The assumption that developed countries can take in, house feed and care for 100% of the third world was always flawed, and even westernised minorities like me think the left is absolutely absurd and cucked.
You don't even need to be from a developed country to agree with this notion, I'm from a third world one myself and I too believe this stuff is bullshit
1 SnapshillBot 2018-11-22
Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 dudeWares 2018-11-22
1 badukbingepurge 2018-11-22
No crud. Is this how the world ends?
1 Blinwar 2018-11-22
I guess Bill got together with Crazy Eyes Cortez.
1 ikerooni 2018-11-22
wtf i love hilldawg now
1 telandrias 2018-11-22
falls over in a hacking fit
1 LightUmbra 2018-11-22
Stop with the fucking memes.
1 badukbingepurge 2018-11-22
Stop telling me what to do, mom!
1 aj_thenoob 2018-11-22
Tell Hilldawg to stop trying to be relevant in Defeat-Day + 7XX days
1 loli_esports 2018-11-22
what class does she play in DoD?
1 Van-Diemen 2018-11-22
This is post-pinging /r/drama, time to get used to it.
1 ConfuseTheJews 2018-11-22
Migrants to the west
1 General_Insomnia 2018-11-22
They don't live in our society
1 wwaalleess 2018-11-22
> stealing a joke from chapo
1 loli_esports 2018-11-22
1 I-hate-trump 2018-11-22
This sub is for faggots
1 hungarianmeatslammer 2018-11-22
You fit right in. Welcome!
1 I-hate-trump 2018-11-22
Bitch please
1 SeattleFingers 2018-11-22
Spread em.
1 Tobans 2018-11-22
Or what 🤪😳🤪😳🥺🥺???
1 SeattleFingers 2018-11-22
You, too ;)
1 Tobans 2018-11-22
Oh bby. Don't be gentle 🥺🥺
1 GodotIsWaiting4U 2018-11-22
Hillary needs to Pokemon Go the fuck away
1 PM_ME_UR_SUSPICIONS 2018-11-22
Imagine feeling this strongly. Just imagine.
1 Karmaisforsuckers 2018-11-22
Mommy Defense Force reporting in!
1 somegurk 2018-11-22
Is mommy actually running in 2020.
1 SaIvadora 2018-11-22
The assumption that developed countries can take in, house feed and care for 100% of the third world was always flawed, and even westernised minorities like me think the left is absolutely absurd and cucked.
1 Ganbazuroi 2018-11-22
You don't even need to be from a developed country to agree with this notion, I'm from a third world one myself and I too believe this stuff is bullshit
1 doughboy011 2018-11-22
Can someone explain this "bottom text" thing? I mean I know I'm retarded but this is just not adding up.
1 PDaviss 2018-11-22
Bottom text