Mayo woman thinks Indian silicon valley employees are exploiting the colored quota in the USA while exploiting the lower castes in India. Also whitesplains the caste system and caste reservations to Indians

1  2018-11-22 by MAMStoic


"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


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Well duh. India has an average IQ of like 80. The only people smart enough to make it in the US would be Brahmin.

Want rape some one...


🤔 Hmmm...

The whole twitter drama wasn't that big of a deal. It was only a big deal on twitter and quora. Like seriously, most people don't give a crap.

Also, bbc india is pretty out of touch with india.

The political drama around cbi {our fbi} is what news is talking about.

Of course this seems to have more or less been glossed over by the Indian media but still I thought this particular one was pretty entertaining.

You should check out the responses to quora question on this. The COPE from both side was fun to read


Is she wrong though, in your opinion?

She is sort of right. I mean, india isn't know for being big on social indicator. But than, its shit for everyone.

Casteism exists but its much more limited than these twitterati think. Unlike race, you can't really tell someone's caste just by looking at them (you can with there surname, but very few know how to do it).

However, the other commentators are also right. Unlike us, india has official affirmative policy for public education and government jobs. So there's isn't really a quota for brahmins. But since a lot of them are rich, they are the ones who end up in US.

That being said, Americans and American companies should stay away from this issue. This is not US where people just tweet shit at each other. When it comes to caste stuff, things get ugly pretty quickly.


🤔 Hmmm...

But since a lot of them are rich, they are the ones who end up in US.

you forgot smart and hard working.

She is not technically wrong. Even though I haven't looked at the data I believe her when she says that most Indian immigrants to the US are upper castes.

The problem is when this is single handedly blamed on upper-caste supremacy and words like "Brahmin supremacy" are used to vilify a community. Dalits already get a wide range of benefits. They have positions reserved for them everywhere - in schools, colleges, universities, jobs and so on.

Get this. We literally cordon off 50% of all available positions and make sure nobody - who isn't from a predetermined list of castes - can even apply. We have positions advertised where upper castes are straight away barred from applying. And remember this does not factor in income. So if you happen to be one of the lower castes who are well off, you still get in through affirmative action while if you're an upper caste you'd be denied that position regardless of how poor a family you come from. I have been a victim of this personally, so I know how much it sucks when a classmate who is better off than you gets into university or gets a job or a scholarship despite having worse grades than you.

Its not a black and white issue.

thats a lot of words just to say brahims are equivlent to white priviledge. honestly india needs to do better.

India is doing perfectly fine and retarded wh*tes need to shut up and mind their own business


🤔 Hmmm...

Ma'am 50% reservation doesn't mean that the people cannot take up more than 50% seats. I suggest you understand things better before arguing.

Indian neckbeard slashing with sarcasm.

Still, India is overpopulated shit but still a great source of uninvited empathy from nothing to do femmes of the West.

You can fap on all things Indian for years and still solve nothing.

India is literally the asshole of the world if you don't consider Africa, you won't be fixing it in the next 200 years.

I'm pretty sure you forgot about South America. Brazil has twice as many murders despite having 1/6 the population. In that respect, India is 12 times safer as long as you don't starve.

In Brazil most of the murders are between drug dealers. Meanwhile, in India people are literally shitting in the streets and throwing bodies in rivers 24/7. I wouldn't trade Brazil for India, not in a million years.

I mean aren't drug dealers Brazilian? I could say throwing dead bodies in the Ganges happens only in certain areas, so it doesn't count but I am pretty sure you won't accept that.

But at the end of the day it's choosing between hygiene and safety.

Nah, its not just that. India is still very underdeveloped compared to Brazil. Also their food sucks.

I guess, I would put India about 15 years behind Brazil in terms of average wealth.

More like 50 years. Just look at the amount of train accidents in India. 50000 people dead in just 2 years. This would be absolutely inconceivable in Brazil.

And 60k deaths due to crime would inconceivable in India. Every nation has it's failings but I'll stop as I can see where this convo is going.

Brazil more than makes up for that number in gun violence though.

Shitting on India won't turn your target range of a country into something to be proud of Hueachio Chimpas.


I'm disappointed, slipper shooters usually have better bantz.

Shitting in the streets This retarded meme needs to die. Nobody shits on the "street", retard. Open defecation is completely different.


🤔 Hmmm...

Nobody shits in the streets that's often, it's usually the homeless that were the main culprits but police are cracking down. The open defecation figures come from villagers going into their fields and taking a dump. While that is a symptom of poverty, it's hardly a health and safety concern.

They use toilets in Brazil and don’t drink cow piss. Enough said.

People starving to death in the street next to a cow is hilarious.

i'd rather get murdered every now and then than live in a toilet


🤔 Hmmm...

Indian neckbeard slashing with sarcasm.

Ehh... It's cringy but the practice referring to others(especially if they're older) as sir/ma'am is something encouraged a lot in school and even in colleges.

Dumb custom but it's not a unique practice of neckbeards here in India.

How dare they be respectful to authority figures.

tbf ma’am is the most insulting respectful term out there

“Ma’am you’re being hysterical”

Maybe, just once, someone will call me "sir" without adding "you're making a scene".

10/10 Homer Simpson quote

Sir/Madam is just dude/bro of India.

Reminder that white women are the most privileged demographic in the world.

Mayo gussy is telling the people, whose average income per month is 100$, that they are privileged. Doesn't get more hilarious than this.

It is good to be king.

only until the revolutionary guard puts you under guillotine

Hopefully not until after my death. For now, I will enjoy privilege. Be gone pleb.

What's the white gusty version of "mansplaining"?

Dalits literally have 50% reservations in colleges and jobs. Those retards still fail to match the level of upper caste students. But of course, that's the fault of upper caste males, right?

The drop out rate from IIT is 90% for lower caste. Why? Simply because they find out that the affirmative action which helped them get in there won't be there to hold their hands during the college years.

So, they're like the caste of color or something?

You can't tell caste by a person's appearance, if that's what you're asking.

You kind of can though. You're from Hindi belt as well it seems, are you seriously telling me you can't differentiate a Musahar from a Thakur or a Brahmin? Every Musahar I see in East UP has pitch black, skin, small eyes and a flat nose. I can literally spot a Musahar in my hometown.

I've usually seen city populations as a whole have sharper features and are lighter complexioned than villagers. I used to travel by bus and it was really easy to guess which were the ones that came from the countryside with one look at the passengers. But IMHO it's only something you become aware of if you actively notice it, and it's not always accurate. My paternal grandfather is supposed to be a BRAmen for example but he looked like a textbook picture of a negrito australoid. My maternal one is a Kayastha but he wouldn't be out of place riding a horse while dual slaughtering Harrapoids.

I've usually seen city populations as a whole have sharper features and are lighter complexioned than villagers.

That's rubbish. People living in the city are usually lower-castes working as labourers whereas the big zamindars and nobility live in the countryside.

zamindars in current year.

Uhm sweaty do you even land ceiling?

We still have zamindars in East UP and Bihar. And I'm sorry but villagers are usually much stronger and better built than cuck urban pussies. Take an aggressive Bhumihar chad from a village near Ballia and watch him cuck some pussy jat from Delhi.

Forcing iron rods into roast flaps isn't cucking anyone but the girl's hemoglobin deficiency Ram Vilas Paswan.

Kabhi ao Ballia, hum aap ka ma chodenga

You're comparing extrmes. Musahars are almost tribals in origin. If you want a better example, try comparing a Brahmin to an OBC like Badhai/Yadav/Verma. A lot of times you'd make mistakes if you try to tell caste from physical features.

Oh my lord the white people are imposing colonial frameworks to an incredibly complex society again. Where have I seen this happen. Listen the last time you went to go and save our souls you ended up enslaving us and killing millions, let Indians figure out their own shit

Bitch lasagna

Send me nakde pic snow you bitch

The only thing more delusional than a mayo waman activist would be a gaggle of revisionist Hindu Nationalists.

In American Ivy League universities and medical schools, you actually need higher grades and test scores if you apply as an Asian.

Far East Asians.

All Asians are the same according to the US census.

Editor at mother jones is the most mayo thing ever

She’s right, but she’s also a white female, so fuck her.

Want rape someone


🤔 Hmmm...


brahmin internet defense force itt

We need a great firewall of India.

Has there ever been a female pope ever?

Is this guy under the impression that the feminist he’s arguing with is also a Catholic?