I googled for neckbeard ...

1  2018-11-18 by SaIvadora


Was not disappoint.

I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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Stan Lee was the ultimate poster boy for the postmodern condition under neoliberalism.

His death, like any death of a famous person these days has it's own segment on the news world wide. I expect to see memorial events hosted all around, Marvel Studios and old comic book sales to skyrocket: all those signatures collected on random regalia are now worth as much as a house in the third-world.

Stan Lee can also not die: with holographics and deep fake technology, he joins the cast of actors who live on the screen after they have expired in meatspace. In One Hundred Years of Solutide, the residents of Macambo riot after seeing a movie with an actor who's death they wept after in the previous week's movie: now with digital editing, he can continue doing the cameos, new ones and not just re-runs.

His work and his iconic superheroes and archetypes are the modern myths, the ultimate narrative vehicles for subsconsciously driving behavior patterns. Elastic canvases that can be painted in many ways and many colours, fitting every form possible that is deemed acceptable by the American State Department and the Pentagon. The Marvel heroes of the 2000s fought odd-looking middle easterners, just as the united states fought aliens and monsters in the 90s: now movie production moves to Eastern Europe, and the enemies are changed into sketchy slavs and funny chinamen as the machine warms up into warmode.

Many obituaries now talk about Stan Lee the legend, the grandfather of comic books. Even unrelated forums now relate to Stan Lee in one way or another, his image deconstructed and reconstructed to resemble ourselves, or rather the parts we like about ourselves: the same way comic books and the movie franchises that sprung up were used to tell the stories we would like to be told about us.

The greatest spectacle sorcerer passed away and now becomes a lich as a commodity: and no one is to say whether or not he was aware at any point of the powers he was moving, or was it just by fate and circumstance that really made use of him.

May your soul find rest in the other world, while we deal with the digitalized shadows here in this one, you clever bastard. One day you will be remembered as THE figure of an age, two minutes before the apocalypse, but not until they erect vain statues for you to do selfies with by the commercial zombies you both criticized and helped create.

We owe you much, but the joke's on you: you have cheated death, but ultimately, death has cheated you. And maybe all of us, as we all expire to be shadows on silver screens, living on as falsified memory - the sound of the forest burning is just the same as popcorn cracking.

Wow, you must be a JP fan

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there are already SL death pastas?

smh my head

Lol this one came from some capecel today on r/comicbooks. Glad to see it became pasta already 🍝❤️

would rather look like that than jonah hill

This reminds me of the nightmare I had about growing a beard that I couldn't get rid of

Cosmetic surgery needs to come up with an alternative for people after dramatic weight loss that doesn't include stretch marks and giant skin removal scars all over the body. Jonah seems like a really nice guy.

Great post, keep it up!