Daddy Drumpf totes killed that journalist! !!

1  2018-11-21 by lifesbrink


I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


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wow that huffpo article is the dumbest political take I’ve read in a while, and that’s saying a lot in 2018

You know it's dumb when even r/Politics downvotes it


Nah, look at the percentages. 76% upvoted. If it's a HuffPo piece bashing Daddy and it isn't sitting at 93-99% upvotes, then something is going seriously wrong.


unironic seriousposting r/politics mongotard

>actually reading /r/politics enough to know enough to make that call

how do you live

It doesn't have as high a percentage of upvotes as other posts on the sub so it counts as "downvoted"

You have the weirdest standards for what counts as downvotes.

It is pretty retarded to extrapolate the terminology to geopolitics, because that allows you to pump all sort of retarded takes, e.g. "Every single government official has been an accessory to 9/11"

This but unironically

nice sperg, retard

Haha seriously I love it when something that goes against Ed’s retarded views gets trending.

I don’t give a rats ass about his “views”.

I just know he’s a literal Pajeet incel who is easily triggered

he’s a literal Pajeet


Saudi Arabia is committing literal genocide in Yemen, I sleep.

One journalist gets killed, real shit.

The state of politics today.

Woke Americans pretend to care about the world but only give a shit when their political overlords make a fuss about it

Yemen was a mistake unironically. The union was poorly thought out and basicallydidn't account for various interests.

What KSA is doing now though is making it much much worse for literally no upside for KSA.

Srspost: Yemen was such a dumb move that even the U.S. was reluctant to back Saudi Arabia. It was basically just another way for Mohammed Been Dissolvedman to swing his dick around in the GCC. Yemen and SA's approach to Qatar pretty clearly demonstrate that MBS has no idea what he's doing in terms of foreign policy.

You mean taking care of the Muslim problem? Remember as long as they're slaughtering each other, we're safe.

You know what I’ve noticed? Nobody panics when things go “according to plan.” Even if the plan is horrifying! If, tomorrow, I tell the press that, like, a gang banger will get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will be blown up, nobody panics, because it’s all “part of the plan.” But when I say that one little old mayor will die, well then everyone loses their minds

Thousands of people becoming to victims of numerous atrocities around the world, including slavery, child soldiers, genocide, etc

i sleep

one shooting/terrorist attack in [insert western country]


Your leader wrote (or dictated) an official White House statement explaining that he has decided to continue to do business with a despot who killed a US resident in a foreign embassy. That is the most generous interpretation of yesterday’s statement.

In the future, if a non-American citizen is killed by country A while standing in country B, we should immediately sever all ties with country A and never again engage in trade or diplomacy with them.

I find the “US Resident” thing especially amusing considering he has anUS Residency permit but he certainly wasn’t resident in the US when he got killed. Maybe if he had been he wouldn’t have been chopped up and dissolved in barrels.

Where was this guy when Obama supported the Saudi invasion of Yemen?

Middle school.

Or put a “red line” in the sand regarding chemical warfare agents used against citizens in Syria.

They know that Saudi Arabia basically made 9/11 possible but both Bush and Obama bent the knee to the oil overlords. The only reason they care so much about this is Drumpf. Like they somehow expected him to have more of a spine than Obama and Bush?

Tbf, that's what he campaigned on.

I don't think too many /r/politics regulars believed him.

Serious post: fuck opec, drill baby drill.

That would be high drama

Well that would end ties with like 50% of the world right off and send the world into economic depression. Hurray!

Khashoggi himself said that only Bernie Sanders would actually stand up to SA.

it’s a good thing there’s a jobless-until-he-was-40 cocksucker is out here willing to stand up to the same people he has cowed to with the rest of congress (when it was easy and safe to do). That’s how you know he’s AUTHENTIC


Why do people even take this cocksucker seriously? He's a fucking joke.

Dunno. I just love sharing this clip of him. It’s so good.

Expecting anything from Bernie regarding international diplomacy 🤔

God I hate these people. I don’t like Trump, but these fucking people are insufferable.

Heads up from 2015- We have a redline policy in Syria regarding chemical warfare. That is all

Lmfao Trump's response was the most absolutely cucked thing ever.