Happy Thanksgiving /r/Drama

1  2018-11-22 by Fletch71011


The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


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Thus makes me feel funny inside

A tarted up 12-year-old celebrating Thanksgiving with all her friends, has a black dude show up for dinner then uses a turkey leg for a microphone is kinda weird imo.

She’s gotta be 18 by now dude

Literally who.

looks way too old for 12, 12 yos are cuter

looks way too old for 12, 12 yos are cuter

With yamete saying this is very concerning tbqhtyf

yes, that's getting dangerously close to pedophilia, not innocent and completely justifiable ephebophilia



Slutted up 12 year old singing pop songs about some random holiday/food/mundane shit.....hmmmm

OH SHIT there he is, I was expecting Patrice Wilson!

mayoid underage gussy?

OP must be a lolbertarian

worse, he's a millionaire finance guy with a casual interest in body building

My first stick. I feel like /u/MasterLawlz and this Thanksgiving I'm thankful I don't look like him.

He removed this so I deleted his life.

thank for removing that god awful lawlz post 🤢🤢🤮🤮

can you remove him as a mod? he's like the worst one and that says quite a bit

Lol no. He brings so much joy.

she-she-she can oh-oh-oh my yeah-yeah all day

This has been out for years. How old is she now?



I’m just gonna go ahead and call the police on myself