Black Man in Mississippi does something good for all women in the State. Bussy on ResetERA ain't having it and makes it all about them.

1  2018-11-21 by Genderless_Nipples


They call Dramanauts, Autists. Autists... easily duped, will believe anything, and by the time the destruction is upon them, one or more of their family has been captured and turned against the team. "/r/Drama has served us well...," one captor gloated.


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This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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How can you not be pro abortion when you see things like ""More black babies are aborted in NYC than born."

Especially in coon-infested Mississippi. This is a great thing.


"More black babies are aborted in NYC than born."

Safe, legal and rare!

Safe, legal rare!

The DNC changed their mind on the last point

When you're not really pro-choice so much as straight up pro-abortion

statistically, blacks have more children and therefore can kill a baby or two without messing their population. thus, abortions hurt proportionally whites more

it speeds up the mayocide so its a good thing

What does this have to do with Latinos racially genociding blacks in California or chinks yellowing africa?

Better than having it be wh*te "people"

Out out

You have to go back buddy.

Mayo fragility

Truly the inferior race

Yes, saying men can't get pregnant is transphobic, to a degree, because it erases men who literally can and have gotten pregnant. That said, calling it "next-level" transphobia is a bit much. Most people who say things like that are simply ignorant, don't know any trans people, and have spent their entire life with the view that gender = sex and have never really had that view challenged. It's generally a pretty innocent mistake to make.

Maybe extremist Islam was right all along.

It's about ethics in the various levels of transphobia.

Don't they encourage sex-change because they hate the gays more? Or is that too some shit made up by twitter progressives?

That's an Iran thing.

It's generally a pretty innocent mistake to make.

I mean by woketard standards that concession is already pretty generous.

How much of resetera is just right wingers trolling?


The judge's heart is in the right place but 'men can't get pregnant' is some next level transphobic shit. banned for trolling

wtf i love Resetera now

But what about the 0.1%??

I have never seen such whiteknighting virtue signaling in a court opinion

Well, they didn't really derail it into talking about men because trans men are women.

This dude is super duper badass

Post unremarkable picture of employed averse joe.

Gamercide cant come soon enough.

Hmmm, turns out you don't have to be white to be a mayo.

this makes me miss forums tbh

one good shitpost comment could derail the entire thread, all other discussion stops

And if you posted something stupid on page 1 of a multi-page thread, you'd have people commenting on it for the rest of the thread. Even better if the comment was strategically posted at the end of a page for maximum ragebait.

Man, those were the days.

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