Mexicans Demand Migrant ‘Pigs’ Leave Tijuana

1  2018-11-19 by friend1y



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Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


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No one wants squatamolins

Is it OK when Mexico does it?

Several motorists who drove past the protest honked their car horns in approval. One woman leaned out the window of a passing car and shouted that protesters were culeros ("assholes")

I thought Mexicans used culero to mean faggot

In the Mexican jail I was kept at, the gays (bottoms really) were called "puta."

So, you were called that.

No, my little bussy.

My monolingual ass thought that meant 'bitch' and this just confirms it

Puta means "bitch"

Ohana means "family"

Hakuna Matata means "no worries, for the rest of your days"

It means lots of things.

so bitch

makes sense tbh

Nope, that's puto

No, the Mexican version of "fag" is "maricon."

Also jota. Im think culero is something along the line of butt bandit, which is pretty awesome.

Like vaquero and caballero from vaca and caballo

my limited knowledge of spanish would indicate a culero is some kind of culo operator or culo personified.

Also, mexicans call fags jota and maricon

"culero" in northern mexican spanish means like "butt boi" or "bitchboi", something along those lines.

it gets hard to translate all of spanish slang into english bc of regional differences

Hi, I'm from Tijuana. The Hondurans aren't liked but they haven't been called pigs.

I think it's cus of the video where that one chick said tortillas and frijoles were pig food lol.

I know about that video, but nobody has called them that

Listen here mariachi man, the press has spoken!

lol mariachi man, love that

And you know this because of your 24-hour complete surveillance of everyone in the area?

nobody has called them that

You know everybody in Tijuana? Give me a list of names and numbers of the women who fuck bbc! NOW!

You're weird

well this is r/drama so-

nobody has called them that

glad to see you've interviewed everyone in TJ. did you interview all the people at the donkey show last night?

All except the one that had their mouth full.

Hey retard nice to meet you, glad you can confirm a city with a population of 1.3 million hasn't used the word pig!


posts in shit the Donald says


One would think my comment would be more valuable given I'm actually living the situation...

This is a comment I made replying to someone if there's some truth in these migrants being a nuisance in Tijuana:

Definitely. There have been lots of videos of them complaining about the free food they're given or that they're required to sweep and clean everyday the shelters, saying they'll resort to violence if we try to tell them to go away, they've gotten drunk on the streets, leave a ton of trash, etcetera

It's not racism or xenophobia. We received more than 20,000 Haitians. Different race, different language. Haitians were never a problem, they got jobs as soon as they came here, and we were happy to give jobs to them despite their illegal status, Haitian food restaurants didn't take long to appear, the kids started going to public schools in a few months, at the start of the year lots of them were congratulated publicly because they got into the public college, at least one of them already got a masters degree.

Obviously not all Hondurans, not even the majority, are a problem, but they've been here for like two weeks and they're already causing problems, and we've had more than 4x the amount of Haitians for two years and not one single negative thing about them has been publicly reported.

EDIT: So, yes, it's true that they've caused problems at that aren't very liked, but the US media has severely exaggerated both sides. They aren't violent, or at least haven't been, they're not gangsters; and we aren't at all against migrants, we just want them to be respectful

If only you could put that energy into your relationships

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Lmao sperging out beaner

You think I’m gunna read all that 😂😂😂🤔🤔🤔

The above is what sperging looks like

Started reading then saw you were writing your Magnus Opus. Gay and downvoted, tldr or get ignored😊😊😊

Last paragraph is basically the TL;DR

Oh then next time write tldr this isn’t an Easter egg hunt

It's like four paragraphs, son. Pop an adderall and focus.

You're daughter is gonna fuck a Mexican and it will be awesome

Think again nerd I’m sterile😎

Thank Christ.

Lol at scouring my post history for ammo😂😂😂

Lol @ manchild

What do you call them, then?

I guess in Haiti's situation, it might had more refugees.

We call them Hondurans, that's it

but the US media has severely exaggerated both sides

if you're really a mexican, you'd be used to exaggerated, sensationalist news

Shit, I wouldn't mind if we had the same click bait news but instead told by women in bikinis. Go full Latin.

When I visited Tijuana there were posters pasted all over the place calling Trump a Nazi, that seems about right

When you're told those against racism are tolerant of others and therefore willing to understand the issues they face rather than cognitive dissonance with a dose of passkve aggression remember your replies here and that I'm allegedly a Nazi despite all my friends being different ethnicities but no whites by coincidence.

I read this like five times i think and i still don't understand it

In another viral video, a Honduran woman complained to a news crew from Germany about a lunch of refried beans and flour tortillas migrants received at the shelter. "Look at it, it's all refried beans, the sort of thing they'd feed to pigs," she said.

This is what did it. Never insult a Mexicans beans. 😑

Why would a refugee fleeing for her life be complaining about the free food and shelter she’s being given 🤔

Because they aren't refugees in the traditional sense. They are migrants.


Yea, south and central America are famously wonderful...I cant imagine any reason a person would want to flee from say...Venezuela.

I can. They're full of degenerate darkies

And yet complain about free food and shelter from better countries. They are free to go back. Also, Bernie told me Venezuela is more equal than America.

When everyone is starving it's called peak equality!

The grave is the only place on earth you will find true equality.

gets post-homously dabbed I’m by pharaohs

" No one ever wins. No one finally loses, except the dead. Under the sun they rot together with absolute biological equality. "

you have to go a hell of a long way to get from Venezuela to just across the fence from San Diego

Somehow we took in plenty of Vietnamese from across the pacific back when our nation wasn't full of selfish pieces of shit.

oh you mean that nation that went to war against north vietnam and killed millions

but at least they weren't selfish!

America also was literally in a war with the country.

Because you had to? You’d spent decades proving yo South Cietbam, it was either rage all the interpreters, American agents, etc, or watch them be roasted alive in Viet Kong gulags on national news.

Why do Amerilards know nothing about their own recent history?

He knows, he is just spinning.

False, the nation was more white back than ergo more selfish

How many migrants and refugees will it take to satisfy your white guilt?

Migrants aren't working IT so he doesn't care.

The law and US courts disagree.

The law also says it is legal for the US Armed Forces to invade Mexico and massacre these people. So I guess since that is not illegal, we should do it right, since moral fags like you love to use the law as the basis for all morality.

The moronic courts just said a piece of trash tabloid employee that screams for ten minutes and stacks white house staffers has the right to have a press pass.

Lmao what?!

its always fun watching mayos lose their shit over janitorial migration patterns.

I'd eat the fuck out of spicy beans and then fart my way to San Diego.

I’d store my farts and then let out a huge one as soon as I crossed the border.

Please at least wait until you get to a brap farm so they can harvest it for energy.

Why would a refugee fleeing for her life be complaining about the free food and shelter she’s being given 🤔

Could it be because it's worse then the food she was used to in her home country?

Well, I have news for her. She can go back.

The mods should have done a better job keeping the MDE posters out

MDE posters like you call it are saying the exact things people like Obama have said about illegals.

And Obama was also a right wing loser

maybe your one of those super sheep. So indoctrinated and proud that they could never be fooled. And in thinking you could could never be fooled you have become the biggest of the fools.

maybe your one of those super sheep

Imagine unironically saying supersheep. Where's pizzashill when you need him

hey newfag, you fell for a copypasta.

Damn. I pulled a pizzashill

I mean imagine unironically saying newfag

Chapocuck go home


chapo is filled with dirty uneducated hippies

How is that statement of fact supposed to help you?


i can't kick me out, i'm protesting here maaaan

What about the sort of things Reagan had said:

Yeah, Reagan was not endorsing illegal immigration.

Why did he pass amnesty for immigrants?

Because of compromise. That isn't even remotely close to pretending borders don't exist anymore.

Bullshit, refried beans are delectable. Especially when served with spicy chicken and tortillas.

refried beans are delectable

Americucks get out

Yea, south and central America are famously wonderful...I cant imagine any reason a person would want to fell from say...Venezuela.

Because she isn't fleeing for her life.

Refried beans are great though. It's essentially a paste designed to sneak lard into my body.

Really great with eggs at breakfast.

Cheap too, I have an unlimited supply of tortillas and the beans make shopping as a broke college student affordable.

Cooking them with lard is for poor people, who want to fool others into thinking they're not poor, by being morbidly obese.

I guess you could use bacon grease, but then I would have to keep my bacon grease. That seems tedious.

At the beginning of our trip through Mexico, a kind old man in a sombrero was handing out meals to us, and they were much better than this pig food. That man’s name was Jorge Esoros and I will never forget his simple kindness.

What if Trump meant that Mexico will be the wall and they’re paying for it? 25D Backwards Russian Checkers.

Imagine if the average snowflake Americano or UK/Scandinavian knew how extremely racist and harsh people in the rest of the world can be.

But it's easier to pretend the rest of the world is an egalitarian, free paradise without evil right wingers who hate immigrants.

Imagine if Hillary was president. These migrants would be toking it up in a nice republican city like Houston, living on welfare.

I mean they're doing it with Donny boy as president too so I really don't think there's much of a difference.

The only difference between the two in practice is a decrease in migrants due to 'negative messaging' but I've not seen any actual statistics that determine how big of a difference it makes tbh.

He has made no difference

It was not an emergency when he came into office

It is not an emergency now

He has made no significant contribution to the non-emergency situation

Just to summarize:

The migrant caravan is not an emergency because you say so.

Please correct me where wrong.

Well there's like 30 million illegals in the country, pretty sure it's a rather pressing issue lol


republican city

Not anymore lol

Redditors are incapable of knowing that Texas hasn't been majority white for like 2 decades now.

Lol oh god you’re retarded

Okay Xir, how would Hillary handle the migrant caravan?

By not making it national news in a sad attempt to rile up her retarded fanbase in the midterms. You do realize not even trump actually cares about this right? You’re just a barely literate ape with access to the internet which makes you easy to manipulate.

So actually say anything other than attacking the concept as posturing. Gee, that's swell and all but you're ducking the issue.

What should the policy be? You want to let these criminals into the U.S.? Maybe give them footrub and a stipend as well.

You don't have a solution because anything you say will immediately appear naive and stupid to anyone reading.

You’re just a barely literate ape with access to the internet which makes you easy to manipulate.

Oooh, I bet you say that to all the girlz.

Lmao you do know this happens all the time right? Full of criminals? Turn of Fox News Jesus Christ. I don’t want to let them in because I’m racist but at least I’m honest unlike you trumper fucking morons. Honestly what’s it like living in outrage constantly?

Clearly I posted from The Chicago Tribune and the Daily Beast but you can't even get that correct about me.

Let me summarize your answer so far:

I can't be against the Migrant Caravan because I personally, am a tool of the patriarchy and a shill for Fox News.

Have you taken your Antipsychotics meds today?

Keep rambling my all means. I know now you’re too cool to have an opinion and are so smart you know everything congrats🤙

Okay new summary:

The migrant caravan doesn't exist and isn't a problem because I personally, am arrogant.

I think you should take your meds

So just to summarize:

You are too lazy, stupid and unoriginal to come up with your own quips so you have to borrow one of mine.

Let me know if this is right.

I know I really rustled your jimmies but try to keep your replies down to one per comment.


No. No.

I think you should take your meds

Awww, don't go. Look I've taken 4 Viagra and my bussy is lubricated with fresh diarrhea.

I'm ready for you

Just take some more fent and have a nice nap buddy

Oh, you sound like you're familiar with druhgs. You must one kool migrant to make that quip.

At least you're an, "out" racist. You don't hide behind bullshit social norms, etiquette, civility, reason or anything that has evolved to make society better. You don't subscribe to any sense of moral duty to judge people on their individual traits rather than the age-old and bygone stereotypes. You hate with a passion because it feels good. It IS your passion. You live by a code: Thinking critically is for other people dammit...besides, thinking is hard.

Blaze on you one-of-a-kind hater. You edgy racist. May your path of self-righteous ethnocentrism lead you to what you are looking for. Most likely somewhere in a shitty bar, with other shitty people, drinking shitty beer, making poor life decisions - and blaming all of that on minorities.

Keep up the fight!

Eat shit, we don’t want them in Mexico, they aren’t wanted in the USA, they aren’t wanted anywhere

This honestly reminds me of the way that Hitler would always refer to Jewish refugees as "criminals".

Adolf Hitler responded to the news of the conference by saying essentially that if the other nations would agree to take the Jews, he would help them leave:

"I can only hope and expect that the other world, which has such deep sympathy for these criminals, will at least be generous enough to convert this sympathy into practical aid. We, on our part, are ready to put all these criminals at the disposal of these countries, for all I care, even on luxury ships."

Yes, everything is Hitler.



Inferior Twinkie!

They'd still be in Mexico making their way north tbh

nice republican city like Houston

the fuck are you on about? Harris county is blue as shit

I'll change it to Oklahoma City, just for you.

I live in the rest of the world and I know it. Every western progressive should,be forced to listen to Chinese people talking about Africans.

Lol yeah the Chinese are the best because they're the opposite in every single way to the western liberal.

Don't the Chinese even have a common word which essentially means 'sheltered, silly, oversensitive westerner'?

Baizuo is a derogatory Chinese neologism used to refer to Western leftist liberal elites. It refers to the left faction in the culture wars in Western politics, implying support of multiculturalism, political correctness and positive discrimination.


Ah yeah that's what I was thinking off. Pretty funny.

is it manadarin or cantonese?


Baizuo (/ˈbaɪˌtswɔː/;[1] Chinese: 白左 báizuǒ, literally "white left"[2]

no clue, im a wh*toid


If it's remotely popular among the Chinese odds are it's Mandarin.

Cantonese has a way bigger reputation than its number of speakers, mostly because of Hong Kong cinema and the fact that it's a meme language.

Practically all written Chinese cultures is based on the syntax and vocabulary of Mandarin. Even if you speak Cantonese, you write Mandarin. At best when you read aloud you speak Mandarin with Cantonese style syllables.

Don’t they still use the classical style on Taiwan?

yes taiwan use traditional chinese

FYI that's a different thing.

Classical Chinese - modern Chinese

Two different written languages

Traditional characters - simplified characters

Two different scripts for writing the same language in, the symbols in one system map to symbols in the other at nearly 1:1. Besides a few situations where simplified Chinese simplified two characters into one (this unfortunately prevents full automatic translation between the two).

Taiwan and Hong Kong.

No, they use non-simplified characters. That's different. You can write Chinese using simplified or traditional characters, classical or modern. It's just a different script basically, it means the same thing. Also, this reform occurred in the 50's under communism, while the move away from classical Chinese occurred near the end of the 10's after the Qing dynasty had fallen. Life literally classical Chinese was a while different language, not just another set of symbols for writing the same one.

Taiwan did actually translate every law to classical Chinese for a while, I think unto the 70's? Purely based off of tradition. But classical Chinese did not last even there in any significant respect. They write mandarin using traditional characters basically. Mandarin is widely used there I think actually in media and official channels, but natively most of them speak a dialect of Hokkien. Like even outside of China proper, there's this weird diglossia situation.

its mainland but ive seen it used on komica (taiwanese imageboard)

i only know that mainland = simplified and taiwan = traditional

i dont know the difference between those two

It's Chinese.

No, serious... it's Mandarin.

Thanks for giving Chinese tankies a pat on the back there, good job illiberal creep

How long until you’re banned again and you become Watermark04?


The Chinese see the baizuo as ignorant and arrogant westerners who pity the rest of the world and think they are saviours.

Whatta Baizuo

the left faction in the culture wars in Western politics, implying support of multiculturalism, political correctness and positive discrimination

Liberals are not leftists.

cool, thanks for the info !!! maybe you should go edit the Wikipedia article since you're so concerned that you felt the need to correct my copy/paste

Wikipedia calls liberals leftists?

srs posting



I'll take that and raise you gulf Arabs talking about Indians or Africans.

Yeah, in 50 years Arabia is going to be a substate of India and Pakistan. They can treat them like shit all they want, but south asians outnumber native inhabitants in some cases by 10 to 1. And they're not going to self-deport.

how can it be racist though if they consider them to be slaves and not real people 🤔

Chinese don't like africans I assume?

About as much as koreans like african americans

not at all

Three words for you to look up:

Guangzhou Chocolate City

From what I can find it's some sort of african enclave in china from africans who arrived during the economic boom, but I can't find anything juicy about it, did I miss something?

A crackdown on illegal immigration

There are now 15,000 Africans living in the city compared to 20,000 in 2009, but "the real number, including illegal immigrants and overstayers, is believed to have been much higher," the report said.

Estimates from Chinese researchers have put the actual number of residents at over 150,000

I thought that, for once, it was actually someone else that was responsible for darkie's problems instead of themselves.

Colour me surprised, turns out not.

The funny thing is, this is china. They can cry racism until they turn blue, but china doesen't give a fuck, it litterally has concentration camps.

Every western progressive should be forced to listen to Chinese people talking about Africans.

Man, this sub has really gone to shit, hasn't it?


Hispanic here. Dude, Mexicans, especially white middle class (or above) from DF are extremely racist.

There's this Mexican feeeeemale comedian in Netflix, she is hilarious tbh but one the best jokes in her set was about dating/fucking a black guy being some kind of life milestone lol. And not sure if it was same comedian but there was also a joke about presenting a black boyfriend to your parents.

Keep in mind this was 2017/18.

And also, some Mexicans despise anyone south of Mexico.

Argentinians and Spaniards are even worse.

there are a few south americans in my office and they all hate each other, but all of them hate the Argentinians, whom they describe as 'they think they're the Europeans of South America'. Crazy.

they think they're the Europeans of South America

This is true, both in the "secret nazi refugees" sense, and in the "condescend to everyone else about how they should be running things while their own country is a shitfire" sense.

Argentina is proof that you're country can be both white and a shithole.

America is good enough proof of that

We should send migrants pictures of West Virginia/Mississippi and ask them if they really wanna move up here.

California ranks worse for poverty, incest, drug use, and crime than either of those states

CA's flavor of poverty is too familiar for that to be a disincentive for the migrants.

You gotta show them the decades-old rot in the Rust Belt and Appalachia to scare 'em off.

cuz of the migrants



Le 56% face

Or Greece. Or Spain. Or Italy. Turkey to some extend. Dont forgot the Balkans. All of them. Whit*oids always ruin their countries.

If they have even one drop of putrid white blood I throw them in with the mayos, myself.

Can we count out the possibility that none of those mayo crusaders had a good time when they walked down to the levant trhrough Greece and Turkey? That when the HRE ruled Italy they didn't send down any mayo emissaries who raped with abandon the first pure Roman he saw? That when the Christian Spanish were pushed into the north, none of them were ever driven low enough to copulate with a Frenchman? And as for the Portuguese, it is well known they've been allies with the British for hundreds of years, basically splicing their pure, olive, mediterranean legs open for descendant of the Anglo-Saxon mongrel (or worse, Hibernian) hordes that came through?

I don't think we can.

Personally I'm of the opinion that most blacks in the US are mayos, their slutty ancestors defiled their pure blood of African kings when Master McDonald knocked on their pin one night and they didn't so no hard enough.

Negro wtf are you talking about. Smh this shit doesn't make any goddam sense.

Greece, Spain, and Italy were relatively successful until recently. Honestly Spain and Italy still are by global standards, and Greece is at least still middle income (it's just been reduced to the levels of a postcommunist country).

Turkish are the bastard mutt offspring of Europe and the Middle East basically, mostly a mix of Ancient Greek Anatolians who got cucked and Turkified by the Seljuks and middle eastern migrants, with a small amount of actual Turkish central asian DNA (which they are about as proud of as Elizabeth Warren is of her Cherokee blood). It's retarded and neither side wants to acknowledge the lineage really.

they think they're the Europeans of South America

Aren't they? Who is then?

No, it’s south america.

Only a European nation would have had the guts to take on the British Empire in the Falklands.

Or a retarded one.


Hispanic man here, can confirm that Argentinians are D-bags

complaining about refried beans and flour tortillas

In Mexico, the only other thing on the menu is rat meat in a pancake.

Mexicans confirmed for high-energy 'pedes who should be given coats?!?

Lol those stupid fucks are never crossing now

But it's ok for Mexicans to want to get into the US?

Plus Mexican food is amazing, how could anyone complain of their spicy beans and chicken?

Lol. Mexicans don’t eat the type of food you see at Mexican restaurants every single day. People really do eat beans every day and whatever else they can throw together.

Erm, I get Mexican bean wraps from Gregg's, so that sounds about the same. And Cajun chicken.

"How can Mexicans hate Mexicans?" - /r/The_Dipshit

Weird how this isn't being cross posted to every sub on reddit but the one about Ivanka Trump sending charity event invitations to friends is.

Personal friends of Ivanka Trump are watching you with disapproval.