Vaper BTFO’d on r/fml

1  2018-11-22 by wazzupnerds


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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The pissed off Jesus face is nice.

Hi the unfortunate idiot who’s vape that’s in the picture, it’s Zeus actually

I wish I could say I feel bad. Honestly, though, these vape liquids can be just as bad for your lungs as cigarettes. My mother in law started vaping to try to quit smoking and they said that the liquid was scarring her lungs and 100% contributed to the fact that her lung cancer was so resistant to treatment and eventually led to her death. Please consider giving up your vape for your own health. I know it’s hard to give up any habit, but it is possible. I would hate for anyone, even a random internet stranger, to go through what my saint of a mother in law suffered through. It was horrible.

Why in god's name is this bullshit upvoted?

Saint of a mother in law

I thought it was a joke after reading that.