White supremacist dumbass talks about how gay an Asian kid was, because he forced the kid to show him his dick.

1  2018-11-22 by justintruedoe


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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That's some peak projection cope going on there. Lol @ all these self loathing closeted faggots

Here's a quote of his I found that has sadly gone largely unnoticed by the reddit community:

Get bombed, Nip. Wish we still had internment camps for you guys...Hopefully Trump will do that!

You really gotta love how specific he is in his racism against the Japanese.


At least he put in enough effort to know that they call their country Nippon.

“nip” is pretty common as a slur for japs, and he probably has no idea where it actually comes from.

First time I've seen it.

Well it's an older slur. It's kind of like calling an Italian a wop, anyone hearing it will have to take a moment to remember to be offended.

And here I thought mayos had no idea Japan was called Nihon/Nippon by other Asians.

Sounds like you're coping for being more subhuman than the blacks Rajesh

Yeah Raj! At least black people can play sports!

Fuck me plz daddy.

I raped a boy in high school because I hate gay people

The absolute state of MAGAcels

Well as an Indian, I can't disagree with his assessment of Indians.

This is obviously fake, the fact that you useless pathetic commies even made this thread with this headline shows your all lying Jews