Guy who made redirect to the Path of Exile website posts about it on /r/pathofexile. This triggers some Diablo nerd to start arguing about it with other Diablo fans on /r/diablo3 for some inscrutable reason.

1  2018-11-21 by dongas420


Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


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yeah the guys a jerk everyone knows the real diablo 4 is grim dawn miss me with that poe chinkshit

But is it free to play?

its not an always online game so yeah you can get it for free

Well the best hack n' slash is obviously Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time anyways, so it's not like it even matters.

Thats a long way to spell Final Fantasy 10 nerd

I'm the said jerk, and for once we agree on something. Diablo nerd and proud of it.



I love seeing gamers sperg tho


Both are trash but a least I can play diablo on console

gaming in 2k18

You 👉 🚿

Sincerely, Adolf Hitler


Real meth posting hours

Good news! PoE is now on xbox and coming to ps4!

Diablo 3 is a bad game.

They had to fix it into being a bad game.

Pretty much.


Diablo is a game series owned by Blizzard, diablo 3 being the newest installment.

Path of Exile is a direct competitor to Diablo 3.

A fan of Diablo and Path of Exile who is mad at Blizzard, buys domain and redirects it to Path of Exile's home page.

Blizzard lawyers REEE and threaten with legal action, guy takes down the redirect and makes a thread on /r/pathofexile.

Diablo fanboy shows their autism by borderline stalking aforementioned person, by making the thread OP linked here.

/gaymercel out

Obviously triggered poe incel. Feel free to leave and dont let the door hit your ass on the way out.

Can't make this shit up.

Obviously triggered diablo3 soiboi beta cuck. Feel free to leave and dont let the door hit your ass on the way out. Watching Chris Wilson from Grinding Gear Games shut down your hack copy will be fun.

Lol ok pal

Soiboi? Do you even know what a cuckold is? Stop using terms out of context

Holy fuck its supposed to insult you reeeeeee.

ARPGs should have never ever been made into online games.

Destruction of a whole genre.


Lan / local host / co op.

OPIONAL multiplayer, not fucking forced online and 'WE BAN U IF I SAY PENIS OR HITLER!!!!!1111111ONEONONE.