pol is actually scared of CTH, CTH celebrates the biggest victory of their lives

1  2018-11-19 by uniqueguy263


We need the mayocide yesterday, this is just awful

I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


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This is why telling reactionaries to post their hogs is the best thing this sub has come up with.

That makes me sad.

When asking for dick pics is your claim to glory

censoring the word "porn"

Peak /pol/ faggotry

we are not your personal army, you must be 18+ to be on 4chan

Based Canuck 🇨🇦

Censoring the word is like ironic boomer posting shit or somethjng

Or maybe its some meme to get around bad word filters in other communities


It's /pol/. They're literally that stupid. For them it's basically, (((porn))) aka JEWISH PROPAGANDA

Wheres the lie tho

Why does reddit think 4chan is some sort of scary force to be reckoned with? /pol/ is just filled with boomer brainlets and 14yo personality vacuums who think linking bbc news articles is akin to being political pundits. One thread probably started and continued by some Chapotard with a Tor browser is screenshotted and posted, and you fucking morons think that that shit sat at page one for more than four seconds. That shit was drowned out by a jewish conspiracy thread and a daddy daycare post before the soy reached Ops stomach.

Half of /b/ is traps, wwyd threads, andy sixx and furfag shit and the rest is elon musk shilling his virus website and you losers still think the userbase is elite hacker bros because you read a KnowYourMeme article about the habbo hotel raids during the summer.

No wonder 4chan hates you all so much, even compared to the biggest losers on the planet you manage to make them look cool.

Chapotards are right about that tho.

4chan raped my dog after sharing a cheese pizza with me, then they injected a marijuana into me and harvested my left kidney.

furfag shit

Not anymore, since there's a legitimate board for that now. It's called /trash/

One thread probably started and continued by some Chapotard with a Tor browser

>he thinks you can post on 4ch from Tor

What is series of tubes :S

Was reading chan stats the other day and it's amazing how that site is basically pol and a little bit of b and v. Even the porn boards have barely any movement. There's really nothing else. 2011 was really the peak.

I'm pretty certain /v/, /vg/ and /pol are pretty equal in size. /b/, /a/, /tv/ and /int/ are also pretty active. Also, a lot of the other smaller boards aren't actually dead (well, expect for the porn boards). 4chan gets, what, like 700k posts per day or something? If a board gets 4k posts per day that isn't much in comparison, but it's definitely enough to sustain a healthy community.

Yeah a still has active discussion. mu is pretty meh now. fa is a smouldering husk which is really unfortunate. I was just taken aback by how much pol dwarfed everything else.

A chapotard went on pol and made a dorky thread all to claim internet victory?

Still the best use of his time today tbh

Yeah well it’s been a bad week after they beat a Jew up at some protest.

Wasn't it like a month ago that they were crying about being called NPCs?

Less than a month probably.

God bless those chapos who screencap their own /pol/ shitposts to boost community spirit.

This is how the revolution is done.

Nah for all their autism. Poltards have actually accomplished things.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.


dunno this seems fake.

pol posts are archived, so it should be possible to link it

lmao at all the rightoids on this sub getting triggered by chapo 😂😂

white fragility is too real

Black fragility is too real. Go cry about it, gator bait.