Channelling Portland, Mayo autists engineer a brilliant way to piss off people to not support climate change by blocking traffic during rush hour.

1  2018-11-21 by God_Of_Wisdom_War


Ok I just checked out that sub. It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt right Nazis. I saw several clear violations of Reddit law. We're are smarter than the average cookies, they had to know we'd be on to them. Sad.


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It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


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Imagine thinking climate change isn’t inevitable at this point.

There’s literally nothing you can do about it. Think about it logically. China now emits more CO2 than the entire West and they haven’t even peaked yet. India is going to have massive increases as their economy grows. Same goes for Southeast Asia and Africa. You have to be a literal retard to think it can be stopped. Here’s a tip, enjoy life while you can, eat meat, fly across the World. Do all the shit you want to do instead of being a whiny baby cause it won’t change a thing.

Esto pero unironicamente

Basado, adespertado y rojopildoreado.

Apostea tu bussy

The thing is, climate change may very well spell the end of life as we know it on Earth. However, given a few hundred million years, a different form of life will take it's place. Something that might thrive on greenhouse gasses for instance.

We might kill off every carbon based life form, but life will go on.

The thing is, climate change may very well spell the end of life as we know it on Earth.

Imagine thinking this is a bad thing

It's all over for carboncels!


This post brought to you vy ATOMIC GANG GANG GANG

it is bad for dramacoin

Something that might thrive on greenhouse gasses for instance.

Like 🦕 dinosaurs.

From what I know the dinos have already perfected the technology required to breath greenhouse gasses so when they step through their time portal into future Earth they'll be prepared.

So yes, like the dinosaurs.

Our best chance at this point is that capitalism will lead to new tech that helps us deal with the effects.

We already have atmosphere scrubbers that have a net negative carbon footprint.

The issue is that they won’t be deployed unless there are subsidies, which means taxes.

Gassing libertarians might be a good idea tbh.


Sitewide rules ✡️ don't permit outright calls for mass purges

purge all lolbertarians

Can't spell loli without lol

Crippling the economy to delay the inevitable sure as shit won't save us.

Exactly. I swear though, sometimes listening to self-proclaimed "environmentalists" talking about the environment reminds me of the way incels talk about sex.

Wrong. We just need a Paris Accord II that aggressively forces Americans to cut their CO2 emissions and the world will follow

Do all the shit you want to do instead of being a whiny baby cause it won’t change a thing.

Fuck you dad

Nuclear power.

Further proof that republicans are on the right side of history for any given issue, even when it’s a problem they’re trying their hardest not to solve.

Choosing solar panels that'll be landfill in 15 years over nuclear power was the worst decision mainstream environmentalism ever did, possibly the worst decision of the 20th century.

But muh clean coal

global warming doesnt actually exist you literal retard. i wish europeans would just shut the fuck up about it already and just admit they were wrong

The crazy part is the Paris climate accord deal would have exempted both India and China from the deal under the guise of them being "Developing countries" and requiring no emissions reductions until 2030, at which time they could have simply left the deal.


All the while the U.S. taxpayer was going to foot the bill for the entire thing, much like we do with NATO.


It was about as bad of a deal as Obama having pallets of cash flown to Iran for a "nuclear deal".

What's the problem with wanting to make the 3rd world uninhabitable and submerging the East Coast and state of Florida?

Nothing. Keep coal until California/florida sinks into the ocean.

Don’t forget Alabama and Mississippi

And the Jewish city of New York.

And St.Louis and Detroit for good measure!

Throw Chimpcago onto the burn pit.

Chimpcago really isn’t that bad, but if we’re getting rid of it than Oklahoma and Kansas have to go also.

florida under endless ocean...

implying that’s a bad thing

Spotted the Florida Man.

I'm all for global warming, it'll mitigate the ice age we've been due for

these retards could finally add value to society by getting jobs as speed bumps

They would find a way to bomb that interview

Imagine caring about climate change anymore. God I used too. But the I realised the futility of it all and accepted the fate. It's kinda freeing. Thinking most of humanity will be wiped off the face of the earth due to our own arrogance. We need a new plague anyways.

people that block the road deserve to be roadkill.

Let's save the planet by keeping people's cars idling in traffic guys