MAGAtards fawn over one of Ben “If it's not white, it's not right” Garrison’s comics.

1  2018-11-21 by Ghdust2


Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


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Is that Zadie Smith?


Please don't.

Being real though, everyone but the Republicans have turned against Pelosi. It's the ultimate narrative train-wreck.

If you're against Pelosi, you're against women. But if you're with Pelosi, you're support WHITE CIS women and so on and so on. But if you're against Pelosi, that means you support ORANGE MAN and you're clearly not with Trump, therefore you support a system that panders to corruption.

The best part is watching the hill news and all of Pelosi’s foes suddenlyngoing, “I’m on board!” As they get all the favors she can muster. Fudge (actual name) got some subcommittee revived, it sounds like they told Orcasio she could be primaries or she could get in line, and so on.

Aunty Pelosi knows how to buy you off.

Since when have Republicans ever like Pelosi?

There we go! Ben is finally labeling everything again!

What do the potatoes mean? They're not labeled.

The potatoes mean that Pelosi profited off the backs of the Irish indentured servants.

This is fucking extra stupid even by Ben Garrison standards, especially with the explanation on his site.

Does he not understand his own artwork implies the Democrats are purposely propping up Pelosi do be devoured by the 'new guard'.