Gamer wants to kill Todd howard for ruining fallout

1  2018-11-22 by TheColdTurtle


The only point you'll ever have is that you represent the sad, fedora-wearing, bloated face of capitalism in the 21st century.

Unfairly made famous and rich through copied ideas and appealing to kids. And yet is driven by some bizarre need for attention to spout insane, teenage edge lord style views. You are clearly not all that up on politics (or anything, maybe you can code?) yet your wealth has given you an oversized platform of confused 12 to 16 year olds to yell "sjwjjwjwj" at over and over again.

Honestly, I don't give a shit if you've been driven mad by fame or some bullshit. When I see amazing creative people dying depressed in poverty every day and you get to sit on twitter and make half assed 'now yur the nazi' comments, it's fucking sickening.


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Four was mediocre, not hot garbage.

Ghoul child survives without being discovered or going insane in a refrigerator near a major road while calling for help without food or water for 200 years.

Who cares you fucking dork

This is a really good post and I'm saving it. Got any more stuff?

Also how did longpostbot not attack you for this? Because every point is seperated by a space?

There’s the dialog system, which even fans the game didn’t like; you always have four options for what to say at any given point in a conversation, regardless of when the stituation warrants more or less, severely handicapping the ability to roleplay as well as the ability to ask for information about quests or lore or whatever. For example, in New Vegas, when talking to a companion you can ask them what they think on any given subject, but in fallout 4, you can just ask for “Thoughts”. You also can’t see exactly what you’re going to say when selecting any option (probably to hide how barebone they are, largely because of the voiced protagonists), so you can sometimes say the opposite of what you intended. Also, the only trait considered in speech is your charisma, so you can be the most intelligent person to ever live but you’ll never be able to offer something unique in a conversation if your charisma’s low.

No one cares much about video games here. We just link to game related stuff due to the acidic rage that emanates from gamers complaining about them.

imagine playing fallout 4 enough to find all this shit wrong with it and not quitting 15 minutes in and never turning it on again

Its one of those games that's so bad you only play its for 3000 hours instead of 5000

Man you really have a grudge against fallout 4 lmao

Autism speaks too much.

You know who speaks too much? Every fucking character in a Bethesda game. Put a fucking sock in their mouth to chew on and their facial expressions probably wouldn't even look any more unrealistic.

I miss Mister Caption. Wish he'd come back

Sir, this is a Wendy’s

Imagine not already having wanted to kill Todd Howard for years for ruining Fallout. Kids these days. 😒

Imagine if Obsidian had more time to work on New Vegas. The Legion could have actually gotten some shit that made them easier to empathize with. But with what we got, the only reason anyone would side with them is if they're edgy.

Imagine playing any of these games from these losers and not taking a shower

I play them while in the shower, get on my level


I'm playing and like Fallout 4, so everybody can drink jizz like a starlett in a MilkyKat video.

Also, after reading that thread, I think Bill Maher has a point.

im sorry but in order for me to fully understand this situation, I will need someone to present this to me in GangWeed meme form

WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY where Todd Howard gets all of the bitches and money even though every single game Bethesda makes is a bigger Trainwreck than the last. This is proof that Stacy is primarily motivated by hatred of GAMERS. Think about all the lies she feeds you: you're not sexy (Todd is a Slenderman looking manlet) you're not good at anything (a downie could put out more competent games than Todd) you don't have any confidence (watch Todd speak lmao). But what does Todd do well? He angers gamers. He destroys our sacred birthright to good Elder Scrolls and Fallout games, he re releases the same mediocre game over and over again to keep sheep like Chad from rising up. That's why Stacy loves him. He knows how to suppress gamers better than any Christian dad. We need to shatter his illusion. We need to RISE UP

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They are 3 fallouts too late for the one that ruined fallout

“Hey, remember the few redeeming qualities of Fallout 4? Let’s gas those.”

-Bethesda management