New Yale study proves black people laugh at virtue signaling mayos even more than MAGAtards do

1  2018-11-22 by ugongitbuttraped


The only thing more pathetic than this post is how you think people actually actually care.


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Actually relevant?

Seriously. If pornhub is suggesting cuck porn for you, it's because their algorithm has determined, scientifically, that you're a cuck. That's all.


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trust me when i say; black people think i am very cool. i constantly call them "homey", "king", "my nigga", "fam" etc and they love it. many are very impressed that i can talk cool despite being a "cracker ass white boy" (my words) and i often challenge and prove that i can even out-rap them! when i try to show them that my dick is as big as a black guy's they say "nah i trust you". the blacks trust me.

i know this is hilarious and obviously satire but i could see someone on bpt or hhh or nba unironically posting this

many of us "hip hop heads" have spent hours online studying how to be friends with and impress black people, and boy has it ever paid off

Hey, no hoverhand at least.

Boy is grabbing major ass

Lmao he went to jail for dealing sometime around that picture

Link? He's really taking this embracing the hip-hop lifestyle thing a bit far.

The greatest redemption arc in history


baller ass nigga

10/10 grab. Full of confidence (and she doesn't seem to mind). In awe of this lad. Burgers should make him their new president.

Absolute chad, it never even began for niggacels

The greatest redemption arc in history

I want to bully him soooooooo fuckin bad do not post that image I am so angry now goddamnit where is he I mist pummel him

Even by mayo standard those two are uglier than any person has any right to be.

His legs, how does he even support himself?

She qt

bpt is almost entirely 14-25 year old Jewish kids pretending to be black.

I blame the Beastie Boys for this.

Or how about we just treat anyone of any race as individuals instead of treating them differently depending on their race or is it too radical for mayos?

yo fuck this racist ass cracker bitch. he think he cool smh.. yikes from me fam, yikes from me

I’m no mayo! I’m rice noodle! Stop assuming my gender!

Rice dollar extreme out out out

Thought the PC term was ricecel?

It's been changed while you were sleeping. Ricoids btfo

Women can’t be incels. Fact.

The existence of the legbeards in 2X indicates otherwise.


Ah, you've stumbled in to the wrong subreddit. This isn't the place for genuine sentiment, this is the place for bussy, cyber bullying and shitty in-jokes. Take that rhetoric over to our good friends at CTH, they appreciate a good centrist there.

Sent from my iPhone.

what's CTH?

Central Tranny Hatchery

This, but unironically.

Cock thirsty haters

Sweaty, I’ve been on drama way before you had your first brojob.

Mayos don't do that. We are assets to be worn.

Too radical

I've never heard king before...


That's kang not king

dat finna dis gass

Oh hi Quentin tarantino


The politically correct term is Kangz

Libtards owned by their own libtard life. Okay, this is epic.

peak libtard self-sabotages themselves and people close to them as the highest goal in life. success is oppressive.

as someone who pretends to be black online all the time, i gotta say i agree with this study. as a black man myself

I concur big homie

A'ight 🤙

Is this where my fellow homies like to loiter and diss the man?

Call the y'allposters, I think we have to put them on suicide watch.


They actually have a term for these people in China. 😂

Blacks really are a conservative people and I always get a chuckle when knights in shining armor come into the community touting their white people nonsense as if it will be readily accepted. Ask any 60 y/o black man his opinion on the Jews, then come back to me and see how liberal the community is.

Reddit doesn't know shit about us black people lol..

what do you mean "us people"

Mayos don't know about people. Of any race.

Y'all peckerwoods

No, see, have you heard about Bernie Sanders and his plan to send white New York hipsters to university for free? Wait why are you putting on the Clinton hat?

Lol fail. Milenial and younger voters supporter Bernie. It is was only because of boomer blacks in the south that Hillary won

Hillary cucked Bernie harder than Bill (repeatedly) cucked Hillary.

It was her revenge.

Lol believing that no one else has priorities past legal weed is peak millennial Mayo.

following the economy, combating the spread of terrorism was the second-most important issue for young Americans (39 percent indicated this was a top three issue), followed by reducing inequality (34 percent), uniting the country (31 percent), dealing with immigration (27 percent), and reducing the role of money in politics (23 percent).

The idea that you would even remotely border srsposting is punishable by shariacide

Associating conservatives with anti-semitism.

By far the biggest and most effective media lie.

No. We’re both conservative AND anti Semitic. The Muslim brotherhood was in some ways a conservative group, but it should also be noted they had a deep distrust of Jews.

Goat sempai? Is that you?

spelling senpai wrong


not knowing that both variants are accepted because the sounds n and m are very close for the rapeycels (japanese) and that it's spelled sempai more often than not

Hey fucker, I don’t appreciate the smugness and I’m not so much of a faggot that I’d put my braincells into learning kanji. So fuck off you impotent weeb.

Oi, you've got a weeaboo username you cunt and you tried to smugly correct me. I'll fucking shank you if you disrespect me like that again. Also, my comment had no kanji, kanji are the chinese mindfuck letters, I'm not that into the culture of rapeystan to try and learn them.

Hai. Gomennasai.

You fucking better be sorry. Don't you fucking get sassy on me again.


Anti-semitism is something that exists on the socially authoritarian right and the fiscal left - it is basically hyper-populism.

Republicans would win in wave wave every time if they weren't so retarded. Most minority communities likely fall in line morw with Republican thinking, but the Republican party is too autistic and racist to see it as the opportunity that it is.

minority will always vote to undermine majority power

Democracy is an awful system of government.

The young black community is socialist but it's kinda weird. My ex would frequently say you had no excuse if you failed to get where you wanted to be but would always say she thought a socialist gov was the best.

Seconded. Worked in a warehouse with 10 black guys, half of which were over 50, most of the conversations would start to sound shit coming straight out of the mouth of my racist uncle.

You know how black people codeswitch in order to be hip with the whites?

Well, I’ve been noticing white liberals do the same thing. I’ve seen them go full “yo sup my dudes (unwilling to say nigga) smh yall” mid conversation.

It's not to be hip it's so we can assimilate into a corporate environment at work.

That's called being hip with the whites.

That's just being professional. Everyone does this.

That's just being professional.

So, being white?

MuH BoTh RaCeS

It’s so your white coworkers can go “he aight” while promoting you to team leader.

He cute

Codesswitching is a retardes concept because people ALWAY behave different witj different groups. A random person will behave differently with their family than with their friends. Thw concept of code switching attempts to place this very common occurrence as the by product of racism.

Behavior differences in different contexts is different than code switching.

Code switching is when you talk with heavy southern drawl in your home vs a variation of a North American or west coast accent in your professional or social setting.

I don't think people are JUST switching accents or just switching behavior. My behavior and vocabulary/way of speaking is definitely different around friends vs. my fam. Maybe that's not common?

"My dude" and "my guy" never sound good. They just seem forced and uncool

“it was harder to find speeches from Republicans delivered to minority audiences,”

There was that one that freed the slaves that one time.

Thanks, I'll let them know.

who the slaves?

DAE democraps are real racists?

Yes but unironically

They also made the kKk!!!1!1!!

they literally did tho

And the regarded pigs forget to mention the rest of history ...

you seem upset

Not at all. Just amazed by the trash that tries to put their spin on history.

Goes to show how Republicans have been fucking over America since time immemorial.

the emancipation proclamation wasnt a speech

Delivered, no doubt, to a crowd of white dudes.

Black people refer to pretty much all Asian as "Chinese motherfuckas". Amazing they dont give a shit about SJW stuff.

Is there a more pathetic creature on the face of this planet than the progressive mayo/mayoess?

I think not.

They designed a series of experiments in which white participants were asked to respond to a hypothetical or presumed-real interaction partner. For half of these participants, their partner was given a stereotypically white name (such as “Emily”); for the other half, their partner was given a stereotypically black name (such as “Lakisha”). Participants were asked to select from a list of words for an email to their partner. For some studies, this email was for a work-related task; for others, this email was simply to introduce themselves. Each word had been previously scored on how warm or competent it appears. The word “sad,” for example, scored low for both warmth and competence. “Melancholy,” on the other hand, scored high for competence and low on warmth.

LMAO that's Doki Doki Literature Club IRL.

What lonely idiot is gonna write an email and use shit like "Melancholy"

This guy has a thesaurus! Clearly he's well-educated!

According to the OP research white people do that all the time when writing to other white people, and the only way to discover that is to infiltrate them using a white-sounding name!

But it’s also possible that “this is happening because people are using common stereotypes in an effort to get along,” Dupree says.

Ironic. They could prevent others from stereotyping but nkt themselves.

Love playing basketball with my chocolate brothers


Notice how they didn't mention asians even once, lmao.

My understanding of American politics is poor so tell me why do they speak of liberals and conservatives as if they are polar opposites? Shouldn't they have included actual leftists to illustrate a dichotomy with conservatives?

The media never talks about actual leftists. It's either liberals or crazy sjw's

Actual leftism is still trying to build strength here in the US. Your options in most races are milquetoast centrists, limousine liberals and right-wing nut jobs.

there was an interesting article in the Atlantic that found only 25 percent of blacks identify as liberal

Reminder that only progressive whites actually like political correctness.

Pippity poppity give me the zoppity

oh worm