1  2018-11-19 by Inceltiers


You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


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They targeted autists, Autists!

In nโ€™est pas ici maintenant.

Frenchies get the rake too.

Sent from my iPhone.

He is here in our hearts, always


Va te faire foutre, boche.

C'est de la merde ton novelty account.

verpiss dich

Yikes. Ableism much?

I know some autistic people irl and they are the nicest people you could know. They are not hateful bigoted chuds like this far-right terrorist.



#header 1 O U T

eating obvious bait


So who should get bent ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”

I know some autistic people irl and they are the nicest people you could know. They are not hateful bigoted chuds like this far-right/incel terrorist.

Autistics are a menace, until they've all transitioned, each one is a threat.



The unpopular truth is that autism is strongly linked with both pedophilia and violence

The unpopular truth is that autism is strongly linked with both pedophilia and violence

Everyone down-voting you hates the truth.

Underagefag, send him to prison for life

Guess mom couldn't debate the rope.

Remember to abort. It could save your life.

Unironically. Pregnancy is a dangerous, debilitating medical condition, but thankfully, there is a cure.

The wire hanger I use to hang up my suit?

If Kavanaugh completes the mission, yes.

If you use a wire hanger for a suit I suggest hanging yourself tbh

Imagine thinking I would be dumb enough to use a flimsy wire hanger on a suit


>Says something that doesnt agree with my political opinion.

Counterargument: REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Counterargument: strangle to death

Ends the argument so ya

Canโ€™t wait for him to talk himself outta this one.

classic greg

Good old Bernstein

Thanks Joe Bernstein, for combing through a 15 y/o retards post history and finding he's a magacel. We love journalists, especially Jewish ones!

Mr goldstien told me age is just a social construct ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

How dare he google the kid's name and take a look at the retarded kekistani flag he set as his public Facebook banner

i like how easy the mask slips sometimes its pretty entertaining

Typing a name into facebook is so labor intensive.

This guy's gamer sausage fingers aren't as nimble as those of the perfidious tribesmen

Checking a kids facebook page doesn't compare to the autism fuelled manhunts you and the rest of the stormies go on to investigate if Hillary Clinton inhaled the fart of a terrorist in 1983. Uhhh too serious gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang

hey u/expesh just don't murder your parents and no one will look through your post history

Gamer and MDEgenerate

Every time

Is your dad's alcoholism driven by his disappointment in you?


The parents of MAGAcels should legally be allowed to abort them up to the age of 18

This but unironically


lol haha these are grate memes!!!

up to 21 for kekistanis!

he parents of MAGAcels should legally be allowed to abort them up to the age of 18

How about just no age limit?

limits are for betas

context plz

Trailer of the game Stalin versus Martians.

Nah they should be able to legally abort them until they move out. Normal people become more independent at 18, but these NEETs will leech off their parents forever.

theres already a book about that

if only unwind was real

I thought Iโ€™d never comment on r/Drama.

But finally finding someone else whose read Unwind made me comment. Itโ€™s far better than other YA dystopias because the author makes it feel like it can actually happen.

Congratulations, you made me graduate up from being a lurker.

i read the whole series in a couple of days

i loved it

scythe is good too, havent gotten the chance to buy thunderhead yet

The Unwind series is still my favorite series of books and I still wholeheartedly believe Unwind deserves a spot in middle or high school curricula far more than many of the books they had us read. I liked how they put in little bits of pop culture at the start of the chapters to give everything more depth. It has so much nuance it can make you consider the position of selling your own organs. It's the ultimate radical centrist YA novel.

I did read Uglies and I enjoyed it. It was hard to get through the early part because middle-school me got very bored by all of the talk about the operation. I got about halfway through the second novel but never finished it.

Have you ever read Feed by M.T. Anderson? It's another "original 2000's dystopia people forget about." It's about a future where people have chips in their minds which allow them to access the internet. A lot of the plot is about vapid teenager stuff, but the terrible real-world issues keep leaking in through "feed messages" and off-hand remarks in conversations. I won't spoil what happens at the end, but it gets pretty fucked up.

Now, in the 2010's, it seems like when someone writes a dystopia, it just boils down to a love triangle and teens good = adults bad, in lieu of actual social commentary. Divergent seemed to be getting to an actual point at the middle of the third book. When the books get translated to the film screen, messages seems to be diluted even further.

I have a sinking feeling that when Unwind eventually gets to be adapted into a film, they're going to remove all nuance, get rid of any discussion or subtext of abortion, and introduce Camus early so they can get right ahead to the Love Triangle. They'll also split the last book into two movies even though the last two Unwind books were originally going to be one book.




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haha i got introduced to unwind because one of the lower english classes were reading it. its definitely a thing in some schools

i agree. i liked the little spinoff stories about operations of unwinding in asia. more background

ill check that out into my reading list, thanks

i dont think unwind will get a film adaption. divergent and hunger games got one, but i cant see unwind being popular enough again. it will probably go to some other series.

i think unsouled is the last book? i dont remember. but anyway its gonna be like mockingjay pt 2 to milk cash out

Yeah but they'll be able to cut them if they try to abort them at the age of 17.

you mean 1,118

All conservatives are like this.

Should name your account better_NPC ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ LIBTARD=REKT

my sensors have indicated a response which does not align with my programmed political disposition. Outputting statement:

"orange man bad xd"

Dude en pee cees lmao

Dude tay lmao

Delet this

this but unironically delete Tay from existence


Uh oh daddy got the green belt



Based tay poster!! ๐Ÿ™Œ

Daddy bless ๐Ÿ˜

Libtards anally raped with facts and logic compilation no. 69

This but unironically

good bot

If they were, why aren't you strangled to death despite being annoying?

Because you'd have to be a woman to be strangled to death by a 14 year old nerd.

This is your brain on conservautism

I guess the debate didn't go well

Sounds like he won, but at what cost?

Killing your mom to own the libtards

pls find his t_d account

vape god part two

spaces in usernames



Just see who the top posters are. Then see who stopped posting their fentanyl crazed madness 90x a day.

Why top posters? This sounds like an average one.





please don't murder your parents

What See doi implying goy?๐Ÿคฅ๐Ÿค”

Says in the article they're charging him as an adult but IMO for a crime as heinous as this they should charge him as a black man.

So shoot him before the arrest? Im fine with that.

Black men are nothing but a myth perpetrated by the liberal media in an effort to take away our guns.


At least charge him as a man.

After controlling for the arrest offense, criminal history, and other prior characteristics, "men receive 63% longer sentences on average than women do," and "[w]omen areโ€ฆtwice as likely to avoid incarceration if convicted." This gender gap is about six times as large as the racial disparity that Prof. Starr found in another recent paper.

Men also commit 80% of all violent crime



And 96% of mass shootings.

Along with 90%+ of murders and rapes.

The most dangerous group of people is not defined by race but by sex.

Since outcome disparities between identity groups are the result of nurture not nature,

and since underperformance of identity groups is caused by oppression,

this means we're living in a misandrist matriarchy?

Men are outperforming women in crime statistics, so we're back to living in a misogynist patriarchy. Women need to pump up those rookie numbers to be on par with male violent crime statistics.

Men are outperforming women in crime statistics, so we're back to living in a misogynist patriarch

And blacks outperforming whites in crime statistics, so to be precise it's a black supremacist patriarchy.


wtf its november

Not everyone lives in an area or country with a significant number of blacks, but nearly everyone lives somewhere with a significant number of men, and the men will always outperform the women in violent crime.

Yes. Very astute.

We must put all males on estrogen and testosterone suppressants as soon as their condition stabilizes from birth. This reign of terror must end.

yeah but civilization would end as well.

Women need to pump up those rookie numbers

There just aren't enough scholarships to help promising young women rise the ladder from petty theft to drive-by shootings to large-scale trafficking operations.

We need mentorship programs, where seasoned criminals can encourage girls to join their profession, and publicly funded networking events for female criminals to mingle and give each other awards.

We should reach out to the Crips, Bloods, MS-13, Barrio 18, etc... offer public funding in exchange for preferential recruitment of female members.

No, it means you're a twat that's too much of a pussy to show us your pretty butthole.

Or maybe the world is not actually extremely simple, its extremely complex

the actual answer is The Patriarchy actually really sucks for men because it makes them work and kill each other

#NotAllMen only nearly all men

Trannies are way ahead of you. Why stay a man, when you can call yourself a woman and stop being thought of as a violent rapist?

All that work is for nothing, too since plenty of people still see trannies as rapists. The connection between men and rape is too strong for them to escape it.

The connection between liberals and rape is too strong



Pick one


Only a man could strangle his own mother.

Not stab or shoot, but strangle. Several minutes of struggle and agony. I doubt many women could do that.

He saw the life leave his mothers eyes, and all he did was tighten the rope/grip.

Males are a sickness.

Girls brains are more stupider than men's are lol

this but funironically

Girl brains are just more average. Men have two modes, complete retard or genius.

lmao, don't foids routinely dump their own babies somewhere they might get killed?

You say that like it's a bad thing

that only strengthens her point

when a foid kills someone, itโ€™s done in a way thatโ€™s impersonal and quick from their perspective. moids tend to bask in the murder

giving birth grants you special rights

State of mommy cucks




No they donโ€™t this is literal Jontron tier fanfic.

Proving, once again, that men are inherently superior to women.

That's just because all the mass shootings committed by women go un-reported.

90% of violent male criminals were raised by single mothers...

Sure sweaty

If women were physically strong as same as men, situation would be equally dire on both sides of the sexes, instead they just pick and choose situations of minimum blowback, as in the case of toddlers or adversaries who won't report their crime or fight back.

Men recieve longer sentences because theyre more violent and prone to recidivism. MRA literally DESTROYED with a LOGIC BOMB and FACTS IED.


The male/female sentencing disparity is caused as much by "institutional misandry" as the black/white sentencing disparity is caused by "institutional racism."

This but unironically

Charging this kid as an adult just perpetuates this type of behavior. A fifteen year old strangles his mother and the puritans want to lynch him.

Mayocide when?

Nobody deserves that.

Y'all Queda strikes again


You can be both white and Hispanic

you didn't say he was white, you said he was a redneck


Ustedes Qaeda?

RIP Pizzashill's mom

He can't keep getting away with this!

Kekistani MAGAcel totally STANGLES own mother to DEATH with FACTS and LOGIC over libtard GRADES

It was BEN SHAPIRO in the CONSERVATORY with the ROPE. Checkmate LIBS

Commandant BEN SHAPIRO of SS-Totenkopfverbรคnde totally GASSES 6 million libtards with FACTS and BURNS their bodies in LOGIC ovens

el goblino...

El Abominacion*

El Ogro

La Ramos de la madre strangalo des americanas

If your kids have political opinions you have to beat it out of them, that's just how good parenting works. They should feel afraid to even think about politics until they've been gainfully employed for at least 4 years.

This but unironically.

Bring back patria potestas!

Imagine killing your parents over politics


lol this is the 2nd time its happened other was pizzagater calling his dad a pedophile because he was a democrat, and he was one of the really good democrats who volunteers for charities and doesnt just facebook post social movements.

Republicanism is more than a "different viewpoint", it's a violent ideology.


Its the ideology if peace!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ค

Kekistanis are murders, antifa is the movement of peace.

based and soylent pilled

Cringe but redpilled

blue checkmark

murder story


jewish journo

Is this me or are they really trying to get public all riled up?

Why can't conservatives stop murdering people tho

kid at 15 is hardly a conservative.

They can't not murder people lmao

That's not a retort to what I just said.

r/braincel poster

coping this hard


dude ed lmao.

Gross are you actually a braincel poster? Should off yourself right away

dude bussy lmao

Its true tho; put down the angry mayo youtube and get some bussy, or learn how to jerk off to tranny porn.



dude bussy lmao

The fact that incel conservatives are murderers isn't even an opinion lmao

The fact that incel conservatives are murderers isn't even an opinion lmao

The guy you're replying to *literally* posts on r/braincels

That's not a retort to what I just said.

mozzerdozzer legit posts in /r/braincels unironically

He can retort these nuts tbh

probably the same reason blacks cant stop raping and jews cant stop sucking baby dicks if i had to guess

He said,l through a mouthful of baby dicks

im not a rabbi lol

So you admit that theyโ€™ve a predisposition, then.

if you admit the others too then sure lol

i always enjoy that sort of tacit admission that right wing memes affect people

What did you mean by this?

if you steal someones idea instead of making your own up, youre basically admitting that the idea you stole is better and more effective than anything you could come up with

this is why the right loves it when lefties try to steal memes, its a progress report

How vague are these "ideas"?

His libtard mom wouldn't buy him any guns to shoot up the local elementary school

No, but as a kneejerk reaction, people on the right will trigger and people on the left will milk this, presenting a yet another case of: LOOK DEM ALTRIGHTERS HATE JOOS.

Serious talk: this shows how potent the media machine has become. In the XXth century you actually have to be up and about to be influenced by propaganda and people who preach it.

Then came the TV.

Then came the Internet.

And now, bussies and gussies around the world have this unique opportunity to inject potent drugs of propaganda and madness without needing to leave the basement for their tendies.

Humanity was a mistake, gas everyone, not just whit*oids.

its pretty easy to find them just poke prispram until he serious posts about jews, braincels are everywhere.

This sub has turned into a hive of them. We should have shut down after 40k subs.

Dios mio......

la atrocidad...

well, now he can test his debating skills in prison, topics like "blacks are inherently dumb and lazy top kek" will surely get him some wanted recognition in public spaces, namely shower

You need a counter argument for it to be a debate ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž

a young conservative kept repeating "not an argument" as his bussy kept getting it's NAP violated

His bussy is about to become a slippery slope

a dick in the ass is a decent counter

So he's joining the Aryan Brotherhood?

I canโ€™t think of a better place that would take him.

They're going to shove little bottles of Jack Daniels up his ass.

They're going to shove little bottles of Jack Daniels up his ass.

he'd be good asscandy for those gayboys

Is it true that in burger prisons you are either pee-oh-see gang or nazi gang?

"blacks are inherently dumb and lazy top kek" will surely get him some wanted recognition in the public space

Jean-Franรงious Gariรฉpyโ€™s youtube show? Yeah, probably.

oh shit, really? didn't know that lol

this little fucker is likely to get life no parole so hopefully that will be out of the question


This is so fucking good for dramacoin. hodl!

Blockhead joe will never work for the New York Times

Gen Z is what the boomers wish they were.

All Trumpfags choke their disappointed mothers to death, all Hillaryfags jerk off into potted plants for disgusted women to see

Lmao top kek.

He made sure to tell us he was highly intelligent over and over and over again.

Imagine having to interrogate this annoying little shit without laying hands on him.

This is what happens when you don't hit your children.


i dont even understand how these people can unironically say what they do

Stating a blatant fact, what's not to understand?

yeah those violent republicans are killing so many people

Hasn't like every recent school shooter been a republican? Conservatism is a mental illness.

dunno but school shootings are a very small minority, i think you chapotards are more violent

youre just way worse at it

republicans grow up around guns and naturally are better shooters

Chapotards have never killed anyone lol they are all frail retards. Conservatives are literally killing people every week. They are as bad as radical islamists.

exactly theyre too week and frail

Wow, I guess it actually is the new punk rock.



Wait, let me guess



Escape getting shot at school
Escape getting shot in college
Escape getting shot at the movie on your first date
Escape getting shot at the music festival on your third
Don't get ANESTHESIAD by your psycho nurse
Escape getting shot at your kid's kindergarten
tfw kid finally gets you


But did he scored though?

Beautiful Joe!