A death on Usenet: Sharon Lopatka and the strange case of “consensual murder”

1  2018-11-21 by snallygaster


I eat ur gay ass reddiquette for breakfast and shit it out on Alexis Ohanian's wife stomach while having kinky sex with her


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eating snally's ass 😍🍑😛💦

Get in line, faggot


I'll be gentle i promise 😏

Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


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Under her NancyC544 alias, she wrote on May 3, 1996, “Hi! My name is Nancy. I have Blonde hair, green eyes, am 5’6 and weigh 121. Is anyone out there interested in buying my ….worn…panties..? This is not a joke or a wacky internet scam.”

In reality, Lopatka stood 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighed 189 pounds. She had psoriasis and hair that was more a dull tobacco shade than blonde.


Can you imagine trying to dispose of this body? I legit feel bad for her accomplice.

A dozen yards from the trailer was what appeared to be a fresh burial site.

An officer started digging, and barely two feet down hit a kneecap.

he buried her yards away from his home and only two feet down

fucking pathetic

good thing /u/OniTan isn't that lazy

good thing /u/OniTan isn't that lazy

Good thing for him that nobody cares to look for missing First Nation and Native American women.


/u/OniTan stop playing on ez mode

He should have pulled a Robert Pickton and gotten a pet pig.

Forensic analysis proved difficult because the bodies may have been left to decompose, or be eaten by insects and pigs on the farm. During the early days of the excavations, forensic anthropologists brought in heavy equipment, including two 50-foot (15-metre) flat conveyor belts and soil sifters to find traces of human remains. On March 10, 2004, the government revealed that Pickton may have ground up human flesh and mixed it with pork that he sold to the public; the province's health authority later issued a warning.[11][12][13][14] Another claim was made that he fed the bodies directly to his pigs.

Savage af.

He had pig sense

The article didn't have pictures, so here's what the two of them looked like. Why are the kinkiest people the most gnarly looking? Also the torture part was very vague and from what I can find, the medical examiner didn't find any evidence of anything but the strangling. I guess we'll never know what actually went down in that trailer.

The times haven’t changed one bit when it comes to gnarly kinksters; /r/polyamory is proof of that.

Great article. Kinda bummed out now.

Nice clickbait title.

Consensual murder is an oxymoron, if a “murder” is consensual then it is euthanasia.

It's still unlawful. As funny as it would be to let mentally ill people get eaten or killed by random dudes, our legal system isn't set up for consensual death.

It's legal here in Canada if you're over 18 and you're terminal ill. But there are a bunch of safeguards like two witnesses, two independent medical opinions, waiting periods and so on.

idk, if there were more Armin Mewes type situations then the world would be a more interesting place.

Tfw no qt German boy to eat. 😢😢😢

A fate worse than death 😭

A story like this and the only thing you can focus on is the definition of "murder"? This is even worse than the usual reddit pedantry.

I think strangling a woman to death is actually even worse than kinkshaming her.

Is this what you're into, snally? 🤔

Where's Mircy when you need her?

Interesting. Buncha typos, though.

I am at loss for words. Not because I did not expect this is real, but such thing is so grotesquely bizzare, my sanity is trying very hard to tell me this is not real.

I read the title and knew right away this was going to be a snallypost. Good shit.

Nah, I found it somewhere else and didn't know that this had even happened before finding it.

Yeah, fair, but most people don’t post this kind of “history of the internet” stuff.

Snally, you're the poster we need but don't deserve.