Rolex guy is back on an alt, doesn't do a very good job of hiding it.

1  2018-11-19 by IDFSHILL


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lol @ him trying to pass as a Britbong

Peak white people nonsense right here

Cheeky bants mate. What a load of bollocks, ya bloody wanker. I don't give a toss what you think ya daft cunt.

I'm now a certified Britbong 🙂

£10 Greggs voucher on its way to you, good sir.

Why are people downvoting the lolcow

Lol what an embarassing retard

Lmao Rolexes

Good content shill

You know a sperg's a sperg when fucking Pizza starts making fun of him.

If Pizza ever has a justifiable reason to pity you, you should keep yourself safe out of embarrassment.

I think we need more of these posts im tired of retards in the news.

upvoting pizzashill as he spergs out and gobbles bait in my r/drama?

It’s more likely than you think

I'm starting to think you're his alt as well because in no way was that guy "baiting."

I bet you don’t even have a rolex poorfag

People that need a Rolex to validate themselves are morons

can’t type

getting blown in my ferrari

Wow you're so detached my my hero

said my twice like a tru playa

Imagine making PS look like he’s got it going on

old people watch

No thank you fam

No. I said before. ⬆️ that account is his stocking and high heel wearing secretary. ⏱💎⏱💎ROLEX GUY💎⏱💎⏱ Is a busy man making extreme amounts of cheddar, so doesn’t get time to shitpost as much as he would like. That’s one of the reasons he has to pay for sex.

Nice sperg, retard

Still more money than you

Imagine getting BTFO by Pizzashill

no one fucking cares about this bitch and his rolex fuck off

We've missed you, shillbud.

I love this dozy, gaudy watch wearing, salmon Coloured short loving, hairy armed prostitute killer. Thank you to zappapostrophe for making this happen.

Rare picture of ROLEX GUY in the wild

Who knew that a rolex, a boomer and a bruised ego could give this much drama. Truly the gift that keeps on giving ❤️❤️❤️