I found what u/cdace is thankful for this Thanksgiving!

1  2018-11-22 by ArlenBilldozer


I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


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From the looks of it, pie shall be served.

What kind of pie


Plasma fold, you pervert.

I’m a pervert for asking what type of pie? Get a grip ffs.

Drink deep, or taste not, the plasma spring

cream pie

Disgusting 🤢🤮

Dinosaurs are not disgusting 😭😭

No they’re not but cream pie is.

Dinosaurs don't have dicks...I think

A T-Rex penis is a dozen feet long or something... and purple

Okay nevermind, I read up on it.

What did you find? I thought dinos had cloacae like birds but I’m prepared to be schooled on dino dick.

Their penis is bigger than your


That should read: Their penis is bigger than you.

(. )( .) Ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)

This is bullshit. Everyone knows women prefer guys with nice hair. It’s over for baldcels.

I dunno that dude looks pretty talls. Theres no way that girl would be letting a short man get handsy with her but the rules are different for tall guys.

hes got that monk whos gonna fuck your mother look.

It's true. I am remarkably average looking and probably have any number of social disorders, but at least once every couple a months a girl will comment on my luscious locks.

I then go home and beat off furiously.

nice try haircel

Thank you, ArlenBilldozer. Very cool! Very cool!

NSFW-tag that please, my penis can only get so erect.

There's a disappointing lack of bulge there

He grows instead of shows

Cashing out the spank bank eh.

Nooo why is that sub real ahhhhh

who is cdace?

Yeah really confused

I am the harbinger of the dinosaurs 🦖. The one who shall have humanity consumed

Dino vore? Smh

Newfriend OUT

This is absolutely disgusting, and incredibly degenerate.

Everyone knows that gay dinos are the best dinos. That dino is too good for a woman.

Dinosaur 🦖 bussy isn’t gay

Me on the right

I’m thankful for the dinosaurs 🦖 themselves! In their infinite wisdom they have brought me here to shitpost


Oh, you guys have seen the classic pterodactyl porn of course? https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph56e961d32ce26

Of course it can't just be one pterodactyl and one woman after going on a nice romantic date. Perverts have always gotta spice things up.

Is this on /r/HornyDinos?

Me watching from a far

This is so stupid. I'm in Germany on holidays and I was autistic enough to get on here! No regrets, though. It's one of the dumbest things I've seen, but, like, one of the funniest.

X files theme

cdace is one of my least fav posters. "dude let me make an account where the shtick is to just post about dinosaurs!!! HAHAAH RAWR XD so unique and random!!!!"

At one point there was novella published by amazon called Taken By a T-rex. It was about 80 pages of horribly written smut but the guy had sold over 80k copies at $5.00 a piece. This inspired me to start and never finish a smut novel called Night of The Fucking Dead. It's about a female scientist(Cody) who discovers bringing her to orgasm is the only way to reverse the zombie apocalypse. Its basically her getting gangbanged by zombies saving the world and shit like that

Delete this

Holy fuk tell me there's more

I'm thankful for a place where I can post relevant dumb shit and don't have to make my friends, family or co-workers think I'm a retard by showing them said shit.

Can I get a source?

I don't blame that dinosaur at all. She's hot.