r/aznidentity Ricecels BTFO

1  2018-11-18 by Momruepari


I actually get so blackpilled when I realize most of you fags are depressed losers who most likely gravitated here because no one likes them and not because they actually have intellectual backing for their beliefs.


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Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.

The rest of your life is going to be lonely and boring if this is what you do with your time during what should be your most exciting years.

Before you know it, college will be over and you'll have no ability to make new friends because you don't have anything interesting to talk about or any way to meet new people. If you're not able to make friends now when it's literally the easiest it will ever be, there's no way you're going to swing it when you're even older.


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y u hurt my feelings snappy???

On a related note I'm so sick of hearing about this chick. I work with a lot of asians (STEMcel here) and they literally would not shut the fuck up about "crazy rich asians" for weeks after the movie came out. LOL that the azn guys are triggered that their sexy idol is getting mayo'ed by the superior bwc (big-ish white cock).

Ironic, as Crazy Rich Asians is also praised for positively sexualizing Asian men more than any other major film. So its really doing a lot to fix this exact problem.


Yooo, you're right. That needs quotes.

I think it took the stance that has always been taken on the issue; their race is not a problem as long as they're extremely rich to make up for it.

WTF I love SJW’s now

I'm an Asian gay male.

No gay males or straight women want to date Asian men.

Then I get insulted for being a 34 yo virgin Incel still.

And no I wouldn't date Asian men either because my dad caused me to develop PTSD and a severe dislike of other shitskins. Yes I'm an internalised racist and am already getting therapy for all this shit.

So you wanna fuck?

Send pics first.

this is peak r/drama

Sir, when we say Asian, we mean East & South-East Asian.

Only disgusting white Europeans include the other parts of Asia as Asian.

I'm sorry your brain is that retarded to believe that people from the continent of Asia aren't Asian.

I'll let this insult pass, but only because I've seen your gaping hole.

Actually I am still unable to stretch my ass cheeks and take a pic of my gaping hole, so not only are you retarded but also delusional.

Who said I saw it over the internet?


I wish you had seen it IRL, but I know I am an untouched Incel virgin fag who not only hasn't seen a naked man with my own eyes before, but also have not been seen naked by anyone.

u don't got a mirror bro

Not yet, new house.

are jews asian?

are turks asian?

are south africans (mayos) african?

We call 1 and 2 middle Eastern.

Technically I am South Asian

Yes Elon Must is African.

theyre both in asia technically

elon musk isnt african hes mayo

also in your own words

I'm sorry your brain is that retarded to believe that people from the continent of Asia aren't Asian.

He's South African you pleb.

hes european

Quit trolling and look it up.

Europoor here; only britbongs do that shit.

Post bussy unironcly

T.anglo BULL

I already spammed my bussy all over Reddit.

Drama for the drama god.

No rice no spice.

Dude, you have no allies in this sub... I've been lurking recently and there's an undertone of hate towards AM here.

Asian men who have attacked her for dating a white men.


Yet you got Asian men literally marrying their escorts and crying to prostitutes just so they can suck on white gussy.

Ricecels have hookers! YAY!

Lmao, look for the 1 day old comments from the /r/aznidentity brigade.

Calling everyone racist is definitely gonna get those white girls sucking on some long grain rice.

Hilarious live by the woke die by the woke.

I never got why they hate her so much more than all the other asian women in interracial relationships, like what has she done that's so bad?

I thought that peak wanker was all of the pakis in England pretending to be black gangsters. I was wrong. These rice guzzling, sweatshop working, chink women acting black is peak fucking wanker.

chink women

The irony of r/drama calling out other subs and CA for racism when racism is alive and well in this sub.