Roastifa gets Cucked by Fascist Troopers

1  2018-11-20 by WarSanchez


They targeted gamers. Gamers.


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Glad I live in a concealed carry state.

Can you show me your piece? 👀😏

Dude post hog chud lmao


I'm trying to say something funny but this just obnoxious.

Get the cops to bring out the water hoses for these fucks.

They've actually got a hose that they can deploy pepper spray through. Watching commies who though they could fling bricks and human shit with impunity get it in the face and seeing how their expressions changed instantly is a memory I will always savor.

What was it all worked up about anyway?

A #HimToo rally about false accusations.

Holy shit she looks like a slightly fatter autistic girl I knew

Also genuine serious post has ANTIFA ever won against who ever they are fighting?

These kinds of people are the best. Full autism and zero common sense