IT takes a jab at femcels, their gender takes a critical hit.

1  2018-11-18 by darkinard



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Why don't the femoids like being called Female? Is it because they hate themselves and want to be men?

I love it when different sides of the gender wars battle each other. In the end, the radical centrist comes out unscathed šŸ˜Ž.

They call them females because the word woman has been appropriated, these is no single word for adult female now.

Well yeh bc the goal is to wipe out reemales.

Why does the word "female" trigger so many people's autism?

They treat it like a dog whistle since only nerds would say it

The word ā€œmaleā€ is used all the time by terfs, for example ā€œmale entitlementā€, ā€œmale violence, and ā€œmale privilegeā€. I think the principle reason femcells feminists donā€™t like the term ā€œfemaleā€ is because of projection: they use the term ā€œmaleā€ to objectify men, so they assume ā€œfemaleā€ is being used in the same way.

slaps self in face what the fuck dude? Serious commenting on r/Drama?

What I really mean to say is, bussy dude, lol.

busdy dude, lol


There used to be a difference between using it as an adjective "a female busdriver" and using it as a noun "a female who drives buses" where the latter was deemed dehumanizing, but the ideologues got confused along the way.

It's interesting to note that Hilldawg was instructed to always say she would be the first "woman president" instead of "female president" even though it's grammatically incorrect.

Dude, bussy....bussy. Lmao

omg... ur right xD

Black dudes say it.

I dream of a world in which all words are dogwhistles, and hands must be removed from sight as all placements are Nazi dogwhistles.

and hands must be removed from sight

Leopold II wants to know your location.

It's actually very common in large parts of the black American community, both male and female.

Nerds all of them

Fellas and females

its literally a black people thing

Literally since when


Since the 90s I believe

Why are black Americans big nerds

Be around black people for a bit. You'll start hearing them say that "females" are doing something.

It only angers me from a grammatical point of view. Why did it transition to a noun? Itā€™s an adjective people!!!!

"language change and this is upset me >:c"

Why does the word "female" trigger so many people's autism?

Because in the absence of real sexism, those whose identities revolve around fighting it need to invent it anyway they can.

literally never understood this, i've used that word and women have used it as an excuse to dig through my search history for something incriminating

Trans men exist, and enbies exist, and those terms are used so as to not exclude them. It's not "erasing women" to acknowledge the existence of non-woman afabs.

Iā€™m starting to think TERFs dont go far enough.

You're also just wrong about it being "biological reality". The science generally supports trans identities, which you'd know if you did any actual research instead of just attacking people for being different from you.

Science here meaning feelings. XY donā€™t magically become XX. Taunting millennia of evolution isnā€™t scientific.

Moderate take: It definitely isn't biological reality; the existence of genetic errors like intersex people doesn't mean mammalian sex isn't determined by chromosomes.

It's not wrong or right to say trans people are their chosen gender, since that's a subjective sociocultural thing, but they aren't biologically so.


No u.

Wait you're right I don't like trans people

Why do people lean on intersex as some kind of gotcha? Intersex people are a tiny fraction of a tiny fraction of a percent, that has nothing to do with a hairy 40 year old dude declaring he's a woman so he can get his creep on in the women's bathroom.

look at this dumb shit with his unefficient brain

I agree that intersex is a genetic disorder rather than some kind of new thing. every intersex person tends to present as either a man or a woman anyway. but trans rights don't boil down to perverts trying to get into women's bathrooms, you retard. trans people, generally, are just trying to be normal and come off as normal; the few loud and annoying ones seem to make up more of the community solely because they're loud and annoying

trans people, generally, are just trying to be normal and come off as normal

then why are they all loud annoying perverted deviants? fuck arf

"the way I see things is right because I say so"

never leaves the redpill booru, refusing to meet real people

Itā€™s absolute brainletism for a heterosexual man to not realize that transgender people are striking a blow for freedom, and to not stand by them whenever they come up against TERFS.

Like, sweaty, trannies donā€™t hate you. At most they might sulk if you refuse to hook up with them. TERFs, OTOH, do hate you.

I wonder how people like you and I, like-minded and educated but in the habit of using pretty aggressive vocabulary, are generally percieved by the alt-X crowd

Like a bunch of homos tbh

how can i be a homo if everyone is jealous of my fat cock

It's so exhausting trying to explain that yes, just because a tiny % of people don't have XX or XY chromosomes, that doesn't mean sex isn't usually defined by chromosomes.

Imagine if I was in biology class and I said "humans are bipedal mammals" and some kid goes "WELL SOME PEOPLE ARE BORN WITHOUT LEGS!!!" Like...yes? But that doesn't change anything.

duh. no one is saying that FtM men are born with dicks. in fact, that is the exact opposite of the definition of that thing. instead of claiming FtM men are actually male, people say they are actually men, which fits our current understanding of sex and gender

Male and men are interchangeable, clarify whether you mean sex or gender during discussions. The exception is certain strains of postmodernist thought, not psychology; if you're referring to that use quotation marks correctly.

unfortunately, it looks like the English language left you behind. you see, "Standard English" is a business convention, not a linguistic convention. in fact, no standardizing force exists for the English language; as such, words mean what they're agreed to mean, and in the context of sociology, "male" and "man" are different terms. a "male" has XY chromosomes, and a "man" identifies as a man in terms of gender. I will not adjust my mode of speech to make you comfortable, because I am linguistically in the right

also, you used a comma splice, so literally insert your tongue into my anus

also, you used a comma splice, so literally insert your tongue into my anus

I don't actually care about the weird linguistics of postmodernist lingo other than making sure people make clear when they're using it; I'm not capable of parsing it myself. Just to be clear, if you expect random Reddit users to magically detect and parse your comments through a postmodernist lens you're retarded.

Anyways, a trans woman can have the male gender depending on sociocultural norms, but never the male sex or be biologically male. Much clearer, and preferrable since you aren't talking to people well-versed in postmodernist theory.

post... what the fuck? postmodernism is an artistic movement, you fat cuck, not a scientific one. also, if you want to be a pedant, we're currently in post-postmodernism (name subject to change)

I'm referring to critical postmodernism, m8, not artistic postmodernism. The latter is much less relevant. If you're not talking to people who know that in certain ideological contexts "men" and "male" aren't synonymous, say when you mean gender and sex.

except... "critical postmodernism" is also... art. it's critical theory of art. this does entail social commentary, but it's literally art criticism, and has nothing to do with sociology or biology or gender science. and, again, it ended with the onset of metamodernism (post-postmodernism), even though the ideas of semiotics and coding are still valid critical theory

do you even know what you're talking about? do you have any professional experience in critical theory?

I know it has jack shit to do with hard science. By the way, gender science is not a hard science.

Postmodernist criticism is not just criticism of what's termed postmodernist art; it extends to philosophy and criticism of other fields through a postmodernist lens.

I'm merely saying that believing "men" and "male" to be different things is unique to certain postmodernist views of gender, and you should not assume people know you're referring to them in that context.

Instead, use explicit terminology, like gender and sex.

do you even know what you're talking about? do you have any professional experience in critical theory?

I'm some random idiot on the internet, but then so are you.

you're still using postmodernist wrong, and I'm still not changing the distinction between "man" and "male", because my usage reflects the real world. I'm not holding your hand if you're uneducated about these things. that's not my fuckin job

because my usage reflects the real world.

Literally nobody except those from certain philosophical backgrounds uses it that way, or even knows of that usage. Please remember that /r/drama is random laymen.

If it makes you happy I'll call it critical theory instead of postmodernism.

I don't give a shit if it's random laymen. we're talking within the context of a field, and I'm going to use the vocabulary of that field. I'm not your mom. I'm not your teacher. if you're confused, go ask fuckin' google, because it's not my job to define standardized verbiage

we're talking within the context of a field, and I'm going to use the vocabulary of that field.

I've found your problem. We aren't talking within the context of critical theory, gender studies, or any other specific philosophical field. We're talking within the context of laypeople talking about psychology from a lay perspective.

that's the most valid way to explain the dissonance here, but I still think it's wrong

when a subject is brought up, and details of the subject are being discussed, there's literally no reason that anyone should have to define terms that exist in the subject. imagine talking about the subconscious and having to define the id, etc, and then mention that that's all Freudian theory, and explain Freud... you wouldn't get anywhere

as a side note, in this very specific instance, "male" and "man" should change in the public vocabulary to better reflect the real world. I'm simply participating in positive English evolution

when a subject is brought up, and details of the subject are being discussed, there's literally no reason that anyone should have to define terms that exist in the subject.

You're acting as if critical theory/gender studies and the associated terminology is relevant and inherent to any discussion of transgender people.

... yeah, it is

transgender people - people defined by how they engage with gender

gender studies terminology

Women, a group defined by their being female. Therefore any discussion regarding women must be conducted within a modern academic feminist terminology and framework.

uhhhh yes, pretty much, yeah

I can't think of a counterexample to this

I edited my post a bit before I saw your reply, sorry.

anyway, to discuss a group requires knowledge of the group and understanding of the contexts the group is in. otherwise, you won't be having productive discussion. if you're speaking about transgender people and you don't even understand the concept of gender - you know, the thing that's studied in gender studies - your discussion won't even be valid. it'll be founded on misunderstanding and ignorance. see: this entire fuckin comment section

to discuss a group requires knowledge of the group and understanding of the contexts the group is in. otherwise, you won't be having productive discussion.

Which does not mean you must use the framework of critical theory/gender studies.

if you're speaking about transgender people and you don't even understand the concept of gender - you know, the thing that's studied in gender studies - your discussion won't even be valid.

I do understand the concept of gender. I simply am not using the terminology and framework of gender studies, a niche philosophical group which is irrelevant to this discussion.

Again, it's as if you say you must talk within the framework of modern feminist literature to discuss trans people. It's just inane.

it's not niche... and it's not philosophical? it's sociological? in that it is a study, rather than a theory? and everyone in the US knows that trans people exist, because press coverage, making it not niche? and you do have to speak in the context of a framework to discuss things in the context of that framework? I literally dare you to try to talk about transgender people in a way that's both not ignorant and divorced from gender studies. you will not be able to

just fuckin use the words. I'm so tired of you running in circles to not use the words

and everyone in the US knows that trans people exist, because press coverage, making it not niche?

Again, you are conflating trans people and the niche field of gender studies.

and you do have to speak in the context of a framework to discuss things in the context of that framework?

Trans people aren't necessarilly int he context of gender studies. It's like claiming feelings are in the context of SToicism.

Edgy insults are more effective when what you're saying is correct, instead of pulled out of your own festering, dilated wound, BTW.

unlike you, I've said nothing incorrect. male and man are different terms, postmodernism is an artistic movement (muh cultural marxism much?), and you are a fat cuck

Well, first off, we're different people.

Second off, people who claim postmodernism is cultural marxism are retards.

That said, postmodernism is a critical movement, not just an artistic movement. In certain postmodernist views, "man" and "male" mean different things, with the special usage indicated by quotation marks.

In general conversation and debate, they are synonyms, and you should explicitly say things when you mean them.

like you don't blend together

for the rest, see my other response, which really digs into why everything you think is incorrect

like you don't blend together

We have very different views regarding sex and gender.


which fits our current understanding of sex and gender

Gender is a word made up so people could ask a student's sex without putting the word sex on the questionnaire.

Using gender as a social construct is a new phenomenon.

uh, yeah, it's a new phenomenon that describes an existing thing. you know... what science is

"gravity's just a new phenomenon so we don't have to say things fall down because of God. it's all politics"


Not the same thing.

same thing

see, I can do it too

Just ask them to name the pioner in trans science. Make them fucking say his name, and then link his criminal record. (Clue: He fucks kids and thinks its ok)

Not being facetous, can you provide the name? A google search turns up nothing relevant.

Edit: Is it Alfred Kinsey? He seems to have done general research in many fields. His Wikiepdia page has some awful shit, though.

Kinsey wrote about pre-adolescent orgasms using data in tables 30 to 34 of the male volume, which report observations of orgasms in over three-hundred children aged from two months up to fifteen years.

Kinsey said he also interviewed nine men who had sexual experiences with children, and who told him about the children's responses and reactions.

Years later, the Kinsey Institute said that the data on children in tables 31ā€“34 came from one man's journal (started in 1917) and that the events concerned predated the Kinsey Reports.

I was on about John Money but it seems nonces and studying kids goes hand in hand. Priestcells are in panic.

It's spelt with a single "L" and you just took it. lmao.

Seems like lot of early psychologists were pedos tbh.

John (((money))).

Born in Morrinsville, New Zealand, to a family of English and Welsh descent,[3]

John Money?

Yeah, but I kinda wanna put Milton in as well. But John Money for sure.

yeah I guess that means nazi medical experiments aren't worthwhile 'cause they were conducted by Bad

solid reasoning

No but much like the Nazi experiments being overwhelmingly shit (no real oversight you see, when its pushed by a political agenda...), I don't think letting people who think sex is ok with a child do research into childrens sexual development. Call me a prude, but I am not OK with that.

this is, interestingly enough, an ad hominem fallacy. not a fallacious attack, which is a different thing, but, instead, a type of genetic fallacy: "X bad, so X cannot be right". in reality, Charles Manson could develop an equation tomorrow that helps us find fucking dark matter and it's not somehow unusable just 'cause he's a bad person. reality doesn't care where humans first learn about it. reality will continue being reality in the face of your fallacy

I am not OK with that

I'm still shocked that the left is barraged with "facts don't care about your feelings!" when this is the opposition - a person literally saying that his feelings override facts

I know it helps you to cope to paint me as a right winger, and I am sure consulting your Philosphy 101 poster helped you greatly, but you are talking shite.

oh, no responses to the actual content of the argument then? shocking. never seen that one before

go blow your dad. maybe he can teach you basic Aristotelian logic

edit: oh, and by the fucking by, the right isn't the only opposition to the left. nice projection, dipshit

It isnt a response, its something you have seen online, and you are trying to ram it into fitting whatever shite you are pushing. Now go and calm down lol.

again, no response. your entire argument is a fallacy and instead of addressing that you'll just retract into your sad little shell and go "facts? not for me! anyone who says I'm wrong is pushing an ideology! they can't possibly know more than me!"

and you don't even know how fucking pathetic you are

Notice how you are getting angrier and angrier the more I fail to play your NPC script? that's how I know you are a gobshite. Hit me with some "no true Scotsman" BB!


oh sorry I didn't realize you were one of those

Why are you a nazi pedophile?

good question. it all started back in 1912. I grew up a little black girl in Arkansas, and my daddy made me sleep in the cold. that's when I decided to become a nazi pedophile and I guess that's how I've defined myself ever since

I don't think letting people who think sex is ok with a child do research into childrens sexual development.

How can you determine wether something is bad for the devellopement of kids without testing it ?

Because we need ethics in fucking kids

Nah, we need to build the kama sutra kid version.

I await the government grant for studies into kidfucking. I'm honestly not surprised anymore.

I await the government grant for studies into kidfucking.

At last your government money are used for the good of all of us, except the ones who are dead.

Science here meaning feelings. XY donā€™t magically become XX.

Take your findings to the APA to get them to change the DSM. Or is this one of those "I don't like science when it's not convenient :(" things?

What does the American Press Association have to do with this?

I appreciate science, by real scientists. Annnnd last I checked, all biologists agree that putting a dress on doesn't change your chromosome.

American Press Association

American Psychology Association

I appreciate science, by real scientists.

"I don't like science when it's not convenient :("

Call me when someone other than glorified therapists jacking off each other about how progressive they are replaces chromosome squashes and objective testable hypothesis that can be verified outside of "I feel..." X

Mayo clinic

no one said it did. but no one's saying an MtF woman has XX chromosomes; people instead say an MtF woman is a woman. in terms of gender. you know, that thing you can't grasp with your vaguely mammalian brain


yup basically

I like how they're a comment about terfs and incels not procreating like trans people can do that

Afab sounds like a trendy hipster herb.

ā€œAfabā€? As in ā€œassigned female at birthā€?

Assigned? ASSIGNED??? Did the doctor remove the penis at birth or what?

No, the doctor saw a vulva and foolishly assumed that meant the baby was female.

Apparently even questioning trans is morally, ethically, and scientific wrong. What a bunch of shit. Large numbers of Trans people are going to be in a world a shit in 5-10 years. certainly not all, because I believe, changing gender to fix dysphoria is real. But flipping your gender is such a drastic change to your entire life... There are going to be mental consequences, for some of these people (already are) who the fuck is going to pretend that isn't true. But also, it's their liberty to do whatever to themselves.

There are going to be mental consequences, for some of these people (already are) who the fuck is going to pretend that isn't true.

That's why there is the 41%

Wait, so "female" is a dehumanizing term now? Are these people retarded?

So are they implying that females aren't human or something? I'm honestly confused.

Call a feminist a girl, shes offended Call a 30 year old aunt a women, shes offended Call either a female, they are fucking offended

The abuslute state of gussy

Jacking it doesn't get you crazy big biceps, /r/badswoleanatomy