The Hunt Has Only Just Begun

1  2018-11-21 by Momruepari


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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These literally who’s are bullying our Mommy Ruepari? 😡😡😡

these are just the pelts I've obtained so far this hunting season


Nobody bullies Mr. Ruepari, as you can see such transgression will get you added to the pelt list


me too thanks


  1. [ ] Platy
  2. [ ] Dino
  3. [ ] Tay

Who? Who are these people? I've never even seen their usernames before lmfao


Good thing our furfag sympathizer mods are safe :3

If they ever expose their retardation it will be good for dramacoin

In both dramacords, the mods like furry stuff. If you look in Jerry's discord, jerry's pretty much okay with furry porn.

If you look in the other one, the "main" one or whatever they think it is, the owner, "Miranda", likes to occasionally post furry porn, either preceded/followed by "I'm not a furry."

We've got 3 furfag mods on the subreddit itself, one is in buried so far in the closet he fell into narnia, the other two are sympathizers.

There's also two that are pretty chill about furries so I guess that makes it five, actually?