Drumpftards calmly discuss circumcision

1  2018-11-21 by MoonCricketJamFace


Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.

The rest of your life is going to be lonely and boring if this is what you do with your time during what should be your most exciting years.

Before you know it, college will be over and you'll have no ability to make new friends because you don't have anything interesting to talk about or any way to meet new people. If you're not able to make friends now when it's literally the easiest it will ever be, there's no way you're going to swing it when you're even older.


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Imagine being cucked almost immediately after birth and coping so hard you defend your lost manhood.

"But it's more hygienic!"

Wash yo dick, mooks.

> TD defends circumcision > TD hates Jews > Jews love circumcision

Horseshoe confirmed

honestly, you could get them to support anti-circumcision if you just framed it that circumcision is pushed by [[[globalists]]] and islamists both.

I really don't think so. If circumcision were wrong then they'd have to admit their dicks are never going to be as they should be. They've already convinced themselves that men have been getting dick cancer for millions of years.

well that's one angle, but the other angle is that a lot of these guys are just in some sort of grievance cult with the 'modern world', so if you can convince them they're being denied something or had something taken from them without their consent, that seems to resonate.

That is a good point, and it would work on a lot of them. But with most of those other grievances there's a coherent fantasy they can build in their mind where things turn around. There's literally no way to get your foreskin back though, and I think their psyche would rather just cope.

This is why I am against vaccination, stop taking illnesses away from kids who cannot consent.

framed it

Implying it's not the truth

It's funny but it's also how people work, something being true or right doesn't matter nearly as much as how a thing is presented. People will happily believe untruths and shitty things if they're just attractively sold.

Circum sized dick = jesus cut

girls prefer mutilated penis

Cheese atracts femoids.

Got a build up of that smegma? Do you not wash your penis?

Special fried rice?

do you not wash your penis

No πŸ˜”

I like Daddy Peterson but never flnished reading his Maps of Memeing.

trying to impress gussies

most american daddies find foreskins to be a huge plus, they want that exotic eurocock

Don’t be mad that women prefer my nice sleek looking wiener compared to your ugly ass ant eater dong.

I sewed my asshole shut because wiping is for beta cucks.

Chopping up our dicks to own the libs

It never began for cutcels



I love you too bb πŸ˜πŸ’žπŸ’‹

When will cutlets learn?

Anything penis-related will trigger hordes and hordes of insecure and fragile moids who are proud or scared of something no women gives a fuck about because they are highly unlikely to ever get laid.

They do look good tho 😏

But a handjob is not as much fun.

When I was 8 my mother asked me if I wanted to get circumcised because I wasn't washing well. She told me they'd chop off my peter and make me into a girl.

From that day forward, I washed my dick twice a day, every day.

Trauma? I think having a girl vomit from the smell of your crusty, smegma covered dick would cause more trauma. Your mum did something right for once.

Figures these fuckwits don't understand their own cocks. I have a feeling most of them can't even see their own without a mirror.