Buddhist monk filmed having meth-fuelled gay sex in temple

1  2018-11-23 by shitpost953


I ordered a shit dildo using Google+. When it first came out, you had to sign up with G+ in order to get the discount. It was supposed to smell and feel like a shit. Was pretty underhelming when it arrived, because it only looked like a shit. It didn't even feel like a shit when it went in my boipussy.

Needless to say, I don't use it anymore.

The one upside was that the shit dildo was password protected, so no one else could use it.


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I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


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Getting your ringpiece stretched and mething up is just another side road on the way to enlightenment.

Getting your ringpiece stretched

Aka burning the donut


Are those radio-button emojis?

Yes. I used them to show the significance of the sphincter muscle being stretched.

Burning the donut

This is beautiful.

All credit to president bolsonaro

Too bad he's gonna make it illegal to burn the donut

I thought this was a fake title, wow.

Buddhist monk drama is the best. They had a scandal in Korea a few years ago where the monks were caught on camera filling out a bingo card of everything they could possibly do wrong. Like they were smoking and drinking while gambling over a card game while groping hookers and eating beef jerky or something. Some of it might seem petty, but they were breaking every possible rule at the same time.



It took some effort to find this since there's another major Buddhist monk scandal there this year.

caught on camera

fake news

prove me wrong

Like they were smoking and drinking while gambling over a card game while groping hookers and eating beef jerky or something.

TFW no buddhist monk to smoke, drink, gamble, and grope hookers with while eating beef jerky.

I mean, one of the most influential thinkers in Chan Buddhism insisted that fucking hookers was an essential part of his worship. It's not without precedent.

Wtf I love Buddhism now!

Y'know, Buddhism seems like a pretty chill and relaxed religion.

It isnโ€™t. Friend of a friend was told by a monk not to let their kid near water for a year due to a feeling. They sponge bathed the kid for a year. When they went back to the monk he had no clue what he had said.

Have more bullshit quack monk stories. It is a religion like anything else except that squatting assholes get to set the terms. Someone that can carry water on two poles up and down the stairs might be impressive but it doesnโ€™t mean that person has the answer to the meaning of life.

Dude I used to be Buddhist. I know just how kooky it is. I was just making the usual bullshit statement mayos are known for regarding Eastern religions.

'But Hinduism is a cool religion'

Then why did my dad throw his footwear at me since the age of 5 for being a normal typical child?

Thanks for showing me the proper way to do this so next time the retarded mayos will understand my intentions.

Because you were stealing and drinking his cow piss.


Sorry friend, it is real, I just spelled it wrong.

Try this, /r/indianpissdrinking

Thank you! ... And not... That was disgusting.

Yeah, I only know about it because I was pretending to be an street-shitter to troll a paki and he kept linking that sub.

Pakis almost always take the bait hook line and sinker if you make fun of how inbred they are, the goat fucking, Kashmir and how theyโ€™re too poor to have a space program. You get bonus points for telling them their sister-wives prefer glorious western penis.

Theyโ€™re a fun people.

Then why did my dad throw his footwear at me since the age of 5 for being a normal typical child?

Define "normal typical child".

Just easily excitable and full of energy = smack, shut up, sit still, behave.

has parenting like this ever even been seen in history?

Throughout the shitskin lands, mayos are just too ignorant and cucked to notice it.

I'd throw every shoe I own if only you were within flinging distance of me you annoying turd.

And I'd fling my shit at you in return.

Little monkeys like you make excellent shoe targets. I applaud your father's decision.

And I equally applaud your father's decision for having raped your infant bussy daily since the day you were born. Bet he really taught you to enjoy devouring daddy's jizz.

Your father must not have had enough shoes to teach you proper respect for your betters. You must be incredibly poor.

So that you learn about Karma and not be a little shithead.

Nice to victim blame abused children, obviously your parents never taught you not to be a shithead.

Watch your tone boy ๐Ÿ‘Ÿ

Fuck off shithead.

This is why you get the shoe. You don't learn.

Maybe I say shithead because you said it to me first shithead.

Actually you said shit head first ๐Ÿ‘Ÿ

The person I first aid that too called me a shithead, so why the fuck are you getting involved in other peoples arguments? I would fucking destroy you or any shitskin that crosses my path again and repeats any kind of behaviour that my 'culture' put me through my entire life.


Because parental behaviour has nothing to do with religion? I do agree throwing slippers at your retarded kid should be a religious thing though.

Were you burning the donut too?

Petition to make this monk a mod. He is the monk/mod we need but don't deserve.


Had it coming.


The muslims wouldn't let them grill, man

>burmese buddhists get genocided by muslims

>flee to myanmar

>rohingya's come to myanmar

>attack buddhists

>buddhists defend their borders and protect themselves

>wtf we dindu nuffin its the buddhists who are bad not the religion of peace

typical mayo not understanding anything and just trying to help the poor minority (the minority are actually the rakhine who have been genocided by muslims in the past)

Kai Hung. This man had the name, he was just in the wrong profession.

Siddhartha Gaythama


and a holy water bottle filled with lube

Not only will it lubricate but it will even protect you from having sex with vampires.

I noticed it too. They chastised him, but it seems like he was actually playing 3D Chess in his mind.

I love Buddhism now.

a couple of years ago a monk nearby shot himself after killing some teenage girl hes been raping for months

he shot her in her homecoming dress because a classmate asked her out

the only person to go to his funeral was his dad lol

ever since then i cant fully trust monks

You fully trusted monks before it happened?

maybe fully isnt the correct word, but i guess at temple my first thought was "they could be pedos!" like it was whenever i went to a catholic church

that and since that incident i feel more wary about my best friend attending that place, since the temple knew for years something sketchy was going on. her family was just silenced until she died

the true religion

I think I have a new hero.

that's some "juicy ass" drama!

The fuck is OP's flair

now this is /r/drama content

Ultra gaayyy