that doesn't fit well into the left-right political pigeonholing (which is why both sides can reasonably link Nazism to the other side).

The Wikipedia article is actually pretty informative: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism#Reactionary_or_revolutionary?

The disctionary's definition isn't correct by political science standards, but that's not how it's used mostly. Dictionaries are descriptive, not prescriptive.

If that were the case, it would say

Fascist: A person who disagrees with me

The Oxford English Dictionary is British; you think they have a license for that kind of speech?

Communist: A person who disagrees with me (on economics)


yeah it is, it's almost always put on the far right spectrum. by political scientists.

That's a retarded view espoused by people who don't understand anything about political science other than what random retards on the internet say is supported by political science.

Any serious political scientist knows that fascism is third-positionist, not traditionally conservative or leftist. This is something even Wikipedia will tell you.

When Wikipedia or political scientists go on to say that fascism is considered to be generally far-right on the traditional left-right spectru, they are referring to orthodox implementations of fascism and common concepts such as strict social hierarchy and nationalism. It does not mean that fascism is not third-positionist, however, and ignores thign slike fascist economic views.

To claim so is a complete misunderstanding of the context of political theory, and casts aside import left-leaning fascist-adjacent or fascist-ancestor ideologies such as Syndicalism. It also sets aside very real leftist influences upon fascism and third-positionism, such as the lack of a free market and view of bourgeois as undesirable and an enemy of the people.

Which is why some scholars, like Paxton, have argued that fascism isn't so much a coherent ideology or a common definable world view, as it is a set of political behaviors

What you have done is linked to a Redditor's interpretation of Paxton's work rather than Paxton's work itself.

But yes, obviously fascism is a rather fluid ideology, since fascists generally only care about one thing - e.g. the survival/dominance of their race/nation in a social darwinist struggle between nations - and every policy is chosen out of pragmatism to achieve that goal.

lol, Paxton makes it pretty clear in the anatomy of fascism. That post wasn't incorrect.

I mean, authoritarian communism is definitely fascist.

Fascism is closer to Stalinism and Maoism than other right wing ideologies like Absolute Monarchism


No it's not you mong.

Yes it is, you tard.

Well, of course, guess (((who))) writes all the dictionaries.

Not daddy defenders

Because 2+2=5 in retard land.

The irony here.

Get your own scare words, alt right

The Chinese need to send more fentanyl so the retards die off already

God Bless fentanyl

People need to stop using fascist as an insult

Yeah, from now on we’ll only use it as a descriptor.

What’s economically right and socially right? Libertarian?

Imagine having your mind so poisoned by Amerimutt politics that you unironically think that libertarians are RW

American Libertarians (big L) are right wing tho

Big Gay*

Lmao loliterians are absolutely right wing tho

Finally, we have a policy plank Trump supporters can agree on: prescriptive linguistics.

Online dictionaries are worth the paper they are written on.

It's the Oxford dictionary you provincial twat.

Online dictionaries aren't printed on paper.

Yes, thank you for explaining the obvious joke. The Oxford dictionary is published by Oxford University, and has been for almost 200 years.

Or and not and?

Prescriptivists GTFO

Go back to France!

Let’s enslave Trump supporters 😍

He went to Spain to fight against fascism. And he lost. Hahahahahaha.


1st t_d poster

"Muh scary antisemitism"

You must love your George Soros plushie, don't you? And your anti-defamation league wallpaper, too.

2nd t_d poster

George Soros hates Israel, genius. YOU must love your George Soros plushie

They're not sending their best, folks. I think that's my favourite bit about them. They say it's a never ending campaign rally for Trump but it's actually just a bunch of people arguing about who passes their insane ideological purity tests and accusing each other of being shills.