ContraPoints goes on Chapo and Ghazi explodes.

1  2018-11-20 by Djejfj


Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


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Who's contrapoints?

Irrelevant left wing youtuber

Are there any relevant ones?

only relevant youtube content is gopro death videos ripped from liveleak

With the most centrist takes of any political youtuber tbf.

A tranny with the most irritating attempt at sounding like a woman.

Well unlike me, she actually tries lol.


That's gonna be a yikes from me dawg


I look better as a girl than I ever did as a guy. I was a cargo shorts wearing skinnyfat jawlet weirdo with in-grown facial hair and disheveled head hair. Now Im attractive enough that I attracted a man who is an amateur athlete who has visible muscles and a strong jawline. I was never able to be a man like him, so now I have to be a sex toy to these men.


Where did you find this? I love it.

It's okay, she's one of the few cool trannies on reddit.

Pls don’t bully them

They still haven’t posted bussy



Imagine a left-wing Jordan Peterson drunk, in drag.

Wait. The Chapo sub is for a podcast? I thought it was just dirtbag leftist shitposting.

think the majority of people on CTH share this sentiment

I think it's a stupid SA joke (iirc most of Chapo are ex-goons) that people used to post to piss the mods off - something along the lines of 'wow there's a frontpage?'.

That's not surprising, the only guy I know who used to browse SA is insufferable as hell and acted like SA was some secret place that only elite members of the internet knew about when an account cost like $5

Any forum with a buy-in immediately becomes some weird-ass secret club. I'd say it keeps dumbasses to a minimum, but given that SA is filled with dumbasses paying to give each other red text titles over stupid drama...

a trivial paygate does filter people, yes, but SA is exactly what you get when you filter for people who would unironically pay for an internet forum

>iirc most of Chapo are ex-goons

Can every single bad internet thing be traced back to goons?

Pretty much, save SA raiding Reddit until the mods finally realized that pedoshit on their boards is dumb. SRS also gets cumskins shaking at the mere mention.

Mayos shake at the mere mention of anything, fragility is in their nature.

SRS is still a net negative, even if it contributed to the creation of drama.

Chapo hosts have racist takes

puts on they live glasses

The name of their podcast pokes fun at a pretty fuckin' serious issue with drug related violence. Sooooo yeah

I really just hate the way ghazi talks. I hate it so much

This is good, and it’s good sweaty

Let's unpack this

the subreddit is awful, and it constantly does bizzarre things like defending the use of "r-tarded"

if only this were still true

And even if that's not the case, between the various members, you have them making rape jokes(including, on one occasion, making a rape joke about a specific person's rape, directly to that person, and not only never apologizing but flat out lying about it), semi-frequent racism(Including going after a black DSA elected rep for not calling out racism politely enough), homophobia, ableism, regular mysoginistic comments, they pal around with TERFs and sexual abusers&Harassers, they pal around with actual fuckin' nazis(and, fun fats, one of their besties from the sister podcast Cumtown is mates with Weev), declaring that all disabled DSA members are wreckers and cops(Ironically, while badly misusing a section of a socialist essay about popular comrades often being held up above good, hardworking comrades, often at the latter's expense), used other people's mental health to try and discredit and defame them, written columns about how you shouldn't get racists fired because it's bad class solidarity and you should politely pull them aside and have a quiet, polite talk to them about it, hosted Neo-Nazi open Mic nights so they could rub shoulders with quasi-celebrities. And that's just what I can remember off the top of my head, there's still more.

It's just a bunch of rich, privileged white kids, who came from wealth and privilege and have never known anything but, growing richer by being edgy reactionary dickheads with a psudeo-socialist twist. They are absolute peak Capital-W White Social Justice, in a way that puts other White Social justice luminaries like Lena Dunham or Amy Schumer to shame.

They're also the prime example that Ghazi - and many other left-wing spaces - will put up with literally any bigoted and stupid shit you do and still hold you up as a champion of social justice, as long as you're popular and tell them what they want to hear.

Holy shit. I cannot imagine caring this much about a dumb left podcast.

Later on in the thread:

I don't think they drag her down(or that she drags them up, presumably kicking and screaming) but I also think Natalie needs to put a bit more thought into who she pals around with. When it was just Jessie Singal, I could shrug and go "hey, she's just taking advantage of his platform, but she's clearly learned from the backlash not to have any truck with people like that" - but this kinda shows she didn't.

If it was wrong, I think that's a murkier discussion. I think it's a poor choice, I would have refused in her position, but I'm hardly the Grand Arbiter of choices. I don't like it - but I'm not going to say absolutely that it was wrong. Personally, I'm writing this one down as "Criticize the mistake, remember it as the second time she's done something like this, see how the situation goes in future." I'm not going to stop watching her videos, or start decrying her as a content creator, but I'm definitely thinking that the next time something like this happens, I'll have to reconsider.

That said - I maintain that I've lost some respect for her over this. Their problematic behavior is well known, and trivial to find out about. I don't know, I just expect more of her than palling around with those kinds of asshole. Especially when she's shown herself to be quite aware of the problematic behavior on the left, and how it needs to be called out.

Everyone on the left talks like this now and it makes me want to put a nail gun to my head.

Your pulitzer's in the mail

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I was just going to quote that comment. Pal around with TERFs lmao. Chapo is the most performatively anti-TERF sub on reddit. More than AskTrans.

Chapo is bad and you should feel bad for liking them.

Can’t say I disagree.

OMG Ghazi is making me side with fucking CTH on this holy shit.

a fascinating discussion about youtube Nazis, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, incels, and the extremely-online right

what year is it

these sad ass 30 year old boomers still talking about milo and shit, fucking hell

I actually listened to this podcast. It was surprisingly normal. I wonder why the subreddit is so retarded.

Sub was obviously started for the podcast, then became a refuge for more level headed left leaning folk (when people were getting banned left and right for catgirls, ableism, etc. you know the drill). Never really paid much attention to it so no idea how it got so shit.

You can say retard there

Its probably the only specifically left wing sub where that's allowed

I guess but depending on the thread you'll get pilloried for using "ableist slur" and downvoted heavily.

You actually can't really say retard they're unless you want a shit storm to happen. You won't get banned though, you are right.

You actually can't really say retard they're unless you want a shit storm to happen.

i mean this is all the more reason as far as im concerned

For you and me, absolutely agreed.

lol look at a photo of the guys that do the podcast

jesse singal is deliberately trying to con 'respectable liberals' into outlawing trans folks' existence

They're not on the same level as Singal when it comes to being TERFs, fair cop - but in a more general sense, of normalizing and excusing bigotry

Poor Jesse, no matter how many times you chanted "TERFs are awful" you still couldn't prevent becoming TERF #1.

Thank God. I've been seeing so much positive shit CTH here and other places on the internet lately and I felt like I was taking crazy pills. Chapo is the definition of privileged white kids leveraging a popular cause for $$$. I listened to a few episodes and found it baffling that so many people think their kind of smug, glib cynicism is somehow important or revolutionary.

Put that on their tombstone

Wait. The Chapo sub is for a podcast? I thought it was just dirtbag leftist shitposting.

Fucking hell anyone that thinks LE DIRT BAG LEFTIST is gunna be a chapotard

I do most days, but I take the occasional break. As much as I want to wring Ghazi's collective neck on a semi-regular basis for the dumb shit we sometimes(okay, regularly) do, there's good people here, and the sub generally pushes in the right direction. Plus, I've learned a lot here, and I like to think even taught some other people stuff, unlikely as it is.

It's like a chef's salad, like most large groups of people in social justice circles - there's some good, some bad, all mixed in together all with dressing of collective anger and hopefulness. You can't really separate them out to only have the one, gotta take the good with the bad, I suppose.

Lol, they believe their sub has good people...