Obese femcels want to take up more space than they already do

1  2018-11-21 by POST_BUSSY


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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lmao the sad state of radikal feminism

Littleowl is one of the more sane gc regulars, if you can believe it.

Peak white people nonsense

white people


Stop being a mayo apologist

Tfw you have no real problems so you have to make up dumb stories and be as melodramatic as humanly possible about how oppressed you are to earn victim points from your insane comrades 😢😢😢😢😤😤

I'm going to do jumping jacks around the room


She would be out of breath after 5

I give her knees 3

Does anybody else now get suspicious when women are told ahead of time to watch their behavior at an upcoming event by male wokies?

Is this like woke men? Work colleagues? A hairy Star Wars neaderthal? Regardless I doubt anyone invites her to do shit.

Their father who pays all for all her expenses.

> Implying she is even physically capable of jumping jacks, cartwheels, or the splits.


her definition of cartwheels is probably closer to general rolling I think

Walking, slowly, with a waddle.

She should just do GOMAD and become fucking huge, but she probably already is.

What does TIM stand for?

Trans Identifying Male

What the hell does that mean?


Is that feminine penis or micropenis clitoris?

Classic James Joyce.

I will cartwheel down the sidewalk. I will sit on the train doing the splits. I will attend parties in a farthingale and Elizabethan ruff. I will go to work in an inflatable sumo costume. I will go to church with rods in my hair so my braids stick out like Pippi Longstocking. I will do the Spongebob in the grocery store. I will Cossack dance my way to a booth at the diner.

In the last month, think of the most embarassing or silly or stupid thing you did. Maybe you ate shit on the ice outside a Wal-Mart trying to buy International Delight Iced Coffee (I like the macchiato, myself). Maybe you farted at church. Console yourself, for at least you did not write this paragraph.

Hey, thanks. That makes me feel better about the shart yesterday.

No bullshit, all this tripe makes me feel giddy and gleeful about being white, male, and reasonably if not particularly well-off in my own little corner of the world. Go ahead with your cartwheeling, I'll wait until you calm down and start complaining about the price of housing and the fact that you can't find a job.

Try walking alone at night.

I did, it's better with a flashlight. Try it the next time.

Even better with a weapon mounted light and an optic.

Imagine being fat and not being at least a little ashamed

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