Drama in r/buttcoin when one user blames the blacks

1  2018-11-23 by BriefSquirt


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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Im so sorry snappy!

This is good for my ethnocrypto block chain.

Erm....they were a gang because they were hanging out together and their car bounced up and down.

Alright, seriously, who's alt is this?

I've seen this guy around before. Some edgelord T_D user cosplaying as Been Shapiro but he isn't actually smart so he just tries to defend himself with logical fallacies over and over in order to defend his shit opinions. Constantly asking for statistics, but if you actually deliver he just will denounce them.

I think he was hanging out in /r/drama for a while until he realized we don't like edgelord spergs

It's so noble the way you've done your part to make this corner of the internet safe for glorious warriors against badthink on the internet like you.

Yeah a T_Degenerate with a name like brettdidnothingwrong totally isn't some displaced /pol/ newfag highschooler

If you're in college you can fuck right off with the "lol high schooler" BS.

Y'all the same beast.

Lol I graduated from college like 2 years ago i use reddit just to goof off at work when i have to wait for things to load.


Goofing off at work

Lmao, how's Starbucks?

If not, what's it like working a job beneath you? Take yourself seriously, you're worth it.

>Waiting for things to load on the computer

>thinking I work a stand up job serving people

I understand high school education isn't as good as it used to be but are they really churning out people like you now?

Dude, if you're goofing off at work you clearly don't care and are being paid hourly.

That's the difference between a job and a career.

Frankly I don't care what you do LMAO. Did you want me to ask?

I'm sure your walmart brand Deepak Chopra statements on career buzzwords will surely help me realize that I have something better to do when waiting for VMs to spin up.

"Walmart brand Deepak Chopra statements on career buzzwords"

I like you a lot already lmao

Ain't no thang wrong with a little midnight banter while eating some leftover apple pie.

It's the backbone of this country I tell you hwat

we don't like edgelord spergs

We don't?

You want that guy seriousposting in here?

Since we lost pinging we have to treasure all of our lolcows.


user BrettDidNothingWrong - basically correct about everything.

The same people calling this racist would likely refuse to walk in an all black community in any inner city throughout the US because of the danger it presents.

I mean he isn't entirely wrong though.


well, I definitely wouldn't go wandering the streets of Carol City in Miami. It's true.

Name 👏 the 👏 nibba 👏