I’m listening to chapo rn

1  2018-11-21 by brocioli

Iv never listened to it before. This one has has tranny in it. It’s such a 😴😴😴 fest. It’s the main guy Matt talking 90% of the time. The rest is just jerking each other off. Some bad jokes.


How do chapos do it?

Autism is not a learned trait.

When you lack identity, even the dumbest of identities seem appealing.


No environment can fix genetic misfortune.

Guess why they are almost suicidal half the time?






Before I knew anything about chapo, someone on r/redlettermedia linked to their discussion of the movie Gotti. I listened to part of it and I have to admit that I laughed quite a bit. It seems like they can be funny when they’re not discussing serious topics.

Before I knew anything about chapo, someone on r/redlettermedia ... they can be funny when they’re not discussing serious topics.

Nah, they can't be intentionally funny. You're simply unfunny in a similar fashion to them.

>posts in T_D

/>pontificates to me about humor


posts in T_D Wait, did you get so bootyblasted over my comment, that you decided to "research" me, in order to get some ammunition for a comeback. Since the last time I posted on the_donny was circa 2016/17 you most likely even went to the trouble of using a reddit tool, that's just too cute.

And of course, being a seriousposting Chapo faggot, you actually thought you found an absolute bombshell.

pontificates to me

No, I was just mocking you.

Also /> greentexts on reddit Unfunny, unoriginal poser confirmed.

you most likely even went to the trouble of using a reddit tool, that's just too cute.

Lol, I just clicked on your profile on mobile and it was one of the first things I saw.

being a seriousposting Chapo faggot

Not a chapofag either. I’m also not an alt-rightard but I don’t mind admitting that MDE has occasionally been funny.

this post is long and autistic, looks like u are gay bitch

this post is long 

My post only seems long to limpcels who've been led to believe that 4 inches are "long".

they just steal all their jokes from nick mullen

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When the militant radical centrists rise up, chapo will be struck down first. MDE will be next, of course, but it doesn't really matter since they are literally the same

99% of podcasts are the big gay

The issue is most podcasts are 1 good episodes and then 200 stinkers. People try to go through the stinkers thinking a good episode is coming.

Is that true? Jamie, pull that up.

my chickens are literally raptors!