Feminist says Blackmen During slavery had more privilege than White women who used them as slaves

1  2018-11-19 by Atheistsomalipirate


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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White women in Western countries are literally the most oppressed group in human history.

They should all try out for gymnastics, that's for sure

We actually learned about this in class

/American higher education.

Both had more privilege than gamers

They targeted Gamers!


Letting gamers vote was a mistake.

They came on gamers. GAMERS.


If you don't believe me now that white women are the enemy of all black and brown and white men, there's nothing I can say to change your mind.

are you kidding

the only bigger ally for black men in America than straight white women is gay white men

not for any particular reason of course

If ally means fetishized sex object and wish to have a controllable black man for filling their desires, then sure

and wish to have a controllable black man

I'm about 99% sure it's the opposite of that.

I disagree. Many white women see black men the same way they view attack dogs. They want one to use, under their sole control

Sure, but we're talking about gay white men Totally different story.

Ah, was only talking about white women. Yes, the gay men just fetishize




Mayo women are disgusting as fuck. Jfl if you marry one

Literally no better what mayo women somehow find a way to make themselves the real victims. Raping black men its the black man's fault, lying so black men get hanged their fault too. Unreal

What about the mulatto, quadroon and octaroon xer slaves? What about their oppression by mayo gussy?

Isn't it clear now, Mayo gussies were the real victims

One drop rule

Black men had the privilege of being hung from the nearest tree for sleeping with white women. That's about it.

They got the vote 50 years before white women.

"got the vote"

That was probably a mayo bitch ready to field for her team at the oppression olympics

Guys, I know it's tempting to descend into a nother 'mayo women are the worst' jerk, but:

A black woman just said Blackmen During slavery had more privilege than White women who used them as slaves

That mindset was raped into her by the (((white woman))) besides its not a jerk if its true

Going off a title to bitch about your favorite gripe that has nothing to do with the incident at hand is definitely a jerk. Though, congrats on blowing shit out of proportion I suppose. 🥉

that has nothing to do with the incident at hand

I mean, it's still gussy, just not of the mayoid variety.

blowing shit out of proportion

Looks like you're lost too I hope you're saved from the whitey menace some day

Why does that guy keep on calling them "blackman" and "blackmen"?

DrTJC is a pro-mayocide academic, pretty based imo

Mayocide when?🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️

Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic.

this only unironically

Woman says something retarded on twitter

Lol, stealing that line

Hahahahahaha idpol scope creep is so outta control it's consuming everything and everyone in its path.

I give it 12 months before it's illegal to complain about anything without first genuflecting to a statue of mayo gussy in acknowledgement of their far greater burden in life.

(And to think, the only group that's come close to achieving such an exalted protected class status is tussy)


Every time. That place deserves to be burned to the ground.

I see it's time for the oppression Olympics again

Hearsay is not admissible in a court of drama.

Where is u/the_reason_trump_won when you need him?

Too busy raking forests, I'd assume

White women have always been the primary victims of slavery

Id(iot)Pol amirite

Galaxy brain shit.

Minorities fighting each other is my favourite kind of drama

White bitches can suck my balls.

*Hand rubbing intensifies*


Fucking Ace

I like how he says "blackman" like it's a single word

"hullo, fellow blackm'n how are you" tips bowler cap

After browsing this guy's posts.


Well, this guy ain't wrong. I've had people sit next to disgusting smelling human blobs before they sit next to me. Except for that time this lady pretty much sat in my lap to get away from a human blob.

Thank capital “G” God that this day has finally come. White women are finally waking up to the fact that they were the true victims of slavery

More icky gussy trash.