Some dude trashed a Gamestop after being told that he couldn't return Fallout 76.

1  2018-11-20 by POST_BUSSY


Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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lmao thanks for heads up

Edit it. Don't simply cross it out cause tbh, that's a weak ass work around lol

deleted it 😒

He should be mad at himself for not seeing all the warning signs that it would suck. Be an informed consumer, bro.

He's an Obsidian fan, what the fuck do you expect

Eh, Obsidian is gonna die. MS bought it.


"Bethesda" in the title means you don't buy until after a full year of modding.

Na, they're flagships are kind if buggy but generally good. Honestly I haven't had any catastrophic bugs on either FO4 or Skyrim. But 76 was a hot steamy shit from inception.

As soon as I saw "online only" I knew it was the first Fallout game I won't play

All they had to do was make Fallout Borderlands edition and they would’ve made bank. I honestly don’t know who at Bethesda thought this was the way to go for the Fallout franchise

You played Brotherhood of Steel and Tactics?

Mild lore rape aside Tactics was pretty good. They also did the whole fascist brotherhood thing way better than Bethesda did.

You played 4?

It’s actually pretty fun dude. Like is it a work of art? No, but fucking around in West Virginia with your buddies is a lot of fun.

I'm enjoying it tbh. Definitely has it's fair share of bugs, but it's not the unplayable mess people make it out to be.

I noticed that he's black

Grats you're a racist

Dude bussy lmao

You're a Grand Wizard 'arry

Why are people downvoting me? Im right.

Have you tried being wrong and comparing results?

They’re all black. Brian at 0.40 seemed respectable enough.

Didn't have a receipt. Was offered full store credit.

This was definitely stolen.

Gaming is a disease that doesn't care about race

Millenniocide when

Thought I was gonna get treated to more fucked up Chris Chan shit. He needs to go fuck with Gamestop again

Point being? White people do this shit all the time too.

There are shitty people in all races who do this same exact thing. Almost all retail customers are indignant self serving assholes who think stores should do anything they ask.

As a nigga, I hate niggers.

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I don't blame him, this is an issue of lacking consumer protection and wouldn't have happened in the EU.

fallout 76 is not faulty


It isnt a EU directive but i know the UK has a 28 day return policy when it cones to non perishable goods.

I bet video games are excluded

They are not, which is why steam had to piss and moan and change its refund policy in the UK/EU to accommodate.

from your link, "The 14-day "cooling off" period does not apply to all purchases. Some of the exemptions are:" ... "sealed audio, video or computer software, such as DVDs, which you have unsealed upon receipt." ... "online digital content, if you have already started downloading or streaming it"

The digital provisions may apply to this guy's case, but in general, the statement of "unless the item is faulty" from the screenshot applies to brick-and-mortar shop purchases.

I didn't know that blacks could also catch autism, must have been vaccinated.

Username checks out

Username checks out

OK transphobe

That’s what happens when you go to GameStop

This why Africa looks like it does


This is what a Gamer Holocaust looks like

MRW someone challenges me that I’m not strong enough to push over in-store displays

Holy fuck black people have autism too

What's wrong with Fallout 76?

I mean, apart from that number making no sense...

I don't follow the ins and outs of children's toys.

Its like the mass effect drama

Prev good games now shit.

People wanted another single player RPG, maybe with coop or something at the most, and they got an online base building/crafting game with literally zero friendly NPCs. All of which might have been more forgivable if it wasn't (by all accounts) just generally half-assed, at best.