Someone's little sister regrets transitioning into a man. r/GenderCritical, r/GenderCynical and r/circlebroke2 engage in a proxy war in the comments.

1  2018-11-23 by POST_BUSSY


You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


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If it does turn out that she has this disorder, or any other treatable disorder, but was misdiagnosed as trans

Does one really need a medical degree these days?

Imagine saying trans when you mean mental illness.

My take is that transgenderism is a mental disorder, but transitioning can be part of a good treatment.

Isn't that like treating schizophrenia with special headphones that turned the voices inside their head into actual audio? When demonstrable reality is at odds with someone's personal view of it, why try to change reality instead of that view?

Mental illness treatment is about restoring someone's ability to function in society/reduce symptoms; if the best way to do that is playing along with a delusion, it's an effective treatment.

The problem with the current treatment is that it doesn't include a mandatory ban from Twitter.

A ban from Twitter should be mandatory for the human race.

Mandatory ban from anime

The problem with the current treatment is that it demands that the rest of society go along with the delusion.

I'd like to add that Alzheimer's is a mental illness that we have trouble treating and most healthcare professionals suggest you play along with their delusions so it's easier for them to cope, since no other better treatment has been found yet.

though to my knowledge alzheimer's patients don't try to actively recruit

I mean, neither do trans people for the most part.

So you don't know a lot of them.

Twitter users aren't people tbh

Egg_irl? Literally anyone asking if they are trans on r/asktransgender, even if the only symptom is liking how flowers smell? Hell even the inclusion of Questioning in LGBTQ+?

I thought the q was for queer.

There was a post the other day about "50 children with autism come out as transgender after talking with one particular guidance councilor"

Alzheimers is not a mental illness. It's a degenerative disease where brain cells essentially wither away and die. Both mental illness and Alzheimer's are brain disorders, and can even have similar symptoms, but because Alzheimer's is rooted in a physical degenerative disease, it is not a mental illness.

What are you on about? Just because an issue is due to a physical abnormality doesn't mean it's not a mental health condition. Plenty of mental health conditions are due to physical causes. Unless you're a Descartian dualist, every mental health condition is due to a physical issue.

Here's Alzheimer's listed under mental health conditions by the NHS.


Britbongs can't even even properly measure their weight. No one expects them to be the authority on any medical issues. Look at all the other stupid shit on that page. Alcohol ad Stress? That's not a mental illnesses.

The APA does not consider dementia a mental illness and that's good enough for me.

Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed re-classifying diagnoses for dementia as "Diseases of the Nervous System," rather than "Mental or Behavioural Disorders," as they are now classified. APA is concerned that this change could preclude some health-care professionals from providing diagnostic assessment and intervention, reducing access to and quality of care for people with dementia.

Can you propose a test that determines which is mental illness, like we run such and such protocol and if in the end the litmus paper is red then it was mental illness and not other things?

If not then you're the same as cultural marxists, but worse because they are self-aware at least, and you think that you are defending Science and Reason.

If it's treated by a physchologist feel free to call it a mental illness. If it's treated by a real doctor who recommends a physchologist for dealing with stress/side affects/mourning etc... not a mental illness.

That sounds like cultural marxism to me, with sjw doctors determining the truth. Can you do better?

Dont wanna

Psychiatrists have an MD

Psychiatrists go through all the same training regular doctors do, they just do different specialist training.

There is no mental illness diagnosed by imaging/biopsy/blood test, etc. Psychiatric conditions are basically diagnoses of exclusion.

There are psychiatric conditions associated with alzheimers.

Alzheimer's disease is most certainly not a mental illness.

why try to change reality instead of that view?

Because it's not possible.

Why should a transsexual force themselves to be what you think they are instead of what they truly are?

Wat? I said the opposite

No it's more like treating schizophrenia with medication, which we do.

Demonstrable reality? You mean societal expectations?

Gender dysphoria is the distress associated with being a transsexual, of forcing yourself to be the wrong gender due to ignorant pieces of shit like you who want them to be what you see them as, instead of what they are. Transsexuality is not a mental illness itself. Gender dysphoria is treated through the removal of ignorant transphobes from society.

You, sir, have been doing too much seriousposting. Or at least ironic seriousposting, which is still seriousposting. I'm gonna need to verify your bussy if you want to keep posting here.

but transitioning can be part of a good treatment

lol. drink that kool aid, unironic libtard.

calling people libtards unironically.

You have to go back

Ive been here longer than you sweaty

Being a boomer excuse your retardedness

no u

There's really no proper way to treat gender dysphoria, transitioning is hit or miss. For many the symptoms of suicidality increase after transitioning and for others they remain about the same. It's sort of like personality disorders in that way, where you cannot necessarily treat it but you can mitigate the symptoms that negatively affect someone's life. Some mental health clinicians claim that it's a mental illness because of some of the co-occurring mental illnesses that exist when a person has gender dysphoria.

Source, I'm r/drama on staff mental health professional

I think the general trend after transitioning is for suicidality to decrease, but I'm not sure. Definitely doesn't always work, though.

Like I said, it's hit or miss. For some suicidality decreases after transitioning and for others it remains about the same in regards to ideations and then for a smaller strata it unfortunately increases. Transitioning is not a cure nor does it necessarily cure their mental health issues, it at most might mitigate them.

I'm r/drama on staff mental health professional

We really need a whole team here working in shifts.

It is a good treatment for those who suffer from just gender dysphoria; however, most also suffer from anxiety, depression, suicidal tendencies along with their gender dysphoria. So yes, transitioning helps with the body dysphoria but it doesn't help with the depression, anxiety, and suicidal tendencies. Trans men are reported to transition with many still feeling dysphoric because they're often shorter than the average man, small hands, and small feet; they also are reported to have a higher suicide rate. Transitioning helps one problem but not the others.

For the other problems, you need other treatments, of course. There's no miracle cure in mental health.

Of course, the problem is though many doctors aren't looking for those other treatments nor are they diagnosing those other treatments as they once did prior to this era because it's called gatekeeping. And they're making a lot of money off the HRT they're prescribing.

Sorry, i edited my comment before reading this.

Sorry, I edited my comment before reading this.

But much like painkillers, maybe it's better to make sure it's chronic pain and not just prescribe them.

For the other problems, you need other treatments, of course.

they shut out any accounts of transgender regret/de-transitioners. This is currently a money making business though so just follow the money trail.

This is a fascinating theory. I'm kind of tempted to post it to /r/conspiracy and letting them run with it...

It actually was featured on that sub some years ago. Its pretty much when I started becoming critical and skeptical of the movement after I started doing more research. I don't doubt that there are people who do suffer from gender dysphoria; I don't doubt that more people feel comfortable enough to come out more now than before, but I do doubt the ones who don't have any gender dysphoria. I do doubt the transbians and other transcels though. I also doubt the medical industry along with the PC movement and them gazing past other issues such as I mentioned.

Congrats, you've succintly given current medical opinion in a way even dramatards should be able to understand. Apparently plenty don't though.

being trans is not mental illness ILL KILL MYSELF IF U DONT USE MY PRONOUNS

Get fucked transphobe. The future is trans and beautiful šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ

What a smelly future

Letā€™s compromise. Only certain types should be allowed to transition. The following people can transition:

Really masc stone butch lesbos

Super femme twink bottoms

Sassy black street walkers who are always ripping out weaves in catfights

People who canā€™t transition:

Awkward white MtT nerds who spend 8+ hours a day online on Twitter, Reddit, Twitch, Discord, Steam etc. and have YouTube channels full of Super Mario speed runs

Something just dawned on me. There must be Smash Bros. speedrunners. Can you imagine what they smell like?

Imagine saying mental illness when you mean mental illness.

I don't see the problem here?

The distress a person experiences from the gender of their birth is the mental illness. The transsexuality is not. Please read up on the DSM-V, you are not a psychologist and you cannot just declare things to be mental illnesses that are not. Gender diaphoria is not and has never been cured by berating a person based on their gender identity and demanding that they pretend to be what society sees them as to please society. It is cured through support of their gender identity until they no longer experience the distress of trying to fit in to what society wants them to be.

Nobody's berating anyone - stop being a fucking commie.

Two human rights cases so far in Canada revolve around not being able to go to women's bathroom once and another because a woman in spa services didn't want to wax someone's balls.

Get a fucking grip.

What a waste of bussy, both her ftm tranny sister and those GC femcels are wasted potential šŸ˜”šŸ˜žšŸ˜©

Nope it accurately describes them. As much as your hate it, your biology stays with you in life. Iā€™ll also add any ACTUAL transphobia there is heavily downvoted. Disagreeing with self ID etc isnā€™t hate.

Depends what she means by ACTUAL transphobia. You'll get straight-up yelled at there for using a trans persons preferred pronouns, but anybody saying trans people should be discriminated against in employment or housing or anything like that gets downvoted, and anything that says trannies should be attacked or should kill themselves gets nuked by the mods so fast ain't nobody gets a chance to downvote it.

The problem is that trans people basically have to assert that people never regret transitioning. Once you admit that some people regret it, you admit that maybe some people self-diagnose incorrectly and that maybe we should be careful before ruining someone's life.

Aside from that argument, thereā€™s the one that transitioning is more harmful than helpful. Other than that you just have vague appeals to nature. Imo it looks like we just dont know enough about the psychology. On the trans side we have people constructing an entire ā€œscienceā€ of gender off their feelings, perhaps because science hasnā€™t actually discovered anything yet.

The worst part is when they say "SEE?? THE SCIENCE BACKS US UP!!" and it turns out it's one study with N = 20 with very small effect sizes.

Psychology is far from settled science. 50 years ago we thought performing lobotomies on people was a good idea. And I say this as someone who studied psychology for a living.

Psychology is a pseudoscience and you're more likely to help someone by total accident than by actually addressing the underlying issue.

If you can't help someone just by providing a way to talk through their problems then you probably can't really help them; but they want to justify their degree so they fall back on pushing medication and procedures.

Yeah, I hesitate to take a firm stance on the transgender issue, because thereā€™s simply not enough research out there right now.

Like maybe a certain amount of medical gatekeeping before letting someone permanently alter their secondary sex characteristics and mutilate their genitals is a GOOD idea?

I'm shocked. SHOCKED I say.

We generally are pretty careful, people have to wait at least a year before surgery (and it rarely happens for anybody under 18). All it takes is one story like this and you get a bunch of idiots screaming how trans don't real.

That sounds pretty fair and centrist. Treat people with respect but don't expect me to bend over backwards to cater to you.

Right? I actually don't think I've ever seen a single TERF actually advocate for violence or real discrimination, which makes all the PUNCH A TERF XD shit extra deserving of side-eye.

In the CB2 thread, one person said GC should be banned for hate and in the next comment someone popped up with 'TERFs against the wall'.

Bringing up biology is transphobic

Science is transphobia

faggot mods over there had to lock & remove.


Probably creative writing tbh.

Great drama anyways though.>/r/rant. Probably creativ hide

Say no to transitioning people. Just become a trap. It won't aolve your problems and everyone around just pretends you aren't weird.

Just become a girl(male) instead of getting fucked up surgeries.

unless you have god tier genetics you still need hrt to trap and not turn into more and more of a twunk as you age

Dude lets not pretend people on hrt are gonna all age gracefully either.

well no, you gotta take care of yourself of course and nothing in life is forever

but it's ignorant to act like HRT isn't of major help

(((They))) did this.

End transphobia now

Unironically this.

this looks like a false flag

Wow, we spent years telling butch lesbians that they're actually sectretly men in disguise and this happens?? Who woulda thunk.

Trans issues are so weird. I try to pretend like they don't exist and it makes my life better.

Statistically they barely exist. But not for lack of trying. They're trying to confuse kids into mutilating themselves.

Yeah my cousin is FtM and adopted a kid with his/her/xir's partner. Surprise, surprise, their daughter has gender dysphoria and is living as a boy. It pisses me off, but there's nothing I can do about it.

Treat yourself to dragqueen story time at your nearest library to forget your troubles.

dude dragqueens lmao

It's actually pretty sad.

this is too sad for me to laugh at

even the people arguing make me pity their existence

Reading all those replies shrieking at one another just stresses me out. Itā€™s no wonder why Iā€™m glad to be a dude tbh

Gussy isnā€™t the problem, itā€™s estrogen found in both groups famalam.

Out of all the social issues we are facing right now, this one in particular has me worried the most. In the next 10-15 years, who knows how many people are going to realize that they've done irreparable damaged to their bodies and how they're going to react to it. Their seems to be a lot of enablers and people acting in bad faith by encouraging vulnerable people to go down this path that's not only going to impact themselves but society as well. If you still don't care remember that your insurance premium will go up to pay for this.

OTOH this will be hilarious and probably not affect your insurance unless you're a gamer.

Are you saying surgically altering ones genitals when you already have mental issues doesn't solve all of their problems?

I've beaten every Dark Souls game, and Bloodborne. When Monster Hunter World came out, I played so much of it because that game is awesome. I tried playing Dark Souls 3's DLC after, and found I couldn't make it work. The A button had now been ingrained in me as the button for dodging. B was for light attacks and Y for heavy attacks. So I rebound the buttons on my controller and went through Dark Souls 3's DLC with a Monster Hunter-style control setup. I did beat Gael, but it was a bittersweet victory. Because now I can never replay Bloodborne. The PS4 doesn't allow you to rebind your buttons.

It does though.

well now my metaphor is ruined thanks a lot you fuck

also I get to play bloodborne again sweet thanks

It's not a very on point metaphor.

yeah but now go back and read the first letter of every sentence


Got em

dude bussy lmao

welp, my strawman is better than yours. Your acronym for transwomen is TIM, or ā€œtrans identifying maleā€ actively disrespecting and disregarding trans people.

Yes, how fucking dare you put these words together? /s

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that male/female was to do with sex whereas man/woman was to do with gender? So a 'transwoman' is a male person who identifies as a woman, is that not correct? Not that I have any problem with that, fine, whatever. But I honestly cannot see any problem with ā€œtrans identifying maleā€. That is just a male person who is trans, surely.

Please do NOT. If you are in any sense pro-transgender that place is not for you, it is a place to harass and insult transgender people.

Thatā€™s ridiculous. Itā€™s a place to harass and insult men.