Chapo Hate Thread

1  2018-11-19 by GodOfLoveUnderworld

What makes them special compare to MDE refugees?


Mayocide as a means to an end.

Post your hog!

At least the MDEtards made me laugh, I swear the Chapocucks humor must have gotten redistributed or something

All they do is unironically tell us to post our hog, they ripped that off from us and replaced bussy with hog. 🙄🙄

Left cant meme

Basically its a version of “post tits or gtfo”

please don't lump us hog squeezers with the hog showers

p sure they ripped that off from cumtown anyway

Tf is cumtowm?

Podcast that basically revolves around dick jokes

Shout out Cheney

Shout out Ryan Schutt

politics podcast


Podcast about being gay with your dad

Roll tide?

A far-right podcast according to /r/masstagger

Haha holy shit cumtown is on mass tagger? For what? Calling people retards? Ahahhahahha

I have just looked at your stats and it seems you have posted to that hate sub a full 8 times.


bahahaha this can't be real

I just checked out their main post for the tagger and they really are butt hurt with /r/drama.

comedy podcast made by friends of the Chapo crew

some MDE guys like it because they make ethnic jokes

it's a podcast about bein gay squeezin hogs and sucking penis

the hosts lean left but make a lot of offensive jokes so MDEgenerates think they are in good company when they actually just piss people off

Live. in game. wagering.

MDE tards actually convince themselves that the entertainers they like are secretly alt right like them but can't come out and say it. The thought of their virtual friends being libtard NPCs is too much to bear.

no we ripped "it's about being gay with your dad" from cumtown.

the post hog thing is from when some white national made one of the "you guys fucking suck" threads and then people googled his username and found a bunch of pics he posted to some gay photoswap site. he said he knew he was a degenerate but was trying to stop, but it didn't stop him from posting some more pics by request of chapos.

i can't remember if it happened again, but then every time someone else tried to effortpost about why chapo is trash in there, people demand to see the dick pics

POST HOG CHUD (pls no respond with f slur)

f slur


you are a [BAD WORD]

omg that's so r[slur]!! how very dare u

they cant make actual jokes unless it offends someone

My favourite was when they banned memes

The left can’t mean, literally it’s not allowed

When did they ban memes


*Seized for the people

I actually don't hate them for one reason, they never banned me in their sub no matter what I said, where as I have been banned on pretty much 99% of radical right-wing subs. As much as they are bunch of spineless, weak, self-loathing, beta male feminist cuck parasites, they are pretty alright in my book.

I was banned for saying Lenin should’ve been roped.

It's true though.

The best part is, my phone typo’d and I said raped. I was doing the good ol editaroo when I got the hammer.

Now thats an ancient and wholesome organic reddit meme reference

Had to be done. Think of all the newbies who haven’t seen it. Or the gummy bears. Or the swamps of Dagobah.

I’m a giver really.

Dae le bacon narwhal at midnight the cake is a lie lol tf2 funny source films and montage paradies and omg i took an arrow in the knee

I hated these when they were a thing but now feel oddly nostalgic.

This. So much this.

/uj eh, decade old memes. Cake is a lie was top tier le gaymer inside joke pseudo intellectual cringe.

It’s weird. I also hated them. Now it’s lile, “no wait! Come back! Shit, what’s a chud?”

Don't you dare speak ill of tf2 gmod videos

you Have that video off The guy fuckong a gummy bear cant find anywhere.

Oh sweaty. No. That’s a different gummy bear.

This is the tale of the man and his gummy bears

Jolly rancher, cumbox and broken arms are better. Gnudist fucking a massive gummy bear was legendary he deleted the vid but i refuse to believe someone didnt save it.

It’s the internet someone has to have it. And frankly I’d forgotten about that -.- ugh.

Jolly rancher, cum box, those should be stocked to the top of /r/drama at least once a week to break in our immigrants.

Shouldn't really be the need people reference it all the time. We should have primo Drama thread though where stuff like Catgirl getting gulag'd or the Crazy cat lady with poly workers.

I think it is thanks I guess. Dunno it isn't as good as i remember lol. I swear the gummy was huge. I thought it was lost because the last version of ermoe closed down.

Mh my. It just keeps going. Better pass it on.

I mean how many neurosyphilis-induced strokes did he have? Two or three?

I just realized both him and Stalin died after stroking out and now wonder if the same would've happened to Trotsky if he hadn't had his head ventilated by way of icepick.

weak as it is, this must be pasta

I got banned in like two minutes. Maybe you're just commie in your sympathies.

They ban all the time

I've done everything from calling them cucks to seriousposting about how leftism is genocidal. I even told some guy who lost his home and possessions to the "communist cause" to go whore his sissy ass on the streets like faggot commie he is, but all they did was downvote me and came back with some lame leftist meme about showing my dick to them.

This is what I said in response to them championing teen Vogue as being "woke" for injecting slut positive propaganda into a publication meant your young girls

"Imagine this: teen Vogue has sexy fashy blonde haired blue eyed girls extolling upon the virtues of national socialism. You have a daughter. She reads it and comes downstairs and is like "dad... Hitler doesn't seem so bad. Why's he so vilified?"

Would you be triggered then? Or would you be "lmao teen Vogue brainwashing my kids? Damn that's funny. Imagine being annoyed by teen Vogue.""


letting your kid read teen vogue

no wonder you got banned fucface

My dude, not me. They posted a cover of teen vogue and we're fawning over it. That was my take. Just an example of some pretty tame shit they ban for.

Oh, my apologies sir.

Oh yeah I remember reading that when I was going through your post history. That shit had me in stitches

I love Chapo. After the LateStageCapitalism phase ended and people realized how embarrassing the gay luxury space communism thing was, there was a period where the anti-communists were actually way more annoying and cringy. Now, thanks to the chapstick explosion, reddit commies have once again taken their rightful place as the lamest, most annoying, most embarrassing and least self-aware retards on this retard website.

I think that's more because after helicopter memes started getting subs banned the really annoying anti-commies shut up to avoid having to ban-evade. People still post in LSC, activity may be down but I think that's more due to Chapo being more popular at the moment.

Chapo is just edgy LSC. Which I suppose is an improvement?

Nah, it's funnier when they pretend they aren't edgy bois because when they get angry the mask slips and they indulge their inner tankie.

Scratch a communist, and a tankie bleeds.

Wtf is a tankie


Its a communist who is willing to run you over with a tank to get his way. They unironically endorse the actions of Stalin, Mao and Pot to bring upon the communist 'Utopia'.

So, a communist.

Yeah but theres the communist who thinks communism is a good idea and would like to see it happen and then the communist who is so sure in his convictions that he is willing to starve 30 million people to death or smash a child's brains against a tree before throwing him a mass grave in order to help make his vision a reality.

This while believing the entire time that they will ultimately be the one sitting in the throne making all of the decisions and not instead being lined up against a wall, shot and thrown into the same mass grave as the child when all of the resistance has been extinguished.

Fucking helicopter memes get censured but not the actual threats sent by LSC mods

Fuck are you doing here and not Kaiserreich?

This. So much. It's amazing how they manage to be ignorant about the most basic subjects.

Sometimes I bounce between Debatealtright and Chapo depending on which glue I huff.

there was a period where the anti-communists were actually way more annoying and cringy.


you've never been one for self awareness

He’s right to make fun of you.

I bet you’ve unironically posted bussy memes in the past? Eh, little guy?



What a faggot

I'm not a chapo dumbass

Never said you were, fag.

no reason to be so mad sweaty 🙄🙄🙄

Can’t play that card, little guy. I don’t give two shits about your “whoever cares less wins” game.

Still in school? Or working some shitty desk job?

i'm currently balls deep participating in the elimination of the white race, every single cummy roping out of my penis spells doom for fentoids

So yes you’re some do nothing dork in college

Good luck in your classes, little guy!

So are you keeping your GPA up? Or do you spend too much time on Reddit?

nothing wrong with bein gay partner. Being straight on the other hand?? capital offense

you being angry at boring conservatives doesnt make them more obnoxious than communists though sorry dude

Being unironically annoyed at miscegenation and interracial children is not boring to me friendo

mixed kids are pretty gross though have you seen them they look like aliens

The hottest take

To date no one has still explained why someone is supposed to feel insulted after being called a CHUD.

I know where it's from(some kitschy horror movie) but what insecurity or character flaw is it supposed to play on)

I mean all the popular insults do this.

retard,autist - intelligence, NPC- Individuality, faggot-sexuality, manlet- height, cuck- manhood, etc......

Oh yeah? U have a tiny pp

Haha owned!!!!


Post hog


Post hog

Ergo propter hog

I know where it's from(some kitschy horror movie) but what insecurity or character flaw is it supposed to play on?

That's the genius of the insult. It isn't ableist, dehumanising, homophobic, heightist, sexist, racist, or any other *-ist.

you could argue that it's ableist if you squint

So basically it's an insult that isn't meant to be ofensive. What a moronic thing.

What the fuck is the point of an insult that isn't offensive?

Real insults punch up, not down.

You lint licker

That's offensive to blanketkin, stop at once!

This actually done. Calling someone rich or white as a slur in some contexts. It's an interesting reversal of values.

What a fucking retarded take

Probably exlaims why they like it.

The first time I got called a chud I was a little nonplussed and every time since then I just glaze over it. It is a worthless word.

All it does is ID the person saying it as a Chapo retard.

so... a compliment

It’s meant to purposefully lack meaning as to not offend a disadvantaged minority group, since better insults like “faggot” and “autist” are discriminatory to the chapotard.

Don't forget retard. That's a no no word for them as well.

"Dirtbag left" my ass

They allowed those words until the humorless /r/soc crowd showed up and threw a fit about it.

Those fuckers banned catgirls, why listen to them?

I've always assumed the moderators are being threatened with the wall once the revolution comes if they don't play along with the insanity.

I remember I once made a comment on r/socialism where I linked a YouTube video titled “The Alt-Right is too Dumb for Sex”.

They took down my comment for using the word “dumb.”

Also, ironically, r/socialism bans religious discrimination, but they constantly praise leaders who engaged in religious persecution.

Tbh the catgirl debacle is all anyone needs to see to understand that they are retards. All the other dumb shit they do is just icing on the cake.

Cat girl debacle?

disadvantaged minority group

Literally new york homeless people forced to live in the sewers with radioactive waste

Having to live in New York makes you a disadvantaged minority group

i.e., what happens to the people Chapotards are displacing in Brooklyn.

Yeah but theyre mayo so it doesnt count

Nah we say retard alot

T.chapo fag

Strange cause there always seems to be some kind of shitshow on chapo over whether the r(slur) is acceptable.

70% of that is cumtown related copypasta

They're so big on identity politics it's the only thing they can call someone that they see as a lesser. Idiot, moron, and retard are ableist and a no go. Shit head is kink shaming shit-eating retards. Etc.

Every good insult punches downward

You forgot about “smoothbrain”

that's actually really good

Dude chuds lmao

Look at our cute lil inside joke and referenece we use unironically xxddd

This but with more BUSSY

Broke: you’re a chud

Woke: you’re a fucking retard

Bespoke: dude post bussy lmao

my wittle chud got kinda stiffy

Chapofags are dumb mayos living in abject poverty. Calling people chuds is the highlight of their day, and probably the only thing keeping them from offing themselves.

also they are coming to terms for being a failure to their middle class or upper middle class families that enabled them to get a nothing burger degree from uni. being 25+ and working retial with a BA in literature or psych? LOL ITS THE BOURGIES FAULT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

i have a fucking handful of these people IRL lol its pathetic.

some of the college dropouts that do trades earn more than me even as a fucking Comp Sci faggot thats good at what I do....

anyways, cool rant, peace.

Most commies don't come here and spam up the join cause they know their place, but better MDE shitposting than them I guess.

Thing about leftists is they never stick around. This is why I can't bring myself to care about fears of a Chapo invasion - they come for one thread, see a S L U R and then leave. MDEgenerates on the other hand come and then stay around until being chased away a few weeks later.

Chaptards are like mosqioto while MDEugeea are ticks

Mosquitos kill way more people than ticks, though I figure outbound suck to get lymes disease or be turned into a vegan by that Australian tick.

Commies being mosquitoes is pretty apt tbh

Kropotkin though.

Chapos are serious about everything. Their idea of a joke appears to be “DAE want to [verb, usually involving harm] so and so, but in [insert game]? It’s just a joke!!!! Hahhhaahahaaa.”

You realize that the "in minecraft" thing is from MDE, right?

Fucking commies can't create anything on their own besides famines.

Communists are a minority on CTH.

Sure thing chapo 'fugee, go back to your containment sub.

They are though.

It has grown a lot, and now consists mostly of tankies, socialists and succdems. Soon there'll come those who unironically call themselves liberals.

>consists mostly of tankies, socialists and succdems.

2/3 of those groups on reddit are commies with a thesaurus, the third is welfare capitalists subscribing to meme politics.

Tankies and socialists are not communists. The former want a big centralised government, the latter want virtually no government (autonomous communes etc.). Quite a big different.

I wasn't kidding about you needing to go back, chapo.

Pontificate on what constitutes real communism with the other political autists there.

It isn't hair-splitting, or leftist splinter group rivalry, socialism objectively is not communism.


And if I quote Benjamin Tucker socialism is basically capitalism.

But on Reddit, they're all just tankies and meme welfarers.



But if they're both failures, does it even matter?

Fuck off commie scum.

wasn't it a Daily Shoah thing or did TDS steal it from somewhere else?

Perhaps, I first saw it on twitter but I'm not alt-right so I wouldn't know about that.

I mean all that stuff overlaps anyways. Don't really have a dog in the fight, was just curious if you knew.

I'm fairly certain it was TDS though. So we have them to thank for ((())) and "... in Minecraft"

You MeanThe Dick show???

He means The Daily Shoah

The Daily show? Who thr fuck watches that anymore

not the daily show, the daily shoah

Why do you keep misspelling it. Youre not anti semitic are you? Zog? What do you mean Zog? Pretty gay dude. Go get fucked by 100 to 120 guys.

misspelling what?

Show as Shoah. Pretty antisemitic dude.... YIKES!

Maybe at that standard fuck party youll get a disease the doctors dont even know what they are.

the daily shoah and the daily show are two different things

Dude its not a funny meme. I have a friend called Sven thats in the alt right (aka jew haters) and I asked him about this funny little meme youre trying to push and he said its all so tedious

Yeah, it's not a funny meme, it's a podcast called the daily shoah. My friend Mike Peinovich hosts it.

Heh I guess Ill gave to check it out. I got lots of time in my commute to prep in the car some daily current events, if its like an edgy news and politics podcast

is this mde humor??

don’t really have a dog in the fight

Lol aren’t you a white nationalist?

lol what are you some faggot using MassTagger or something?

nah just lurk some dumb politics subs like destiny and metacanada

i thought it came from twitch because of new ToS in March you couldn't say kill yourself anymore so a lot of streamers would follow up "in a videogame" after everything

Unfortunately I know a ton of people in the New York comedy scene, and it’s really depressing to hear their views on what comedy should be. Most of them believe that the purpose of comedy is to bring about social change, and those who don’t agree with that should be ostracized for the greater good. They’re so self righteous, and a lot of the time their idea of a joke is “socialism would be so much better am I right?”

It’s really annoying because there’s tons of hilarious people in that scene that get shoved to the back because they aren’t gay, a woman, trans, or non white. And these people have to just let it happen because if they stand up and do anything about it, they’re ostracized, and any chance of sustaining a career in comedy is instantly ruined if you say to an art director, “I think you know that this person isn’t funny and that you haven’t fired them because they represent an underrepresented group.”

It’s why so many of these theaters are failing. The people in charge aren’t funny, and the comedians performing try to elevate themselves as warriors of some cause because they feel guilty about living in New York with their father’s money to pursue an empty career of telling jokes. It’s such an obvious cope.

All those words won't bring daddy back.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

This is the most depressing thing I've read in the past few weeks.

The progressive mayo's war on fun and freedom must be stopped before they sanitize everything out of existence.

Oh wowzers, next up on the show, we have comedian May O. Gussi. Her groundbreaking new comedy special made waves after she problematized chilli cheese dog eating competitions through an intersectional lens. But first, let us take a moment of silence to acknowledge the identities of marginalized bodies throughout the country..."


Oh man haha I’ve heard that exact phrase so often. What’s crazy is that I’ve heard these people laugh at and tell jokes about 9/11, yet if you tell a black joke, you’re a piece of shit.

At least that’s how they are publicly. You get some of these people one on one and you can riff with them about whatever, and they’re some of the funniest people you’ll talk to. But as soon as they’re in a group, it’s all about posturing. I could never truly be friends with most these people because of how fake they are.

Damn you sound like you really hang out in super cool circles man you part of the scene ? Wink wink

Haha no I just have some family members who are. I’d never live in New York.

God needs to destroy that place, and anybody who looks back to witness the destruction should be turned to salt.

t. Isn’t cool enough to live in NYC

Nearly everyone I know from there is a complete dork obsessed with capeshit and social justice.

I should meet some finance guys I guess.

it's the same kind of person, just swap capeshit for Michael Bay movies and social justice for cocaine.

t. went to business school

Amazing anectdotal experience champ

t. mad bankerscum

I uh dont think you get how thr T meme works sweaty

That sounds way better.

Lives in one shit ass neighborhood judges the whole city.

Don't worry, rising sea levels are going to get it.

It's funny because there's no easier target than white people, Christians, rich people. In 2018 all those words have significant negative connotations, and anyone can safely talk ahit about them. Blacks, women, and gays on the other hand?

These people have to convince themselves they're living in the 1950s for their existence to be justified. Meanwhile, in the real world, they won long ago and all their "punching up" is really just kicking the shit out of a broken enemy. They're the overdog.

Insulting a religion that says to "turn the other cheek" is edgy and dangerous. Insulting a religion that issues fatwas on people who insult it is not cool, man.

Wtf. I love Islam now!

Unfortunately I know a ton of people in the New York comedy scene, and it’s really depressing to hear their views on what comedy should be. Most of them believe that the purpose of comedy is to bring about social change, and those who don’t agree with that should be ostracized for the greater good. They’re so self righteous, and a lot of the time their idea of a joke is “socialism would be so much better am I right?”

when "jokes" are told for applause instead of laughs, it's not comedy

The problem with modern late-night TV summed up in 12 words.

like Norm Macdonald said, the election of Trump was good news for bad comedians

Eh, their ratings are all on the decline, I'd say his election was bad news for comedy in general as several decent comedians also veered into "Orange Man Bad!" territory.

I'd say the internet has been bad for all TV, the Blompf shit is probably (hopefully) the last gasp of a dying industry...

Conan went from the masturbating bear to trying to say Haiti is really nice because it has nice gated resorts.

If that’s a problem than either (a) learn how to enjoy the drama or (b) maybe don’t vote for a President that calls other countries “shitholes” next time.

You're retarded?

No u

Maybe don't be a big fag

Most of them believe that the purpose of comedy is to bring about social change

Isn't the point of comedy just supposed to be making people laugh?

Change my view: Standup comedy has become Ted Talks with punchlines

A lot of the mainstream stuff is definitely that.

The people I know aren’t in standup specifically, so I can’t speak for the scene as a whole.

Yeah I heard on one recent special they had to edit basically all the laughter in afterwards. Then again, Trevor Noah seemingly gets laughs so who knows.

It's been that way since George Carlin, who by the way didn't even have punchlines.

Punchlines imply a joke.

Have you ever heard the Story of Darth Hyde?


Any entertainer reading this, here’s a hot take: you are a performer. A jester. I pay you money for you to make me laugh. Giving me an hour long rant about your world view is not funny.

Now dance for my amusement.

It's like with games, where there's an expectation now that consumers will buy whatever you make. And if they don't, then it means they're "entitled" or nazis or something and it's their fault. Apparently there's a whole generation of people who grew up without ever learning that you can't sell something to people who don't want to buy it.

I don't think it's like that at all actually. No-one is expecting you to buy games you don't like lol.

Companies expect this on the daily. Lol.

No shit companies want you to buy their product, but people make fun of gamers when they throw a tantrum they didn't get what they wanted, not when they just don't buy it.

You must be retarded. They expect you to buy the product and when you dont and tell people why they lose their shit and start using words like toxic.

Lmao sure dude, that's exactly what happens.

Whenever there's a game people don't want, the reaction is "I'm not really interested in this, doesn't look like my sort of thing for x/y/z reason". It's not impotent reeing and tantrum throwing.

Fuck blizzard im not buying this trash mobile game

Whiney entitled GAMERS why do they keep rising up!?

Throwing a tantrum and claiming a company personally betrayed you is the same thing as just going "Not interested, not gonna buy" obviously.

Its called criticism and feedback you fuckwit.

If you used to buy quality oil filters from a company for 20 years and they suddenly start making them out of cardboard what the fuck should the normal human reaction be?

Tell all your friends they are shit and here is why, don't buy them. Tell the company if they don't fix them you wont buy them.

Why you retards think that this normal market process is fucking entitlement and feel the need to defend entertainment products from criticism is beyond me.

The normal market process is to sperg out across the internet when a company makes something you don't want? Not something that doesn't work, just that you don't really want. And to later claim said sperg out never happened and it was just calm criticism?

That doesn't sound right to me 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

I think you would have to be purposefully very fucking retarded to not see why people call gamers entitled.

This isnt even relegated to video games.

See Star Wars, Ghostbusters, etc.

Entertainment products with brands have expectations and if you cant make a good product you deserve every bit of lambasting over it. Holy shit, you retards have corporate fingers so far up your asses you don't think people should speak their mind about a shitty product.

If you dont like it just stop reading walls of text about children's toys on the internet jesus christ.

I don't care when people criticise stuff, but when people act like retards on the internet I think it's fair to call them retards.

Throwing a fucking fit because you don't like something is acting like a retard.

What the fuck are you talking about.

Just basic bitch shit that SRDines cant comprehend.

What company ever expected you to buy a game and then called you racist when you didn't?


"Look at this amaaazing new game"

"I don't like it because [reasons] so I will not buy it."

"Look at this entitled manbaby throwing a tantrum. He probably hates women and minorities "

Something like that.

Yea that's exactly what happens, everyone is calm and collected until the companies call them sexist for no reason.

You should watch Hannah Gadsbys Nanette, I think you would really enjoy it.

Look at Jerry Seinfeld. Unironically the father of modern comedy. Even he has said he is sick of this overly PC culture and that’s why he’ll never perform in college campuses again.

Saw him in Vegas earlier this year. Still a great performer and just...tells the jokes. Loved every second of it and would go back for another round.

Is that true? That's terrible. I thought comedy pushing boundaries was what made it great. I want to laugh, not be preached at for being a piece of shit. I already know what I am.

Most of them believe that the purpose of comedy is to bring about social change, and those who don’t agree with that should be ostracized for the greater good.








Relevant: (I screenshotted this just a few days ago)




If you get me banned from this sub I'm going to get arbys to ban your account

I like how you save screenshots, tremble, and shit yourself at the thought of NYC antifa beating your ass.

they stole that from mde btw

Not entirely true. They do try to steal cumtowns jokes, they just suck at it.

I like to imagine when chapofarts get mad on the internet they need to rev up Kaiserreich and play France over and over to feel better.

'S-some day...'

They're all f(slur) n(slur)f(slur) r(slur)s and need to be coptered

lets be real boys chapsticks = established in the media such as VICE etc

MDE = edgy underage irrelvent no media presence

Imagine thinking having paste-eating journalists on your side is a good thing, lmao.

Vice can't even survive without venture capitalists, and they're quickly realizing it's a shitpile and pulling funds.

what about NYT huffpost fucking NPR newstatesman guardian mirror i could go on

>Imagine thinking having paste-eating journalists on your side is a good thing, lmao.

21 participants


I giggled at how the sample size got that tiny because of how many recused themselves due to their reliance on anti-depressants.

Yeah, because it would have fucked the study

Umm sweaty, that's praxis!


Dude just prax it out bro

broke: using cth lingo
woke: mocking chapotards with cth lingo
bespoke: post hog

Wtf is praxis

it’s from that golddigger song by kanye

One of the moons of Qo'nos.

Yea the one that blows up has effect named after it only thing that was interesting on the Wikipedia page about praxis.

I don't know, but no-one who uses it is worth talking to.

I really hate commies but these guys are lovably pathetic so it’s not too bad. Sometimes I get concerned about the rise of communism but then I remember it attracts the stupidest, weakest and most cowardly members of society.

What makes them special compare to MDE refugees?

They’re actual mouth breathers, whereas MDE is just trolls.

The MDE hate was started by a triggered mod and his Discord buddies and pushed as a new meme that SRDines on this subreddit gobbled up and regurgitated.

Ya know, people like to throw out snowflake accusations left and right but I don't see a drama mod getting triggered enough to spam his own subreddit with automated comment replies to chapo posters.

I find this subreddit's centrism is insufficiently radical.

Than leave

“You know you’re a faggot, right?”

“Then leave.”

Literally what?

He insinuated you are a faggot

Frankly I’m a little flattered by the insinuation but I have a confession to make, I’m not a faggot nor could I ever hope to be that cool 😎 😢

Wow what a fucking loser

Ok but they're both retarded lmao only apologists would claim otherwise in a radical centrist zone

Going “muh radical centrism” every time someone points out that the MDE meme was started by triggered lolcow mods makes you look like a pussy that’s afraid of stepping outside the approved memespace.

There is no “both sides”ing here.

And no, I’ve never visited MDE except when you faggots used to link it every five minutes.

Nah MDE, especially towards the end, was truly awful. The old MDE posters actually hated the new crowd that barely knew about the show and just spammed pol memes all day.

Everyone knows that polposting is the new bronyposting which was the new furryposting.

Pol boys are basically new age furries

I miss the schizoposting a lot.

Imagine thinking MDE was just trolling

It’s okay to be white.

Is this bantz?[insert pigeon posting meme]

this but unironically

It’s okay to be white.

It's really not.


Unironically this. Ed would spam links in a telegram chat we were in

CTH has solid memes occasionally so they're okay in book.

They're still serious posters in 2018 tho lmaooo

Lol show me one thing they did that was funny?

They’re just cringe af. Their humor is like old millennials and boomers trying to be edgy, SAD!


knockoff novelty accounts are the absolute worst.

Nobody cares about retarded Brazilian politics beyond "lol corruption"

Trump cares, if don't nobody else care.

Deprogram urself

Ahh derka derka

Chapos are just MDE but smugger, not nearly as funny and haters rich people and class mobility.

the only good communist is a dead one

Dont ever accept social security, or accept socialized fire and police services...


Go back where you came from returd

Ok, dont accept the fact we already have massive socialist/communist services installed in this country, and taxes are meant to be socialist in nature, by paying for local services for native inhabitants.

Instead your orange daddy and turtle hermit are pissing it away on billionaires and bombs instead of building and bridges here at home.

You're fucking pathetic

Bombs are more important than bridges, just look at Russia you peepee, a strong proud nation that isn't communistic

Hun, it doesnt matter what political ideology is used in certain countries, certain countries are shit no matter who is in charge cus as far as I can tell slavs are just retarded in every sense of the word, and slant eyes are basically yellow slavs, and the brownies in south America are are hopped up on coca leaves and pussy.

The countries that generally install communism are the least appropriate countries for the ideology, communism requires abundant resources that can be spread around, countries like Russia with no abundant resources are ill suited for even redistribution of wealth/resources let alone large scale socialist policies.

Look to Scandinavia for a working socialist blueprint for white countries

You lil racist, listen here! Those scandinavians are a bunch of bumfucking oil huggers that are gonna die out as soon as their woman become too old to breed or reserves deplete. N-o-t, r-e-a-l, c-o-m-u-n-i-s-m.

I started listening to their show quite a bit, got pretty into it. They're funny, as in, have "comedy chops", the way some people are just good at it. They have good dynamic and production, I can see why they're rolling in the dough. It's basically just a jerkoff for "muh UBI" types. People who notice something is wrong with our system and think socialism is the answer, while refusing to actually think outside the current paradigm in any sort of meaningful or dangerous way. They want the same basic things as all the "liberals" they criticize, accept the same basic framework, they just don't think they go far enough.

There's a lot I could say about it, but ultimately I'll go with two things: watching them act all badass don't give a fuck violent hardcore rhetoric, then tiptoeing around some PC topic with sniveling cowardice is hilarious, and for all the worlds of shit they talk, they sure look like giant fucking dorks. I know it's juvenile but I would just love to see that Matt guy spout off to the wrong guy in person and get slapped in the mouth.

This is a really good breakdown of it I read somewhere else.

Basically, I kind of gave up on it because I just can't respect these people's bootlicking willful stupidity. I think it's in large part a cash grab, ironically enough.

Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Damn 2 and a half paragraphs triggers the long post bot. It's dangerous out here

I think it's in large part a cash grab, ironically enough.

This, but unironically.

That retard needs to fix his language, Jesus fucking Christ.

Post hog or gtfo.

They're kinda funny putting up a fight against the system that'll eventually break them

Socialists who hate the working class. There isn't really anything else that needs to be said.

Reddit admins slaughtered all of our other cows. Chapo beef is all we have left.

The difference is they dont post here

i pity them i dont hate them

Chappo more like



Chapo posters are the silent killers of drama. Sure, MDEgenerates and other far right posters had us close to being banned but Chapo posters have been slowly poisoning us from the inside with IDPOL agenda posts and humor policing/off color joke shaming. They're basically the heart disease of reddit

I don't have to deal with chapo coming here, but mderapefugees are a constant hemorrhoid on my ass.



White, middle class, private school to business school centrist boring.

Insulting. I am not a mayo.

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