Trigger happy r/Drama head honcho stands his ground

1  2018-11-21 by WarSanchez


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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When you think about it, pulling a gun was probably the best option for those kids.

Let's say the conflict escalates into physical attacks. Then both are definitely going to be arrested.

As a young black guy in America looking for a job in the future, what would you rather have? A gun pulled on you for half a second, or a police record?

As a young black guy in America looking for a job in the future

Professional reaction gif tweeter counts as work... right?

If mayos can do it they can too

black guy in America looking for a job

Lol nice one

Based on the fact they harass him while hes leaving im going to assume our top mod was right.

Much bigger spergout here :

Of course the reddit hivemind in their infinite wisdom concluded from those 46 seconds that the restaurant manager should be fired, if that remind you of another manager of a fast food chain getting fired abruptly for similar social media reasons you should check your privileges

Weird that both events they just happen to be filming and from Somalia. Small world

Can you just pull a gun on black people without it being racist any more?

You need to consider the power dynamics to know if you should just take the ass beating or not.

I won't believe one unsubstantiated claim, lemme make my own.

He kind of got rekt tbqhwyf