CNN posts blatant fake news

9  2018-11-19 by ArtisanalCollabo


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The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


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Note this story came up as an apple news alert. So cnn considers furfag apologia to be on the same level of breaking news as terrorist attacks and school shootings

Aren’t those alerts based on what you told the news app you’re interested in reading about?

Sounds like the AI figured out you’re a closet furfag.

Nah it’s just all from cnn. Unless it’s considered “entertainment” or something


<pro tip> use a vpn and DuckDuckGo to search on your phone. That way it won’t be able to predict your preferences.

Protip. Just don't care.

I doubt op wants his SO seeing his furry preferences. Just saying

posts in drama

has to worry about a 3D SO with thoughts and feelings of their own

🤔 🤔 🤔

Fair point is fair

You won't fool me Mr. Zucc

Pro-er tip: dont have news apps send push notifications to your phone.

OP exposed af

furfag apologia

TBF, we did get to see her tits when she stripped for Prince. Wait, that was Apollonia. What are these freaks doing?

"This is what it sounds like when chinchillas cry"

owning an iPhone

using CNN

Jesus Christ how much estrogen is in your system right now

The furry community has a message for the rest of the world: Their culture is not about sex.

When a senior producer at CNN is an unironic furfag. This whole article is a collection of furry apologia top hits.

It's actually about taking over the government and installing the Furred Reich.

"Yiffing can refer to anything from affectionate hugging or nuzzling to totally going at it," says Strike. "It's definitely part of the fandom but it's not what the fandom is all about. If I had to throw a percentage on it I would say maybe 15%, give or take."


"Yiffing can refer to anything from affectionate hugging or nuzzling to totally going at it fucking in an animal suit made for adults that costed thousands of dollars," says Strike. "It's definitely part of the fandom but it's not what the fandom is all about. If I had to throw a percentage on it I would say maybe 15% 115%, give or take."

That's more like it.

I'm not sure what "15%" is meant to mean. Is that 15% of furries yiff, or at any given time 15% of furries online or at a con are yiffing?

Yiffing can refer to anything

can it refer to suicide?

Keep Yiffself Safe

yiff is basically the furry word for sex what are these people taking

Anxious? Try becoming a 'furry' 

Worse advice 2018?

The furry community has a message for the rest of the world: Their culture is not about sex.

So that what we are going to do just tell blantant lies?

It's honestly less pathetic if it's just an overindulged fetish.

It seems more mature compared to just a bunch of emotionally stunted man children LARPing

this tbqh

I thought so too and then Zoosadism hit

Sees this link has already been posted

Posts anyways


Didn’t see it.

E: oh 4 days ago. Whatever, still got a notification for it today

The notification about the article was just pushed by CNN today

Furries are the evil of society

OwO, it's true.



What's this?

Woke. Dabbing on r/drama.

I miss poorlilmarco

Same :(

What you get spanked for?

Mentally ill ANIMAL F U C K E R S



Anxious? Try becoming a 'furry'



"Our degenerate fandom that was born out of weird fursuit sex parties in the 80s is totally not about sex guys. I wank to babyfur for their artistic merit, not because I'm a pedo bestiality scummer."

Listen here you motherfuckers. The furry community is not all about having fucking sex in fursuits. A furry is a person who likes anthropomorthic animals. I read the article. It is not fucking fake news.

Lmao faggot

The first thing I see in your post history is horse bestiality erotica lmao

Your community not only includes people who have sex with the corpses of animals they’ve killed but you defend their right to do it lmao

The Founding Fathers fought and died for his right to fuck animals, you furrist.

A really slow news day for CNN, it seems.

The article did enough research to mention Mark Merlino but for some reason didn't mention that he advertised his furry convention in zoophile/fetish communities 🤔🤔🤔

I guess bestiality is the next "normalization" on the progressive stack, and pedo's will have to wait until 2022.

The Shape of Water should have been the warning.

You h8 because it's the truth

You know what? I'd disrespect furries a lot less if they were honest about being into weird stuff, instead of lying about it while sharing videos of sex with dead dogs on a private chat.