Buttmad Paki In r/Drama

1  2018-11-22 by POST_BUSSY


Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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Whew, shark_life roped one in.

He was a fun one.

Correction, I'd nuke Islamabad if I could use one nuke.


No, that is only one little nuke. What you want to do is drop a nuke from a plane flying out of Pakistan over India. That way Pakistan and India can have it out. Kashmir is rightfully in China.

I was referencing a question someone asked a couple days ago.

You have to admit, that shit would be funny to watch going down. Naturally from a nice safe distance.

How does it feel kkkracker? My country sponsors the very group that you're trying to defeat AND you give us money for the privilege, lol. Taliban has control over 50% of Afghanistan and the Americans are looking for a way out; we've won.

I'm British ya twat.

Chup kr yar kasam se beizzati kararahe ho meri. All cum skins listen up. OJ WAS INNOCENT

Goddamn! You type urdu like a massive burger. I shudder to imagine how you speak it.

Lol mujhe burger bolrhe ho gashti ke. Ja ke apni behn se puch meri urdu kaisi ha

See ? It's still very civilized . Like you're not used to speaking it , and even less so typing it.

Post bobs

Have you had your daily street poop my friend?

Has your sister or wife had their daily dose of black dick yet?

Notice how no one wants your wife or sister other than you? in fact, your nation has no issue with immigration because no one wants to be there, not even the locals. Do you envy our freedom and whiteness, as well as non-pooped streets?

Did not read; try again.

Don't lie to me Sandip!

I really did not, abridge it for me.

the feuds between pakis and indians never fails to make me laugh. trump had a tweet praising india or something and all the replies were pakistanis calling indians dogs and shit

It's like South Koreans and Japanese. Or balkans. Or South Americans.

I love it.

Or americans vs our muslim brothers and sisters

Or Americans vs virtually everyone who is not American (except peoole from Alabama, California, Seattle, Florida, Detroit and New York, those get the bullet too), what a classic duo.

That guy seemed angry enough to drive a delivery truck into a crowd.

His username has me craving vindaloo

crash vandykoo

Why we can't nuke down the entire northern hemisphere? Burguers, leafs, spics, mayos, ruskies, pajeets, pakis, chinks, gooks, weebs, turks, arabs, and so on.

First you need to invent 🔥 for your hunter-gatherer tribe.

Silly amerilard. I am the beginning and the end.


The age of man is no more, the age of the Australian has come.

Pakis don't like kkkrackers

Paki girls fucking love white guys. I think it's something to do with lighter skin = higher status over there.

Deluded, kkkracker that's not how it works. It's light skin, not white skin.

Nah it's definitely white skin. I heard that from a Pakistani girl.

Maybe it's because she was rich but her and her friends loved the white men.

Don't worry, nobody wants to visit Pakistan even if Panjeeta will spread her legs for you.

Once again, it's light skin not white skin. Even if it was white skin, white features are unattractive.

Only liberals Pakis find whites attractive, and that's mainly due white-worshipping which is a remnant of colonial times. Most Pakis look in such liberals in disgust.

We don't want you to visit us, we so what gora tourist do to every country they visit, they resemble parasites. And, gora, the west is in a state of decline, so cry about it.

Only liberals Pakis find whites attractive, and that's mainly due white-worshipping which is a remnant of colonial times. Most Pakis look in such liberals in disgust.

Yeah that could be true.

But the non-liberal Pakis are the ignorant goat herders that live in their own shit so who cares?

And, gora, the west is in a state of decline, so cry about it.

Yeah if it carries on this way it'll be as shit as your country soon.

You sound butthurt, gora. Did you priest not rape you enough?

Did you priest not rape you enough?

It's never enough.

Hey if you’re not an Indian then why do you have an abhorrent amount of posts in r/indianpissdrinking

And, gora, the west is in a state of decline

What, do you think that's because we treat gay people like human beings?

Because uh, I got some news for you: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2018/11/08/islamic-extremists-gay-porn-expert/

You do realize r/drama is a sub where we literally worship men's asses, right?

Because uh, I got some news for you: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2018/11/08/islamic-extremists-gay-porn-expert/

What does this have to do with me? lmao.

Just know here, faggots get disowned and killed.

/u/pisserpatterwater He's doing it again, being an unfunny retard. smh.

The truth hurts doesn't it? Whites are getting outbred; welcome to the future.

Didn't I already tell you this? I'm black. I want whites to be outbred, you retard.

I don't care what you are, stupid nigger. You black apes are not but low-IQ subhuman, every place your people inhabit turns into a shitfest of crime.

u/pisserpatterwater, nigga keeps sending me furry porn

You're a paki, I thought you were used to degeneracy lmfao



Also what makes you think it's porn, specifically? Did you click on it? Hmm?

Yes, of course I clicked on it, how else did I know it was porn? Idiot

So you admit you liked enough to keep clicking on it after you found it was porn, to keep making sure it was porn?

Get fucking bamboozled, 10 dimensional strats here, get on my level

That makes no sense, I clicked on 1 link, then I immediately closed it as I'm not degenerate scum like you.

He says, living in pakistan, where people are killing each other over a woman being acquitted for blasphemy charges.

Blasphemy laws are the only thing preventing the degeneration of Pakistan society, fool. Now go cry about it.

And this woman was acquitted of blasphemy so that makes you the loser, doesn't it?

She was acquitted because of foreign influence in the Pakistani judiciary system. Westerners don't like anyone interfering in their systems, yet they do the same as others. American influence in the judicial system is a systemic problem, one that occurs on all levels.

/u/pisserpatterwater This nigga legit blames "the americans" for people realizing prosecuting someone in your country for saying a bad word is retarded L M F A O

Butthurt. Not a single to criticism to my main argument too.

Well of course I don't have any criticism. That's what America should do. If we're gonna fuck everyone over, we can't just declare wars on everybody, we gotta fuck with their countries from the inside.

It's the America of the Modern Age.

And yet you guys have failed and are failing. You alienated Iran, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Afghanistan is will soon be under Taliban rule, so you failed there too. The only 'friendly' force you have in the region is India- but India purseues it own goals regardless of American interest and is allied to Russia.

America, as a result of its geopolitical failings, has no allies in South Asia, and thus has no one to contain China. The only two allies America has in the Middle East is Saudi Arabia- whose is gradually losing influence to Iran. AND Israel, who has no influence in the Middle East.

Too long don't care lmfao

Imagine being retarded enough to seriouspost on this subreddit

/u/pisserpatterwater Ey, this retard's seriousposting



^ As expected from a nigger, too unintelligent to understand basic geo politics. But what do you expect? Look at Africa now, full of low-iq mongs.

Hey, so, I'm running out of gay elephant furry porn, so I'm just gonna post porn of demons instead. You like buff gay demons, right? Sure you do



A nigger be a degenerate, not unexpected.


Hey, whatever works for ya, right? We all need something to whack off to

https://static1.e621.net/data/ee/d1/eed1c39f04eba0991e434875885fd538.jpg I like this one. It's really detailed, like damn. Why's it even on a furry site though? It ain't furry in any way.

Stop sperging in my inbox before I get mad and ban you, I'm a bit tipsy right now.

/u/pisserpatterwater This guy legit thinks the blasphemy laws that you think are retarded and autistic as fuck are actually a good thing and are "saving" your country lmfao

u/pisserpatterwater is attempting to fit in. As whites are so dumb, he seems to have succeed in his aim.

You two are acting like autistic schoolchildren vying for their teacher's attention.

With me being the more intelligent one ofc

lmao he stole that from me off the discord chat I had with him

Don't advocate violence, it's against Reddit rules.


Consanguineous relationships, yes. And the actual figure is 45-50% , it's a great method to avoid white scum.

The absolute state of pakis, defending inbreeding because they're so scared of whitoids.

When whites are a problem you fucking kill them, you don't inbreed to avoid them

lmao he got suspended for literally promoting the Taliban