One disgusting virgin creep sneaks his way into TrollX to ask a question that shouldn't be asked!

1  2018-11-20 by BreedOfPeace_1488


"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


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Slaughter thousands of orcs and they call you a hero. Smack one girl and they call you a monster.

excuse me, you mean disgusting male orcs


Sounds like someone's getting mad to justify a sexual fetish about men

lol Chelsea Manning being transpilled by the CIA is a pretty good take

lol seems everything got deleted.

Is it possible for Sarah Silverman to say something funny? She's a comedy black hole, everything funny gets compressed into nothingness

Tbh, it looks like a fake to me.

Hm, it appears you are right, I stand by my statement nonetheless

Have you watched the roast of James Franco?

What the fuck is a sissy hypno VR? Is that what Americans have going on TV now?

it's meme hypno flashing images telling you to be even more of a fag.