Daddy is too much of a pussy to visit Afganistan

1  2018-11-20 by ExtremelyOnlineG


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Typical Burger knowledge of the spelling of the name of a country occupied by the US military for almost 2 decades

lol you one-a those spellin-ass niggas, huh?


Pretty sure we can call our colonies whatever we want to

They write it like they pronounce it: Terribly.

why the fuck is burgerland still over there

just admit you lost already smh.

US Casualties per year: 2

Afghan Security Forces casualties per week: fookin hundreds

We're basically just spectators at this point.

We cant. It would make the rest of the war on terror look pretty flimsy, but it's a pretty sweet gig see?

I’m sorry for the disgusting serious post but honestly the US is doing way better in Afghanistan than it is in Iraq

We left Iraq because the Iraqis asked us to, then, because Assad was too much of a little bitch and couldn't put down a rebellion even with Obama's go-ahead on chemical weapons, ISIS invaded, and the pussy Iraqi arm fled without a shot fired.

because Assad was too much of a little bitch


couldn't put down a rebellion

are you joshing

Obama's go-ahead on chemical weapons,


ISIS invaded

is this a joke





It's not a war anymore, it's just a colony the US holds.

That implies there's something we want in Afghanistan.


how else do you get a black budget?

451 views and not a single DDF'er here to make excuses

yur boi is an effeminate soy-queen and you know it.

according to current and former advisers, who spoke on the condition of anonymity

Why do you want to turn this sub into /r/politics and /r/news? It's not that hard to find actual evidence of Trump being retarded.

Aww, that's cute!

It doesn't understand how journalism works...

I guess when all else fails, just yell "fake news!", right?

This is the most inspiring post that I've seen on http:WwW.reddit/r/, thank you for your service to this country and God bless you

thank you for thanking me for my service o7

I ain't no T_D fake news fan.

But I want you to explain to me why a 'former advisor' would have any reason to remain anonymous over something so lame as that. The only people jerking their dicks off to this are rabid nutjobs who go on /r/politics or CTH, which I assume you go on at least one of them.

Call me when he actually does something cringy, which shouldn't take long.

unironically reeeing about anon sources

its funny how this only became a thing when daddycels needed a way to defend daddy from FAKE NEWS despite their never being any kind of scandal involving anon sources.

I'm not defending him in any way, mongoloid. I'm attacking the use of anonymous sources that pop up on /r/politics and /r/news every single week. It's shit journalism that should only be used for seriously condemning.

orange fan mad


How can you be a man when you can’t get your dick out?