Resaler with certain headgear caught with 3 carts of PS4s, r/gaming is not happy.

1  2018-11-23 by wazzupnerds


leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


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Not the most dramatic headgear

MAGA hat on top of the headscarf

Now we’re talking

Where's the drama?

Can't seem to find any and the threads locked so prob pre-emptively done or gonna need to use ceddit. At least Walmart popped the bitch and took 2 of her cart away.


The only drama is shitty manufactured bullshit in /r/Drama

To op this is one of the worst posts I've ever SEEN DELETE IT

This is bad and OP should be ashamed. As punishment, they should have to listen to 3 of Lawlz essays or theories on the Ben 10 series.

That's not a punishment tbh

how about ben 10 theorys and pizzashills autistic screeching combined for an hour while handcuffed to a chair? adds to the punishment aspect and keeps our tards safe

Better punishment.

the nose knows

Happy Thanksgiving to all! Who is cozy as hell and gaming right now? I am cozed up with my pup and cruising Skyrim on Switch, good times.

Just wanted to drop this little reminder that these are real people in our world

Do these people have no shame?

Nope, saw a couple carrying 20 copies of different movies last night with a grin on their face. All for resell

Would be easier to pull the thing she's wearing off her head an make her chase you out of the store to get it back while the store staff put all the PS4s back.